Under suspicion: a land game

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Episode in the series Under Suspicion
Original title A country game
Country of production Germany
original language German
Eikon Media GmbH
length 90 minutes
classification Episode 2 ( list )
First broadcast February 15, 2003 on ZDF
Director Friedemann Fromm
script Alexander Adolph
music Manu short
camera Jo home
cut Eva Schnare

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Eine Landpartie is a German television film by Friedemann Fromm from 2003 . It is the second episode of the ZDF crime film series Unter Verdacht with Senta Berger as Dr. Eva Maria Prohacek in the lead role.


The criminal inspector Eva Maria Prohacek has her superior Dr. Claus Reiter suspected of being involved in a corruption affair. In the meantime, your department for civil servant crime prefers to deal with the irregularities found in the business travel expense reports of the public prosecutor Christian Thalhammer. During an interrogation with her, he revealed that a public prosecutor friend had been murdered because he knew too much about the arms dealer Krugs. However, the files on the case at the time have disappeared. Prohacek remains persistent and continues to investigate in all directions.


The film was shot from June 18, 2002 to the end of July 2002 in and around Munich . The episode was first broadcast on February 15, 2003 at 8:15 p.m. on ZDF .


The critics of the television magazine TV Spielfilm gave the film the best possible rating, they pointed with the thumbs up. They stated: "A pearl among German TV thrillers".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See presseportal.de
  2. See crew-united.com
  3. See tvspielfilm.de