Under suspicion: Eva's last walk

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Episode in the series Under Suspicion
Original title Eva's last course
Country of production Germany
original language German
Eikon Media GmbH
length 105 minutes
classification Episode 30 ( List )
First broadcast October 25, 2019 on arte
Director Andreas Herzog
script Stefan Holtz ,
Florian Iwersen
music Sebastian pill
camera Wolfgang Aichholzer
cut Gerald Slovak

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Eva's last course is a German TV film by Andreas Herzog from 2019 . It is the thirtieth and last episode of the ZDF crime film series Unter Verdacht with Senta Berger as Dr. Eva Maria Prohacek in the lead role. Prohacek's last case follows on from her first Covered Game , in which a single mother of two young children died in a house fire. In addition to the by Rudolf Krause played investigators André Langner and that of Gerd Anthoff embodied supervisor Dr. Claus Reiter is played by guest stars Heinz-Josef Braun , Julia Franz Richter , Anton Spieker , Svenja Jung and Marek Harloff . Michael Lerchenberg , Wolfgang Maria Bauer , Friedrich von Thun , Michael Greiling and Helmut Berger appear again in their roles in short scenes.


Review: A man breaks into a house and pushes a woman against the wall so brutally that she collapses unconscious. Candles are burning on a table. Two children, a boy and a girl, come home from school. Suddenly the girl starts to run and call for her mom. From the house the child is walking towards, there is strong smoke from a window and the flames lick.

Thomas, an elderly police officer, is turned away by a young woman named Sarah. Desperate, he screams that he loved her after all and believed that he could do it again with her. Then he pulls out his service weapon, holds it to his temple and pulls the trigger after saying he is sorry.

Dr. Eva Maria Prohacek is called to the crime scene with her colleague André Langner. Prohacek's superior Dr. Claus Reiter bursts into the interrogation of Sigi Steinhäuser, a colleague of the dead police officer Thomas Weber, which Prohacek and Langner found strange. Shortly afterwards Lukas Weiss, Sarah's brother, appears at Eva Prohacek's and wants to know whether Prohaceks no longer remembers him. All of a sudden, Prohacek's memory of the case, her first, is back. Lukas Weiss tells the detective that his sister has disappeared and that he cannot reach her on her cell phone either.

The former police officer and employee of the Munich building authority Josef Bangert has now ordered his old cronies, waterworks boss Toni Schiermeier, brewery owner Schorch Bichler, building contractor Wastl Rossmeisl and detective chief Claus Reiter into his house on the grounds that we have to talk. In addition to the money that has already flowed, he demands 100,000 euros from each of them for his silence, because he has nothing more to lose. The men react irritably to his request. Reiter wants to know from Bangert whether Sarah Weiss was with him. Bangert says she knows everything, he had to tell her everything, she held a gun to his head. But he was able to knock her down as he left and then called Schorschi. He says that he tried to suffocate Sarah Weiss, who suddenly came to, but that she was ultimately unable to do it. Horrified, the men shout at each other: “What, she's still alive?” Reiter stands up and wants to know where his friend Schorsch has taken Sarah Weiss.

When Prohacek, Langner and Steinhäuser question Bangert and he seems to be close to telling everything, Reiter bursts into the interrogation and orders Prohacek to come to the door. There he tells her that Sarah Weiss was found dead at a weir and that she had committed suicide. Prohacek is deeply affected. Sarah's brother Lukas is convinced that his sister never jumped off a bridge. Langner tries to convince Prohacek that they both have to pursue the case further, otherwise Reiter would usurp the investigation and that would be it. It couldn't be that such people would just get away with it.

Prohacek and Langner Reiter try to nail down the widow of the now deceased judge Böhm, who at the time had distributed the bribes in a property speculation on a large scale in the “Paradise Garden” construction project and meticulously recorded all payments. Prohacek speaks to Dr. Keller, who autopsied Sarah Weiss and tells her that he was an assistant doctor at the autopsy of Sarah's mother. Reiter prevented further investigations from being carried out on Martina Weiss on the grounds that this was not necessary, the case was already clear. Since there was nothing to prove to Reiter and his companions, Lukas Weiss took this as an opportunity to ambush Reiter who is about to leave with suitcases full of money. He overpowers it and douses it with gasoline, then ignites it. He should burn like his mother did back then. Prohacek and Langner, who, thanks to Schorsch Bichler's statement, finally have something in their hands against Reiter and his companions, appear at Reiter at this very moment. Although Reiter is also responsible for the fact that Eva Prohacek almost fell victim to an attempted murder during her first mission, she protects herself in front of them and, together with Langner, prevents Weiss from putting his plan into action. Reiter is arrested.

