Victor Maag

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Victor Maag (born February 17, 1910 in Zurich ; † October 3, 2002 ibid) was a Swiss Protestant clergyman and university professor .


Victor Maag was the son of Adolf Maag, secretary at the finance department of the Canton of Zurich , and his wife Fanny (née Peter).

He enrolled at the University of Zurich and studied theology .

In 1936 he became a pastor in Mellingen and was then from 1939 to 1948 pastor in the Zurich Predigerkirche .

He received his doctorate in 1945 with a thesis on vocabulary and terminology of the book Amos in Zurich Dr. theol.

In 1947 he became a private lecturer and from 1948 to 1978 he was a full professor of the Old Testament , the history of religion and Orientalia at the University of Zurich. During this time he was also instrumental in bringing Hans Wildberger (1910–1986) to the University of Zurich as professor of the Old Testament and general history of religion.

Victor Maag was married to Sophie (née Jucker).

Theological work

By including comparative religious history and cultural anthropology in theology, Victor Maag gave far-reaching impulses for understanding the Old Testament.

He dealt in detail with Job and analyzed the form and content of the text in his work Job , published in 1982 . He published his other studies and articles in very different and sometimes difficult to access journals, including Asian Studies: Journal of the Swiss Society for Asian Studies , Saeculum , Kairos , Vetus Testamentum and Charisma and Institution , because he only wanted to publish where his Articles interest has been shown.

Fonts (selection)

  • Yahweh's host . Bern 1950.
  • Text, vocabulary and conceptual world of the book Amos . Leiden: EJ Brill, 1951.
  • Right and wrong of individual conviction . Chur: Association of free-minded Protestant church members, 1958.
  • with Heinrich Otten , Thomas Beran , Hartmut Schmökel : Cultural history of the ancient Orient: Mesopotamia, Hittite Empire, Syria-Palestine, Urartu . Stuttgart: A. Kröner, 1961.
  • with Charles Hummel, Ernst Friedrich Bienz, Roger Ley: Freemasonry in Today's Time: Speeches from the anniversary year 1971 . Zurich: Masonic Lodge Modestia cum Libertate , 1971.
  • Cultural and religious studies for development aid . Zurich: Commission publishing house Beer, 1972.
  • Culture: cultural contact and religion. Collected studies on general and Old Testament religious history . Edited by Hans Heinrich Schmid , Odil Hannes Steck . Göttingen; Zurich: Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht, 1980.
  • Job: Transformation and processing of the problem in novella, dialogue poetry and late versions . Göttingen 1982.
  • The animal in religions . Zurich 1983.
  • Symbols in Freemasonry . Zurich 1987.
  • Old Testament decisions in the area of ​​tension between inspiration and institution . Gütersloh 1988.
  • John the Baptist . Zurich 1995.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Frank Jehle : Hans Wildberger (1910-1986): A theological biography . Theological Verlag Zürich, 2015, ISBN 978-3-290-17792-8 ( [accessed on March 14, 2020]).
  2. Jan Bauke-Ruegg: The omnipotence of God: Systematic-theological considerations between metaphysics, postmodernism and poetry . Walter de Gruyter, 2013, ISBN 978-3-11-080026-5 ( [accessed on March 14, 2020]).
  3. Melanie Köhlmoos : The eye of God: text strategy in the Hiobbuch . Mohr Siebeck, 1999, ISBN 978-3-16-147140-7 ( [accessed on March 14, 2020]).
  4. Jürgen van Oorschot : God as Limit: a literary and editorial history study on the divine speeches of the Book of Job . Walter de Gruyter, 1987, ISBN 978-3-11-011163-7 ( [accessed on March 14, 2020]).
  5. Hans Heinrich Schmid , Odil Hannes Steck : For guidance. In: Culture: cultural contact and religion. Collected studies on general and Old Testament religious history . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1980, ISBN 3-525-58114-9 , pp. IV ( [accessed on March 14, 2020]).