Verbandsgemeinde Höhr-Grenzhausen

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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the Höhr-Grenzhausen community
Verbandsgemeinde Höhr-Grenzhausen
Map of Germany, position of the Verbandsgemeinde Höhr-Grenzhausen highlighted

Coordinates: 50 ° 26 '  N , 7 ° 40'  E

Basic data
State : Rhineland-Palatinate
County : Westerwaldkreis
Area : 35.88 km 2
Residents: 13,433 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 374 inhabitants per km 2
License plate : WW
Association key : 07 1 43 5003
Association structure: 4 municipalities
Association administration address
Rathausstrasse 48
56203 Höhr-Grenzhausen
Website : www.hoehr-
Mayor : Thilo Becker
Location of the association community Höhr-Grenzhausen in the Westerwaldkreis
Template: Infobox community association in Germany / maintenance / coat of arms

The Verbandsgemeinde Höhr-Grenzhausen is an administrative unit in the legal form of a regional authority in the Westerwaldkreis in Rhineland-Palatinate . The municipality of the association includes the town of Höhr-Grenzhausen and three independent local communities , the administrative seat is in the eponymous town of Höhr-Grenzhausen. The association is located in the Kannenbäckerland .

Association members communities

Local parish, city Area (km²) Residents
Hilgert 4.57 1,507
Hillscheid 14.08 2,426
Höhr-Grenzhausen , city 15.89 9,261
Kammerforst 1.34 239
Verbandsgemeinde Höhr-Grenzhausen 35.89 13,433

(Residents on December 31, 2019)

Population development

The development of the number of inhabitants in relation to the current area of ​​the Höhr-Grenzhausen association; the values ​​from 1871 to 1987 are based on censuses:

year Residents
1815 3,106
1835 4,199
1871 4,988
1905 7,753
1939 8,286
1950 9,692
year Residents
1961 11,362
1970 11,939
1987 12,144
1997 14,403
2005 14,165
2019 13,433


Association municipal council

The Verbandsgemeinderat Höhr-Grenzhausen consists of 28 voluntary council members, who were elected in a personalized proportional representation in the local elections on May 26, 2019 , and the full-time mayor as chairman.

The distribution of seats in the municipal council:

choice SPD CDU FDP GREEN FWG total
2019 6th 8th 1 4th 9 28 seats
2014 8th 10 0 3 7th 28 seats
2009 9 10 1 2 6th 28 seats
2004 8th 13 1 - 6th 28 seats
  • FWG = Free Voting Group Kannenbäckerland e. V.


On August 1, 2009, Thilo Becker became mayor of the Höhr-Grenzhausen community. In the direct election on May 7, 2017, he was confirmed in his office for a further eight years with 88.86% of the votes. Becker's predecessors were Jürgen Johannsen (Mayor 1991–2009) and Wendelin Knesen (1971–1991).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c State Statistical Office Rhineland-Palatinate - population status 2019, districts, municipalities, association communities ( help on this ).
  2. State Statistical Office Rhineland-Palatinate - regional data
  3. ^ The regional returning officer RLP: Association council election 2019 Höhr-Grenzhausen. Retrieved August 26, 2019 .
  4. The Regional Returning Officer Rhineland-Palatinate: Municipal elections 2014, Verbandsgemeinderatswahlen
  5. State Statistical Office Rhineland-Palatinate: Direct election 2017: Höhr-Grenzhausen, VG. May 16, 2017. Retrieved December 19, 2019 .
  6. ^ Verbandsgemeinde Höhr-Grenzhausen: History of the mayors. Retrieved December 19, 2019 .