Thalhausen (Kranzberg)

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Community Kranzberg
Coordinates: 48 ° 25 ′ 48 ″  N , 11 ° 40 ′ 12 ″  E
Height : 501 m above sea level NN
Residents : 800  (2014)
Incorporation : July 1, 1971
Postal code : 85402
Area code : 08166

Thalhausen is a district of the municipality of Kranzberg in the district of Freising .


Thalhausen is located about 5 km west of Freising on the southern flank of a depression in the tertiary hill country , which the Thalhauser Graben flows through in a west-east direction. To the south is the large forest area of ​​the Kranzberger Forest. In the north and west the terrain rises slowly and is mainly used as arable land. In the east is the village of Ampertshausen, behind which the Freising Forest begins. The village lies at 480 (at the moat) to 501 m (castle chapel) above sea level. State road 2084 runs along the trench from Freising to Allershausen (to the A 9 motorway ).


Thalhausen Castle after a copper engraving by Michael Wening 1701–1726
Postcard from Thalhausen, ca.1900

The place appears for the first time as Talahusun in a document from Freising Bishop Waldo , who exchanged lands in Thalhausen with Bishop Zacharias von Brixen in the years 883–906 . Wittelsbacher Ministeriale, called "von Thalhausen" , was first mentioned around 1150 . The area is administered by the District Court of Kranzberg . In 1358 the Pullinger family was run as the lords of Thalhausen, and in 1554 the male line died out. In 1555, Lorenz Pronner, who married the last woman from Pullinger, received the area and achieved the Hofmark Justice for life.

Coat of arms of the Pullinger zu Thalhausen after the coat of arms collection of Philipp Apian from 1562

This included the lower jurisdiction as well as the right to compulsory service and taxes towards the subjects. From this point on, one can speak of a Hofmark Thalhausen, although there was never a special Hofmark survey; rather, the court righteousness was repeatedly transferred to the respective owners for life.

At the end of the 15th century there are reports of a castle that was rebuilt at the end of the 17th century. In 1707 the new St. Anna Palace Chapel, an octagonal central building with a slim onion dome, was inaugurated. In 1786, Count Maximilian Karl Theodor von Holnstein acquired the Hofmark with the castle and brewery; the castle was owned by their family until 1988, the brewery - whose dark beer Fürst Bismarck was so impressed with that he had it sent to him - was closed in 1923. With the secularization of 1803 Thalhausen is assigned to the newly created Freising Regional Court . In 1817 the court rights are dissolved and converted into a second class patrimonial court . As part of the 2nd community edict of 1818, Thalhausen with the suburbs Ampertshausen, Neuhausen, Oberberghausen, Oberthalhausen and Dorfacker becomes an independent community. As a result of the municipal reform of July 1, 1971, Thalhausen is incorporated into the municipality of Kranzberg .

In 1830 the village had 38 houses with 220 inhabitants, there was also the castle brewery and a brickworks. Thalhausen today has about 800 inhabitants.


Most of the residents are of the Catholic faith. They belong to the parish Wippenhausen in the parish association Kranzberg. The chapel in Ampertshausen, built at the end of the 18th century, and the St. Anna castle chapel are subsidiary churches of St. Nikolaus in Wippenhausen. The Protestant Christians are looked after by the Freising dean's office. Since 1990 the former palace has been converted into the St. Anna youth center of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising . With 48 places to stay overnight, a campsite and a hall for 130 people, it is available to groups and associations for self-catering.

Education and culture

There are no schools or kindergartens in Thalhausen. The "Agricultural Research Station Thalhausen of the Technical University of Munich " has been located in the Ampertshausen district since 1982 . The research areas are pig breeding, poultry breeding and feed production; a biogas plant is also operated.

The following associations and institutions contribute to cultural life:

  • Thalhausen volunteer fire brigade with youth fire brigade
  • Rifle club unity
  • Kindergarten Association Thalhausen e. V. (still without kindergarten)
  • Catholic rural youth Thalhausen / Wippenhausen
  • Warrior and Soldier Association Thalhausen / Wippenhausen
  • St. Anna youth center of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising with a campsite.


Thalhausen, St. Anna Castle Chapel
  • Former palace on a hill at the north-western end of the village from the 18th century, revised in the late Classicist style.
  • Castle chapel St. Anna from 1703. Of the interior, the figure of the Virgin Mary of Jakob Kaschauer from the late Gothic high altar of the Freising Cathedral in the high altar retable (around 1730) is particularly worth mentioning, which is now replaced by a copy. The original was in the chapel until 1916 and is now in the Bavarian National Museum in Munich. In the octagon there is a late Gothic Anna Selbdritt and a sculpture of St. Wolfgang (late 18th century).
  • Behind it is the old brewery cellar from the 18th century.
  • Delivery milestone between the Freisingischen Hofmark Wippenhausen and the care court Kranzberg from 1702; north at the edge of the forest.
  • On Wippenhauser Straße: a brick barn with a flat hipped roof, around 1850.
  • Ampertshausen No. 7: barn with half-hipped roof from 1771.
  • Bavarian State Arboretum in the Kranzberger Forest


In 2008 the Thalhauser Georg Neumair was elected to the Free Voting Community and Florian Vierthaler for the Kranzberg community list in the 15-member Kranzberg community council. Both were re-elected in 2014. In the municipal elections in Bavaria in 2014 , the participating parties achieved the following result in the Thalhausen constituency. After that, for comparison, the result for the entire municipality of Kranzberg:

Party / group of voters 2014 Thalhausen 2014 Kranzberg
CSU 31.3% 27.9%
SPD 3.4% 4.7%
Free community of voters Kranzberg 40.7% 41.3%
Kranzberg community list 24.6% 26.1%


  • Pankraz Fried : Historical Atlas of Bavaria. Series I, issue 11-12, Munich 1958, p. 239ff.

Individual evidence

  1. August Alckens: Freising district from the past and present. Freising 1962, p. 103 f. (with outdated dating to 895).
  2. Martin Bitschnau , Hannes Obermair : Tiroler Urkundenbuch, II. Department: The documents on the history of the Inn, Eisack and Pustertal valleys. Volume 1: By the year 1140 . Universitätsverlag Wagner, Innsbruck 2009, ISBN 978-3-7030-0469-8 , p. 77 No. 107 .
  3. ^ Historical Atlas of Bavaria , Series I, Issue 11–12, Munich 1958, p. 240.
  4. ( Memento of the original from December 11, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. ^ Josef Eisenmann: Topographical-statistical lexicon of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Erlangen 1832.