Association for Homeland Care and Local History Bad Godesberg

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The "history pillar" set up by the association in the city park in 2005

The Association for Homeland Care and Local History Bad Godesberg (VHH) was founded in the middle of the 19th century as a beautification association to promote the development of the former community of Godesberg into an attractive spa and bathing resort. The association, which still exists today, has contributed in many ways to the maintenance of the site and its history. The Godesberger Rheinallee and the Rhine promenade at the turn of the century are considered to be the most important achievement of the association . The association is recognized as a non-profit because of the promotion of home care and local history.


The association was founded in 1869 with the support of Mayor Carl August von Groote by five Godesbergers, including Ludwig Maximilian Freiherr von Rigal and the art-loving landlord Constantin Hölscher (1829-1892), who was appointed the first chairman of the embellishment association. The most important work of the association was initially to finance and set up benches and shelters for walkers. In 1876 the association set up Germany's first weather pillar in Godesberg . The construction of the promenade on the banks of the Rhine required extensive construction work and was carried out in cooperation with the Godesberg community represented by Mayor Anton Dengler over the years 1880 to 1910. Most of the construction costs were borne by the association.

From 1919 to 1922 the mayor of Godesberg, Josef Zander, was chairman of the beautification association . Under him it was expanded to an association for home care . From 1922 Hermann Wendelstadt, who had sold the Redoute to the community in 1920 , headed the association as chairman. In 1961 the name was changed to Association for Homeland Care and Local History Bad Godesberg (VHH). In 1965 the Mehlem Beautification Association (VVM) became part of the Godesberg Association. A former chairman of the Mehlemer Verein was Peter Wald . Martin Ammermüller has been chairman of the VHH since 2009 .


In 1920 the association published the extensive work “History of Godesberg and its Surroundings” by Alfred Wiedemann . The “Godesberger Heimatblätter” have been published since 1963. The approximately 200-page annual issue is still published today. In the 50 issues up to the anniversary year 2013, 600 articles by 150 authors appeared. Since 1978 the association has also published a periodical leaflet on sightseeing tours in Bad Godesberg. Books on local history have been published under the imprint “Godesberger Schriften” since 2013, for example a work by Georg Schwedt in 2015 (“ Ferdinand Wurzer and the founding of the Godesberger Gesundbrunnen”).

Recent activities

One focus of the association's activities in recent years has been the installation of information boards in historical buildings or locations. In addition, the association is committed to the protection and renovation of buildings and monuments. New monuments are also financed. In 1981 a replica of the Aesculapian stone was erected on the Godesburg , in 1989 the historical Jewish cemetery on the lower part of the castle hill was repaired. In 2005 the association set up a "history pillar" made of basalt in the city ​​park , and in 2010 a bronze model of the undamaged Godesburg by Friedemann Sander in the courtyard of the castle ruins. In 2013 the “Faun and Nymph” fountain (originally installed in the park of the Heydt'schen Villa on Wacholderhöhe ) and in 2014 the “Probussäule” were renovated and implemented. In 2013, the association took over the sponsorship of the “Knabe an der Quelle” fountain. The surprisingly complex reconstruction of the historic Draischbrunnen in 2015 brought the association into economic difficulties at short notice.


  • Martin Ammermüller : Association for Homeland Care and Local History Bad Godesberg 1869–2019. 150 years of commitment to Bad Godesberg . In: Godesberger Heimatblätter: Annual volume of the Association for Home Care and Home History Bad Godesberg eV , ISSN  0436-1024 , Volume 56 (2018), Association for Home Care and Home History Bad Godesberg, Bad Godesberg 2019, pp. 9-96. [not yet evaluated for this article]

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Horst Heidermann : Constantin Hölscher - a Godesberg painter of the early days . In: Godesberger Heimatblätter: Annual issue of the Association for Home Care and Home History Bad Godesberg eV , ISSN  0436-1024 , Issue 38 (2000), Association for Home Care and Home History Bad Godesberg, Bad Godesberg 2001, p. 8–32 (here: p. 8 ).
  2. ^ Rüdiger Franz, Heimatverein Bad Godesberg: A homage to the old Mehlem , July 29, 2013, Bonner General-Anzeiger
  3. a b c Yannick Schwiperich, Well season in Bonn: Around 100 water features in operation , May 14, 2014, Bonner General-Anzeiger
  4. ^ Godesburg , October 16, 2014 (last update), website of the city of Bonn
  5. A brass plaque for the mineral spring: 225 years of the Draitsch spring in Bad Godesberg , May 14, 2015, Der Politik Stammtisch Bonn e. V., Bonn
  6. ^ Rüdiger Franz, Heimatverein Bad Godesberg: Draitschbrunnen will be even more expensive , June 30, 2015, Bonner General-Anzeiger