Ulrich Braukämper

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Ulrich Braukämper (born January 1, 1944 in Albaum ; † October 26, 2018 ) was an ethnologist at the University of Göttingen .


Ulrich Braukämper was born as the eldest of four children of the married couple Heinz Braukämper and Katharina geb. Kordes in Albaum, a village in what is now Kirchhundem .

School career and studies

Ulrich Braukämper attended the Catholic elementary school in Albaum from 1950 to 1954 and the Progymnasium Altenhundem (now Lennestadt ) from 1954 to 1959 . The school was converted into a modern language grammar school in 1959, which Ulrich Braukämper attended until he graduated from high school in 1964.

From 1964 to 1969 he studied ethnology at the University of Cologne with the minor subjects prehistory , sociology and oriental studies . In 1969 he received his doctorate with a dissertation on the influence of Islam in Cameroon .

Professional career

After graduating, Ulrich Braukämper became a research assistant at the Frobenius Institute for Africa Research in Frankfurt am Main . In 1970/71 and 1972 to 1974 he conducted research on the culture and history of peoples in southern Ethiopia . In 1972 study and lecture tours followed in West Africa . In 1979 Ulrich Braukämper was visiting professor at the Institute of Social Anthropology at the London School of Economics and Political Science . In 1980 he did research in the refugee camps in Somalia , followed by several research stays in Sudan from 1981 to 1984 . From 1985 to 1988 he was the scientific director of the “National Museum of Ethnography” in Khartoum , Sudan.

In 1990 Ulrich Braukämper completed his habilitation at the University of Munich . From 1990 to 1995 he worked in a special research area at the University of Frankfurt am Main on the interaction between humans and the environment in the West African savannah with a total of around 15 months of research in Nigeria and Burkina Faso .

From 1994 to 1995 he was a substitute for a chair at the University of Frankfurt am Main, and in 1995 he was appointed to a chair in ethnology at the University of Göttingen. From 1996 to 1999 he set up the Africa department in the Göttingen Museum of Ethnology . Until 2001 he worked on research programs in Ethiopia and Guatemala .

Publications (selection)

  • On the conflict between symbolistic and cultural materialistic approaches in the interpretation of food taboos. In: Elfriede Hermann, Karin Klenke, Michael Dickhardt (eds.): Form, power, difference. Motives and fields of ethnological research. Universitäts-Verlag Göttingen, Göttingen 2009, pp. 319–329.
  • Under the sign of genocide and ethnic cleansing. Arabs against Africans? Background to the civil war in Darfur. In: Georgia Augusta. Science magazine of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. May 5, 2007, pp. 32-38.
  • Problems of Resettlement from the Hadiyya-Kambaata Regions in Schemes of Northwestern Ethiopia. In: Siegbert Uhlig: Proceedings of the XIVth International Conference of Ethiopian Studies. Hamburg July 20-25. 2003. Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2006, pp. 38–47.
  • In the field of tension between science and political activism. Leo Frobenius as a secret agent in Northeast Africa. In: Karl-Heinz Kohl, Editha Platte (Hrsg.): Gestalter und Gestalten. 100 years of ethnology in Frankfurt a. M. Stroem-feld Verlag, Frankfurt a. M./Basel 2006, pp. 167-186.
  • Controversy over Local Tradition and National Context: Case Study of the Hadiyya. In: Walter Raunig, Steffen Wenig (ed.): Afrikas Horn. Files from the First International Littmann Conference May 2-5, 2002 in Munich. Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2005, pp. 363–376.
  • For the ethnological perception and research of “terra incognita”. In: Katja Geisenheimer, Katharina Lange (ed.): Movable horizons. Festschrift for Bernhard Streck's 60th birthday. Leipziger Universitätsverlag, Leipzig 2005, pp. 51–65.
  • Towards a Chronology of Arabic Settlement in the Chad Basin. In: Matthias Krings, Editha Platte: Living with the Lake. Perspectives on History, Culture, and Economy of Lake Chad. Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, Cologne 2004, pp. 148–170.
  • Islamic History and Culture in Southern Ethiopia - Collected Essays. 2nd revised edition. Lit-Verlag, Münster et al. 2004. (Göttingen Studies on Ethnology, Volume 9)
  • Mythical stories about the origin of the Nyimang-Nuba from Nitil, Sudan. In: Dieter Kramer et al. (Ed.): Missio, Message and Museum. Festschrift for Josef Franz Thiel on his 70th birthday. Verlag Otto Lembeck, 2003, pp. 163-171.
  • Trauma to a generation of ethnologists? The conference of the German Society for Ethnology in Göttingen in 1969. In: Journal for Ethnology. Volume 127, 2002, pp. 301-319.
  • Bedouin. In: Georg Pfeffer, Deepak Kumar Behera: Contemporary Society: Tribal Studies. Volume Five. Concept of Tribal Society. Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi 2002, pp. 283-307.
  • Islamic History and Culture in Southern Ethiopia. Collected essays. Lit Verlag, Münster et al. 2002. (Göttingen Studies on Ethnology, Volume 9)
  • Ethnology of Globalization. Perspectives on cultural entanglements. Reimer Verlag, Berlin 2002. (Ed. With Brigitta Hauser-Schäublin)
  • The Meritorious Complex: A German Approach to Ethiopian Anthropology. In: Baye Yimam et al .: Ethiopian Studies at the End of the Second Millennium. Proceedings of the XIVth International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, November 6-11, 2000. Addis Ababa. (in Three Volumes) Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa 2002, Volume 2, pp. 706-724.
  • Gustav Nachtigal. In: Christian F. Feest , Karl-Heinz Kohl (Hrsg.): Hauptwerke der Ethnologie (= Kröner's pocket edition . Volume 380). Kröner, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-520-38001-3 , pp. 338-343.
  • "The contribution of German ethnology to research on Ethiopia". In: Piotr O. Scholz: From Hiob Ludolf to Enrico Cerulli, Halle / S., 3. – 5. October 1996. Files from the 2nd meeting of the Orbis Aethiopicus Society for the Preservation and Promotion of Ethiopian Culture. Warszawa / Wiesbaden 2001, pp. 159-170. (Bibliotheca nubica et aethiopica 8)
  • The 'merit complex': Review of a research focus of German eth-nology. In: Journal of Ethnology. Volume 126, 2001, pp. 1-29.
  • Management of Conflicts over Pastures and Fields among the Baggara Arabs of the Sudan Belt. In: Nomadic Peoples. NS 4, 1, 2000, pp. 37-49.
  • Colonial ethnology in Göttingen and Witzenhausen. In: Bernhard Streck (Ed.): Ethnology and National Socialism. Escher Verlag, Gehren 2000, pp. 193-214.
  • Fandaano: A Vanishing Socio-Religious System of the Hadiyya in Southern Ethiopia. In: Bulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research. Volume 40, 1999-2000, pp. 53-63.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary notice , in: Göttinger Tageblatt of November 10, 2018.
  2. Wolfgang Horn (Ed.): 90 years of high school in Lennestadt-Altenhundem, 40 years of the association of former students of the Lennestadt high school. Lennestadt 2001, pp. 203ff.
  3. Publications of Prof. Dr. Ulrich Braukämper. Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology and The Ethnographic Collection (as of December 9, 2010)