Theodor Noa

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The grave cross of Theodor Noas at the Protestant  Nikolaikirche in the city of Siegen

Theodor Paulus Walter Noa (born May 10, 1891 in Görlsdorf in der Neumark , † March 14, 1938 in Berlin ) was a German Protestant pastor.


He was the son of Pastor Theodor Noa and his wife Elise. His father died when he was six months old. He attended the preschool of the Princely High School in Sondershausen . At the age of seven he moved in with his mother's sister and her husband, Pastor Mätzold in Dresden . There he attended the Wettin grammar school from 1901 to 1911 . He took part in student Bible groups. Between 1911 and 1914 he studied Protestant theology in Leipzig , Bethel and Halle an der Saale .

Because of the beginning of the First World War , he took the first theological exam as an emergency test. Afterwards he volunteered for military service. In 1914 he got engaged to Martha Krumme from Bad Salzuflen . After completing his training, he did military service from 1915 and rose to lieutenant in the reserve by 1917 and company commander in 1918. He was awarded the Iron Cross I. and II. Class and the Knight's Cross of the II. Class of the Royal. Saxon. Order of Albrecht awarded with swords. On December 1, 1918, he was released from military service.

He became teaching vicar in the Neuenstadt parish in Bielefeld with pastors Michaelis and Wilhelm Kuhlo . In his thesis he dealt with the relationship between socialism and Christianity. After taking the second theological exam, he was ordained a Protestant pastor on January 4, 1920. From 1920 Noa was an assistant pastor in Hagen with a focus on youth care and youth welfare (youth pastor). He held this position until 1927. After that he was pastor in Siegen . He also worked outside the area in church youth work, including as chairman of the student Bible groups in Westphalia . He also helped to set up the youth school camps in Berchum near Hagen and Beienbach near Siegen.

Politically, he was involved in the Evangelical People's Service , a party of the Christian social movement founded by Adolf Stoecker and continued by his son-in-law Reinhard Mumm , which until the end of 1929 had belonged to the DNVP and was known for its anti-Semitism. In the final phase of the Weimar Republic , Noa turned against the NSDAP . Their regional structure attacked him and defamed him as a " 2nd degree Jewish mixed race ".

During the period of National Socialism is Noa joined the Pastors and the Confessing Church at. In 1937 he disappeared under unexplained circumstances. He was found dead in the Landwehr Canal near Berlin-Spandau on March 14, 1938. Why he was in Berlin is unknown. Whether he took his own life - he was deeply in debt - or was murdered because of his demeanor is also unknown.

He was the author of several ecclesiastical writings. Several streets and church-related institutions are named after Noa. In 1983, on the initiative of a youth group, his grave cross was brought from Berlin to Siegen. Today it is located on the north side of the Nikolaikirche . An information board placed next to the tomb provides information about the pastor's work.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hartmut Ludwig and Eberhard Röhm . Baptized Evangelical - persecuted as "Jews" . Calver Verlag Stuttgart 2014 p. 257
  2. Hermann Eberhardt: Die Nikolaikirche in Siegen, p. 20 ( Memento of the original from May 22, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF file, 4.3 MB; accessed September 28, 2012) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /