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Vertus coat of arms
Vertus (France)
local community Blancs-Coteaux
region Grand Est
Department Marne
Arrondissement Epernay
Coordinates 48 ° 54 '  N , 4 ° 0'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 54 '  N , 4 ° 0'  E
Post Code 51130
Former INSEE code 51612
Incorporation 1st January 2018

Vertus is a former French commune with the last 2372 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2015) in the Marne department in the Grand Est region . It was the main town ( French chef-lieu ) of the canton of Vertus-Plaine Champenoise until 2017 , and it was the main town of the canton of Vertus until its dissolution in 2015 .

On January 1, 2018, Vertus merged with Oger , Gionges and Voipreux to form the Commune nouvelle Blancs-Coteaux .


Southern center of the "Côte des blancs", approx. 20 km south of Épernay , on the main road Metz-Paris. Approx. 140 km to Paris.

Population development

year 1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2006 2014
Residents 2,617 2,663 2,835 2,837 2,495 2,513 2,653 2,407
Source: Cassini and INSEE


Vertus is an important wine-growing area on the Côte des blancs , part of the growing area for the base wine of champagne (see also Champagne (wine-growing area) ). The municipality's vineyards are classified as Premier Cru , i. H. classified as good, but not as top locations. As everywhere on the Cote des Blancs dominated Blend of Chardonnay . One sixth of the stock in Vertus is made up of Pinot noir . The landowners in Vertus include the large champagne houses Moët & Chandon , Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin and Roederer .


The Bourg Champagne Cellar is renowned for its Blanc-de-Blancs Champagnes (white champagne made from 100% white grapes, Chardonnay), which are classified as Premier Cru .

County of Vertus Anno 1477
Vibrating panels in the chalk gallery

Buildings and sights

  • Saint-Martin church, built between the end of the 11th century and the beginning of the 12th century, three crypts and chased capitals.
  • Puits Saint-Martin, at the foot of the church of St. Martin, there is an idyllic piece of water, fed by many springs, where swans and ducks like to rest.
  • Porte Baudet, from the Middle Ages
  • Wogner hall, events
  • Mayor's office, in its day the rooms were occupied by an old maladrerie, which was run by resolute ladies, the Dames Régentes , who were responsible for the education of young girls. The house has been home to the Mairie since 1807.
  • Surroundings: Lac du Der-Chantecoq , reservoir of the Marne and the largest reservoir in France, with a local museum of the rescued buildings

Villeneuve-Vertus military airfield

During both world wars, there was the Vertus airfield, also Villeneuve-Vertus, five to six kilometers northeast of Villeneuve, two kilometers north-northeast.

During the First World War, it initially served the French armed forces as a military airfield . In February / March 1918 it became the first front-line position of the United States Army Air Service , whose 94th and 95th Aero Squadrons flew their first missions here on their Nieuport 28 . At the beginning of April, control was returned by the Americans to the French Aéronautique Militaire .

The British Royal Air Force used the former area in 1939/1940 in the first months of World War II. At the beginning of the western campaign of the German Wehrmacht , their 105th Squadron, equipped with Fairey Battle , was located here .

The German Air Force only operated from Vertus in 1944. The only unit stationed here was the I. Group of Jagdgeschwader 27 , equipped with Bf 109G , which was stationed here in the first 10 days after the start of the Allied invasion of Normandy and returned to Vertus for a few days at the end of June 1944.

After the liberation of the area by the Allies, the area previously bombed by them was briefly used by them from the beginning of September 1944 as Airfield A.63 , according to its Allied code designation. The only unit stationed here was the 441st Troop Carrier Group of the Ninth Air Force of the United States Army Air Forces , which was stationed here with its C-47 until the beginning of October 1944 .

After the war, the area was used again for agriculture.

Town twinning

We have had a partnership relationship with Bammental in Germany since June 18, 1966.


See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Préfecture de la Marne: Arrêté portant création de la commune nouvelle «Blancs-Coteaux». In: Recueil des actes administratifs du département de la Marne. December 22, 2017, p. 33 , accessed January 20, 2018 .

Web links

Commons : Vertus  - collection of images, videos and audio files