The Art of War III: The Retribution

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German title The Art of War III: The Retribution
Original title The Art of War III: Retribution
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2009
length 84 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Gerry Lively
script Joe Halpin
production Alison Semenza
music James Bairian
Louis Castle
camera Suki Medencevic
cut Randy Carter

The Art of War III: Retribution (original title: The Art of War III: Retribution ) is an action - thriller from 2009 directed by Gerry Lively with Anthony Criss in the lead role. It's the third installment to come out after The Art of War of 2000 and its sequel, The Art of War II: The Treason of 2008.


Shaw is an undercover agent for the United Nations . He first prevents a suicide attack by an Islamist terrorist , then kills the terrorist and the arms dealer who was the target of the planned attack on the street . He then escapes undetected and is given the job of hiring a Russian arms dealer who wants to sell a nuclear warhead to a group that wants to prevent the reunification of North and South Korea .

Shaw and his colleague Jason fly to Seoul from Shannon Field Airport . There they observe a driving range equipped with night vision devices and directional microphones at night , on which interested Asian buyers, including the prominent Korean businessman Chun, arrive shortly after and wait for the arms dealer. Shortly afterwards, a dispute breaks out between those waiting because - as it turns out later - they have different views on whether conventional or nuclear weapons should be purchased. Meanwhile, one of the UN agents is discovered and killed. An exchange of fire ensues. Shaw manages to incapacitate the criminals and bring Sun Yi, who was injured by a grazing shot, off the premises. She is taken to a warehouse in the South Korean port city of Incheon , because only she can establish contact with the Russian arms dealer who has not appeared.

Shaw's senior officer Michael Gates comes under pressure after Korean television coverage of the shooting . He is stabbed by two Korean killers in an underground car park while on the phone with Shaw.

According to Sun Yi, the arms deal was supposed to be about conventional weapons. Apparently the businessman Chun was only ambushed to be killed there and at the same time to accuse the United Nations of this murder. Meanwhile, the UN summit is getting closer, at which North Korea's plan to acquire nuclear weapons is to be discussed. Therefore, Shaw suspects that the murder of businessman Chun was simply aimed at sabotaging the UN summit .

Sun Yi said she was unaware of a nuclear weapons deal and was also deceived. But before she can escape with the two UN agents, they are tracked down by Korean killers in the warehouse and attacked. You manage to escape from the port area. On their escape, they find accommodation with an aunt of Sun Yi who runs a brothel . As soon as the three have arrived there, they are visited again by the killers. They leave the building under fire and flee again in the car. You go into hiding in a motel . Jason is sent by Shaw to a UN-established depot to collect the necessary equipment. During Jason's absence, Shaw and Sun Yi grow closer.

The next day, the day of the UN summit, the three of them make their way to the UN building in Seoul. Sun Yi uses cell phone to inform her accomplices about the plans of the UN agents. Disguised as a West African ambassador , Shaw gains access to the UN building to visit the UN Secretary General . Sun Yi accompanies him there, while Jason stays in contact with them by radio in a car in front of the building. He is attacked by two Korean killers, whom he can kill, but his electrical equipment is destroyed, so that the contact between Jason and Shaw is broken. Jason then gains access to the UN building.

While the UN Secretary General is talking to the South Korean ambassador in her office, Shaw and Sun Yi burst in. It turns out that Sun Yi works for the North Koreans and wants to kill the UN Secretary General as an assassin. She shoots the ambassador of South Korea and the South Korean intelligence chief and also hits Jason in the chest. However, since Jason wears a bullet-proof vest , he survived the hit and he and Shaw managed to overpower the assassin.

The UN Secretary General survived and the UN summit can take place.


The film was shot in Los Angeles , Hollywood and Long Beach , California . Filming began on September 18, 2006 and ended on October 13, 2006. The budget for the film is estimated at 10 million US dollars . The film was shot as a direct-to-DVD production . The DVD was released by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment on August 11, 2009 in the USA and on October 1, 2009 in Germany. On 4 November 2011, the film was the first time in the German Free TV of ProSieben aired.

Throughout the film, off-screen statements about warfare can be heard, which are written in the style of quotations from great warlords. Among them is Sunzi and his eponymous work for the film Die Kunst des Krieg ( The Art of War ).


The editorial team of Cinema is of the opinion that the film is a "thriller with amateur acting mimes and an embarrassing action choreography", and sums it up: "God pardon it: This is" The Art of Murks "".

The lexicon of international films judges the film to be "a moderate action film in which ex-rapper" Treach " slips into the role cliché of Wesley Snipes without giving the film any shape."

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Certificate of Approval for The Art of War III: The Retribution . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , June 2009 (PDF; test number: 118 604 DVD).
  2. Internet Movie Database : Filming Locations
  3. a b Internet Movie Database : Budget and Box Office Results
  4. ^ Cinema : film review
  5. ^ The Art of War III: Retaliation in the Lexicon of International FilmsTemplate: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used , accessed April 14, 2012

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