Crime scene: key to murder

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title Key to murder
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 87 minutes
classification Episode 367 ( List )
First broadcast August 10, 1997 on Das Erste
Director Sylvia Hoffman
script Leo W. Helm , Rudolf Bergmann , Rolf Silber
production Hans-Werner Honert
music Ralf Zang
camera Jürgen Heimlich
cut Kerstin Kexel

Key to Murder is a television film from the crime series Tatort by ARD and ORF . The film was produced by the SFB and first broadcast on August 10, 1997. It is the sixth case of the investigator duo Roiter and Zorowski and the 367th crime scene episode. Roiter and Zorowski have to clarify the nightly murder of a security guard on a large construction site and the identity of a body of water from the Wannsee.


Roiter and Zorowski have been called to the shore of the Wannsee and are present when a corpse found in the lake is being recovered. When the discovery of the corpse was published in the media, the security guard Heinz Bachmann became nervous, he spoke to a stranger on the phone and told him that he wanted to leave and asked for money. In the evening he meets with the unknown person on the large construction site on which he is doing security duty , instead of handing him the required DM 250,000, the unknown shoots Bachmann. The next morning Roiter and Zorowski are called to the crime scene. Bachmann was a kind of superior for the other security guards and generally hated on the construction site. Rainer Toplitz, the head of the security company, can identify the dead person, he states that Bachmann was a reliable employee, and of course the activity would make enemies on the construction site. Zorowski finds out that three illegal Romanian workers are missing on the construction site, according to statements by colleagues, it is likely that Bachmann blackmailed them. In the apartment of Bachmann, who used to be a police officer , the officers found expensive electronic items and evidence of his extortion. They receive information from a neighbor that someone must have searched Bachmann's apartment after his death, and he was in regular contact with a prostitute named Chantal, whose contact details the officers can find in the apartment.

Berk, the chairman of the interest group of the Berlin security company, visits Toplitz and admonishes them not to harm the image of the branch any further. Roiter seeks Chantal in the meantime, she reacts in shock to the news of Heinz Bachmann's death. She says that Bachmann was a customer of hers, where he got all the money from, she doesn't know. In the meantime, Toplitz burns a file that he stole from Bachmann's apartment after his death and burns it because he was also blackmailed with the documents from Bachmann. The next morning Roiter found out that Bachmann had resigned from the police force on suspicion of corruption and blackmail . Roiter and Zorowski visit Toplitz, who assumes to the officials that the missing Romanian workers killed Bachmann because of his extortion, he knows nothing of Bachmann's previous life. Toplitz is bugged by Berk, who immediately inquires about Roiter's superiors. Zorowski learns that a motorcycle key was found in the stomach of the tub body. Shortly before his death, Bachmann had deposited documents with Chantal, after reviewing them, she called Toplitz and offered him the file for a payment of DM 100,000, it was about a Martin Rauch, Toplitz agrees without hesitation. Shortly afterwards, Berk, who overheard the phone call, shows up at Chantal's and offers to buy the documents from her for DM 150,000, Chantal gets involved in the deal. Berk then advises her to temporarily disappear from Berlin.

Roiter learns from an ex-colleague in the security service that Toplitz has a dodgy past and that Berk is keeping an eye on him. The next morning Roiter meets Chantal preparing for her trip, he asks her about Toplitz, she is clueless about it and its past. He learns from his illegal work colleagues that his superior Huber is preventing their investigations. Huber is obviously under the influence of Berk, who blames human traffickers for the murder of Bachmann. Roiter meets Tanja, Toplitz 'adopted daughter. Roiter has established that her biological father was called Martin Rauch, Tanja tells him that he left the family and that Toplitz took care of her and her mother. Bachmann didn't like her because he kept asking her about her biological father and making hints. Berk is meanwhile informed about Roiter's investigation status from the wiretapping of Toplitz's house and has him and Zorowski monitored. Roiter thinks with Zorowski about why the man from Wannsee swallowed a motorcycle key. He hypothesizes that he suspected he was being murdered and wanted to give a clue about his murderer. The next morning Roiter learns that Bergmann was after Martin Rauch before he was thrown out by the police in Frankfurt. Rauch was a drug dealer and also supplied rock stars, while Toplitz worked as a bodyguard for these same stars. Zorowski found out that Toplitz was driving a machine during this time, when the man from Wannsee must have been killed, which could fit the key from the stomach. The two officers suspect that the dead man is Martin Rauch. Bachmann withheld much of the evidence in order to blackmail Toplitz.

Since Roiter has not yet had anything tangible against Toplitz, he asks his colleague from SoKo illegal work for administrative assistance. At Roiter's behest, the latter orders a raid on the construction site, while the alarmed Berk shows up there. Roiter tells him that he is convinced of Rainer Toplitz's guilt and wants to convict him, Berk has no interest in the matter coming to light. Due to Roiter's determination, however, he finally gives in and accepts his investigation. Finally, he anonymously passes the documents Chantal bought to him, so that Roiter finally has his evidence in hand. However, due to his previous solo efforts, he first has to wait for the arrest warrant. Toplitz knows that he will be arrested and confides in Berk. He says that Rauch had gone crazy when he heard that Toplitz wanted to take his wife and daughter with him. Therefore he would have killed him in a fight, he killed Bachmann again because he was asking too much money for his knowledge. Bachmann had apparently panicked because he had covered Rauch's murder and it was too hot for him after the unexpected discovery of the body. When Roiter is finally on his way to Toplitz 'house, he has just shot himself because of a deal - Berk will take care of Toplitz' family if Toplitz kills himself to avoid negative headlines for the industry. However, the officers found Berk's eavesdropping devices in Toplitz 'house, so they have an approach to investigate him.


The crime scene key to murder is a production on behalf of the SFB for Das Erste . The film was shot in Berlin . When it first aired on August 10, 1997, Key to Murder had 4.45 million viewers, corresponding to a market share of 18.06%.

The twelve films of the SFB with Winfried Glatzeder were not recorded on conventional film material, but with the help of Betacam video cameras, which resulted in a video clip aesthetic of the films that has been widely criticized. Police call 110: Seven Days of Freedom , produced by the SFB in 1995 , was also recorded in this format and also criticized.


TV Spielfilm rated the film negatively as "As exciting as a dose of valerian".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tatort: ​​Key to the murder at
  2. The Roiter era - 12 crime scenes from Berlin. at
  3. Key to the murder tv feature film