In the cemetery, Prohacek tells Lukas Weiss how his sister died. Bichler left her tied up and gagged in his boathouse. When she came to there and tried to free herself, she fell face down into the water and drowned. Reiter, who, like his spies, was of the opinion that Sarah Weiss had to go, found her there dead and brought her to the weir to make it look as if she had jumped off the bridge.


Filming, publication

The film was shot in and around Munich between October 16 and November 27, 2018 . The producer of the film was Mario Krebs. Eva's last walk was on October 25, 2019. Prime Time on arte erstausgestrahlt. The French title is Double jeu - La dernière enquête . The film premiered in Ludwigshafen at the Festival of German Films .


Eva's last course is the sixth film in the series directed by Andreas Herzog. In addition to the episodes Return (2011), Without Forgiveness (2013) and Grauzone (2015), he also directed the outstanding film Das Blut der Erde (2013) and the gripping two-part Lost Security (2017).


The opening credits to the film read: “Based on the scripts and characters from episodes 1 and 2 of the series Unter Verdacht developed by Alexander Adolph .” Adolph wrote the scripts for the first two films directed by Friedemann Fromm . The opening series Verdecktes Spiel was awarded the Adolf Grimme Prize . This film was about real estate deals. At the time, Martina Weiss's house stood in the way of the “Paradise Garden” construction project. Allegedly she died in a house fire. Her daughter Sarah is now 17 years later trying to prove that her mother was murdered. Sarah took up the job of a police officer to bring the truth to the truth about her mother's death. She began an affair with an elderly police officer, a bodyguard, which was only a means to an end to get the address of Josef Bangert, a former employee of the Munich building authority. After serving his sentence, Bangert lives in witness protection - the truth about Martina Weiss's death should continue to be covered up. Eva Prohacek was able to find her first case in which her boss Dr. Claus Reiter seemed to be involved, also because she did not pursue it with her own tenacity, because she had to cope with the death of her son at the time.


Audience rating

1.52 million viewers tuned in to the end of the ZDF crime series Unter Verdacht , which premiered on arte, which gave the station a market share of 5.2% and an annual record for the small station. The equally successful first broadcast of the last episode in the ZDF main program on March 28, 2020 won the day with 7.03 million viewers and a market share of 19.8 percent; A market share of 6.9 percent was achieved in the group of 14 to 49 year old viewers .


The critics of the television magazine TV Spielfilm gave the film the best possible rating by showing the thumbs up, and gave two out of a possible three points for claim, one for action and three for excitement. Senta Berger proves with “wonderfully nuanced play and without big words in her last mission that 'Unter Verdacht' was one of the best European crime series” - “and she is the best possible cast for the quiet huntress Eva Prohacek”. It was further praised: “A stunning final act with heart, strength and understanding - even if you look at the figure of the corrupt Dr. Reiter, whom Gerd Anthoff always had so brilliantly oscillated between Machiavelli and Hanswurst, would have wished for a more conciliatory finale. ”Conclusion:“ A furious end to one of the best crime series ”.

Thomas Gehringer wrote about the final film of the series on tittelbach.tv : “Not every film was really big on television, but an off-the-peg thriller was never 'Unter Verdacht'. Curtain up for Prohacek and Langner's final wrestling with opponent Reiter - and for the wonderful acting trio Senta Berger, Rudolf Krause and Gerd Anthoff. ”He gave the film 5.5 out of a possible 6 points. The journalist also stated that the "constant struggle of the trio will be dramatically taken to extremes at the end". The last interrogation was "intense" and "precisely staged and played, [...] calm, concentrated, only provided with the most necessary dialogue sentences and completely trusting the fine art of the actors and the change of perspective of the camera". It is as if in this scene “the threads run together not only from the first two, but from all past episodes. And as if under the magnifying glass, the special quality of the series can be seen once again, "which will be" missing as a unique color on German crime television ".

On the Golden Camera page , Kristina Heuer headlined “Furious finale” and wrote: “What a worthy farewell: Not only are the many loose narrative threads finally coming together, Eva too, in order to be able to look into the future, rolls up her past. It gets serious, in places even sentimental and melancholy. Almost touching, the relationship between Prohacek and her colleague Langner develops into a kind of friendship in a pleasantly unexcited way. ”It is“ the fine, quiet nuances ”that“ make this episode so great ”. Senta Berger played “brilliantly”, “the aging detective who was strong, but also fragile”. After this “furious finale”, “this great investigator will be all the more missed on German TV”.

Also Tilmann P. Gangloff joined on evangelisch.de on the judgment that the German television with, Under Suspicion ', one of his "profiliertesten crime series" lose, however, curtailed that, Eve's last walk' upsets me that the crime level in Basically only start after thirty minutes. Then, however, the film reaches "the usual level of the series, especially since Senta Berger is worth seeing as always". The "extraordinary quality" of the films results anyway "not least from the excellent achievements of the Berger / Anthoff / Krause trio".

Jens Szameit from Prisma also regretted the end of the crime series and wrote: "It sounds presumptuous in the face of the persistent oversaturation with public-law crime novels, but the - pardon - 'oide Kachl' from the department for official offenses will be missed."

In the Tagesspiegel , Thilo Wydra particularly focused on the “wonderful Senta Berger in the role of Dr. Eva Prohacek ”and said:“ This final case should also be one of the highlights of this series, which is always unusual and always somewhat out of the ordinary for television. The narration is as intelligent as it is clever, the arc of suspense is maintained throughout, the spiral of tension in the second half is still somewhat tightened. "The staging is" subtly reserved "and Senta Berger interprets her role" with all her empathy, her sensitivity and her diversity " . It is "a celebration to watch this actress". After a decade and a half, 'Eva's last course' is “a very worthy finish”.

Wolfgang Platzeck from the Berliner Morgenpost also regretted the end of the "multiple award-winning series" and took up the end of the film in which Eva Prohacek and André Langner admit to each other that they will miss each other. The audience is also feeling sad, so that they both want to call out: “We will miss you both.” Platzeck spoke of “wonderful main actors who have almost become guiding stars in the overcrowded crime fiction sky”. Eva Prohacek is going into retirement because "the irreplaceable Senta Berger announced her departure from the series two years ago". "The actress", who was "an unbelievable 76 years old when the film was set," no longer wanted to play a civil servant "who would have long since retired in real life".

The film service was also full of praise for the "outstanding crime series that draws a bow to the first part 'Hidden Game' (2002)". The “brilliantly played final episode” takes up “with sadness and bitter serenity the central issues of integrity and justice” and brings the series “to a befitting conclusion - worth seeing from 14”.

In the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Hans Hoff chose the headline “Don't go” for the “great Senta Berger”, who “actually no longer” has to be praised for “her work, her play, her still shy elegance”. But when you see “how she put on Prohacek”, “how she says more at a glance than other actors in a full 90 minutes, then you want to convey a heartfelt wish to her,” which reads: “Go not. ”With regard to the final film, Hoff said what the authors Holtz and Iwersen had designed with director Herzog for the finale,“ shines like a diamond in the German crime thriller ”. This has to do with "the excellent leadership of the story, which always takes new turns", "without overwhelming the audience". The film is "extremely exciting because the basic structure and details are right". Hoff also praised the “precise dialogues” and “an impressive film music” as well as the “wonderfully composed images”. And “the main characters” cannot be “given enough compliments”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Under suspicion - Eva's last course See crew-united.com
  2. Under suspicion: Eva's last course at filmportal.de
  3. a b Tilmann P. Gangloff : TV tip: “Under suspicion: Eva's last course” see page evangelisch.de. Retrieved November 17, 2019.
  4. Annual record for arte: “Under suspicion” final defeated at 8.15 p.m. Sat.1, Vox, RTLzwei and others see page meedia.de
  5. The mirror
  6. fernsehserien.de
  7. Under suspicion: Eva's last course See tvspielfilm.de (including 6 film images). Retrieved November 17, 2019.
  8. Thomas Gehringer: Series "Under Suspicion - Eva's Last Course". Berger, Krause, Anthoff, Holtz / Iwersen, Herzog. A crime fiction color that will be missing see page tittelbach.tv. Retrieved November 17, 2019.
  9. Kristina Heuer: "Under suspicion: Eva's last course": Senta Berger says goodbye see page goldenekamera.de. Retrieved November 17, 2019.
  10. Jens Szameit: Last episode only with Arte “Under Suspicion”: see page prisma.de for the appropriate finale of the crime series . Retrieved November 17, 2019.
  11. Thilo Wydra : Senta Berger's last case: "Under suspicion" Departure with dignity In: Der Tagesspiegel , October 25, 2019. Retrieved on November 17, 2019.
  12. Wolfgang Platzeck: "Under Suspicion": Senta Berger says goodbye with greatness. In: Berliner Morgenpost , October 25, 2019. Retrieved on November 17, 2019.
  13. Under suspicion: Eva's last walk. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed February 22, 2020 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  14. Hans Hoff : Don't go. For 17 years Senta Berger was in "Under Suspicion" the criminal officer Dr. Prohacek. Now she is celebrating farewell. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, October 24, 2019. Retrieved November 17, 2019.