Victor Carl Gustaf von Taube

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Victor Carl Gustaf von Taube

Victor Carl Gustaf Freiherr Taube von Carlö (born August 24, 1854 in Laupa , Estonia , † September 24, 1914 in Kabbal , Estonia) was an Estonian landowner , entrepreneur and justice of the peace . He came from the German-Swedish-Baltic noble family of the von Taube (Maidel-Carlö House) and received the Estonian indigenous population in 1908 .


Victor von Taube first attended the Knight and Cathedral School in Reval and then studied at the Technical University in Dresden . From 1874 to 1878 he continued his studies at the Politechnikum in Riga, today's Riga Technical University . As a result of the inheritance he became the owner of estates in Laupa, Odenkat, Kabbal and Ollepa . He held the post of parish judge from 1884 to 1889. After that, in 1899, he became justice of the peace of the Pernau - Fellin district and church mayor of Pillistfer . He was the initiator of the construction of a railway line from Reval to Fellin and founded the Estonian paper and cardboard factory Turgel .

Family and offspring

His parents were Otto Frommhold Taube von Carlö (1817–1881) and Luise Annette von Dellingshausen (* 1833). His father was a Russian staff captain and hook judge in Estonia. In 1884 Victor married Sophie Charlotte Elise von Vietinghoff-Scheel from the Kabbal family (1863–1926). Her son Gustaf Rikard Otto (1885–1886) died in the first year of life.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kabbal in the parish of Pillistfer, Fellin district
  2. Hans Feldmann, Gertrud Westermann : Odenkat. In: Hans Feldmann, Heinz von zur Mühlen , Gertrud Westermann (eds.): Baltic historical local lexicon: Estonia (including Northern Livland), part 1 of Baltic historical local lexicon. Hans Feldmann, Sources and Studies on Baltic History. Verlag Böhlau, Cologne] / [Weimar 1985, ISBN 3-412-07183-8 ( )
  3. The parish court consisted of the parish judge, elected at meetings of the parish judicial districts consisting of several parish parishes by all landowners, including the preachers, as representatives of the church dedications, and three assessors, elected by the judges of all parish courts belonging to the parish. The parish court was at the same time in civil matters and police, guardianship and supervisory authority over the administration of rural community matters. As a supervisory authority, it was in control of the municipal administrations and officials. The parish judge audited the municipal administration annually and supervised the municipal treasury. In: Constitutional Law of the Duchy of Estonia, years 1721 to 1918 , accessed on April 9, 2016.
  4. ^ Estonian paper and cardboard factory Turgel