Valter Ever

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Valter Ever
medal table


Summer student world championships
gold 1924 Warsaw high jump
gold 1924 Warsaw Pole vault
gold 1924 Warsaw Long jump
silver 1924 Warsaw Triple jump
silver 1924 Warsaw Pentathlon

Valter Ever (born October 24, jul. / 6. November  1902 greg. In Tallinn ; † 10. July 1981 in Stockholm ) was an Estonian athlete and diplomat .



He attended from 1917 to 1921 boys' grammar school in Tallinn and was then enrolled to 1925 to study law at the University of Tartu . Between 1924 and 1926 he worked as a diplomat at the headquarters of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During the same period, he also held the position of Vice-President of the Estonian Football Association , which had been founded three years earlier . Until 1931 he was a lawyer in the August Reis law firm and part-time legal advisor to numerous Tallinn companies, before moving to the Estonian Sports Court in 1932. He was a member of this until 1940.

In 1944 Ever fled the Soviet occupation of Estonia to Sweden . He worked as a lawyer in Stockholm.

Athletic career

Ever celebrated his greatest sporting successes in 1924 at the Summer Student World Championships - a forerunner of today's Universiade - in the Polish capital Warsaw . He was able to secure the respective gold medals in the high, long and pole vault as well as the second places in the triple jump and pentathlon. With these results, he became the outstanding athlete of the competitions.

In the same year he represented his home country at the Summer Olympics in Paris . In the high, long and pole vault, however, he already failed in the corresponding qualifying rounds. Instead of the five-man combination, this time he also tried the decathlon , but gave up as the fifth discipline after the 400-meter run . It should be noted that his pentathlon performance at the student world championships would have given him victory at the Olympic Games.

Personal best

discipline meter date
Pole vault 3.53 m 1924
Long jump 6.85 m 1924

Individual evidence

  1. Triin Mulla, Peep Pillak, Jüri Trei, Heini Vilbiks: Eesti välisteenistus. Biograafiline leksikon. 1918 - 1991 ( Memento of the original dated August 23, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 5.8 MB). Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2006, ISBN 9985-9364-7-7 , page 41 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

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