Vincas Algirdas Pranckietis

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Vincas Algirdas Pranckietis (2014)

Vincas Algirdas Pranckietis (born January 7, 1923 in Laba, Radviliškis district ; † May 3, 2016 in Jonava ) was a Lithuanian Roman Catholic priest and honorary citizen of the Jonava district .


Vincas Algirdas Pranckietis, son of a large farming family, attended schools in Laba, Vabaliai and Smilgiai as well as the grammar school in Šeduva near Radviliškis . On the initiative of his uncle Augustinas Pranckietis (1886–1986), pastor and former Solowki camp inmate, he entered the Kaunas seminary in 1943 . On 31 October 1948 he received by Bishop Kazimieras Paltarokas the priesthood .

In 1949 he was arrested by the security police with five other priests and seven seminarians and deported to Siberia . He was employed in industrial fishing on the island of Olkhon in Lake Baikal . From 1955 to 1959 he worked as a driver in Usolye-Sibirskoye and as an accountant for the construction of the hydropower plant in Angarsk . In addition, he was active in pastoral work and visited the deported Lithuanians and Germans in the distant taiga places. In 1958 he was released on the condition that he lived everywhere in the Soviet Union, but not in Lithuania. Pranckietis returned to Lithuania in 1959, the then Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic . In 1960 the Soviet religious commissioner withdrew his permission to work as a priest and recommended that he leave Lithuania. From 1961 to 1962 he worked as a wood factory worker in Kaunas. Juozapas Stankevičius allowed him to work in Dom Kaunas .

In 1962 he was given permission to work as a clergyman, and in 1965 he became pastor of Siesikai . From 1974 to 1994 he was administrator of the parish of Jonava and dean of Jonava . In 2011, at the age of 88, he was still holding Mass.

Pranckietis wrote four books and was co-author of the book " Requiem : broliai kunigai - aukos dvasia" (2001).

On the morning of May 3, 2016, Pranckietis was taken to Jonava Hospital, where he died. He was buried in the churchyard of Jonava Church on May 6, 2016 .



  • Baikalo žvejys , 1998 (German fishermen from Baikal )
  • Ne vien duona ... , 2000 ( Not just bread ... )
  • Vynmedis ir jo šakelės, 2005 ( grapevine and its branches )
  • Padraugaukime , 2008 ( Let's befriend each other , collection of letters)
  • Requiem: broliai kunigai - aukos dvasia: jautrusis Albinas Budrikis, MIC, kunigas-tremtinys Julijonas Budrikis nuotraukose ir prisiminimuose / [sudarytoja Eugenija Urbaitienė]. - [Kaunas]: Naujasis lankas, 2001. - 77, [1] p. : iliustr. - Turinyje aut .: ir Vincas Pranckietis.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Mirė Kauno arkivyskupijos kunigas Vincas Pranckietis (1923–1948–2016) , Vatican Radio , May 4, 2016 (Lithuanian)
  2. ^ CV of Vincas Algirdas Pranckietis on , accessed on May 6, 2016
  3. Represijas išgyvenusių dvasininkų padėtis sovietinėje Lietuvoje (Author Regina Laukaitytė, "Istorija" magazine. Mokslo darbai. Volume 94)
  4. Jonavos šv. apaštalo Jokūbo parapijos kunigai // Vincas Pranckietis (Jonavos šv. apaštalo Jokūbo parapijos informacija)
  5. Pamišėlio padegtas kunigas R. Kuprys (daily newspaper Lietuvos rytas )
  6. Mirė kunigas Pranckietis ( Memento from May 3, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  7. Tarnavęs Dievui ir žmonėms ( Memento from May 3, 2016 in the Internet Archive )