Volkold I of Malsburg

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Volkold I. von Malsburg (also: Folkold; * around 1040 ; † 1097 ) was the progenitor of the Counts of Nidda from the Malsburg family.


Volkold came from a north Hessian family of noble free people who, after the end of the Conradin rule in Hessengau in the 10th century, had created a small rule in the Zierenberg area in the Saxon Hessengau and resided on the Malsburg . He first appeared in the year 1062 and was therefore of legal age at that time .

Vogt of Nidda

Even then, sometimes well during the tenure of the Fulda Abbot Widerad of Eppenstein (1060-1075), he was appointed as Vogt about the court Bingenheim summarizing free float of the Abbey of Fulda in the northern Wetterau - the so-called Fuldische Mark and possessions in - Nidda valley used because the monastery could not exercise the blood justice itself, at the same time needed secular protection for its possessions. For these services he received half of the associated towns, with the exception of Bingenheim Castle , as a fuldisches fief . Volkold now resided at Bingenheim Castle, first mentioned in 1064.

Around 1086 Volkold also inherited Schartenberg Castle near Zierenberg in Northern Hesse.

It has not been established whether Volkold I, or perhaps his son Volkold II, built the moated castle in Nidda , which the Hohenstaufen emperors used to secure the trade routes passing by. Possibly the son completed the construction started by the father. It is at least known that the judicial district of Bingenheim was also called " Grafschaft Nidda " at this time . However, it is only documented in 1104 that Volkold II., Who moved his seat from Bingenheim Castle to Nidda, was a member of the family who was referred to as "Count of Nidda".

Marriage and offspring

Volkold was married to Friederuna from the house of the Bilsteiners who were wealthy in the Werra region , and the two had three sons:

  • Udalrich stayed on the family's inherited property in Northern Hesse and died childless.
  • Volkold II. (* 1070, † around 1130) followed his father as the Fulda bailiff in the Wetterau. He initially resided at Bingenheim Castle, later in Nidda, acquired further property through his marriage to Luitgart von Nürings in the Nidda area, from which the allodial part of the County of Nidda was constituted, and called himself Count of Nidda at the latest since 1104.
  • Bernhard inherited the Schartenberg Castle and family estates in the Hessian-Saxon border area and had a son, Amelung.

Notes and individual references

  1. This family should not be confused with the noble family von der Malsburg , first mentioned in a document in 1124 with the ministerial and castle man Stephan of the Archbishop of Mainz Adalbert I on the Malsburg .
  2. Georg Landau: Description of the German Gaue, first volume: Description of the Gaues Wettereiba. Kassel, 1855, p. 30
  3. ↑ In the beginning, this bailiwick was possibly in the hands of the Lords of Nürings im Taunus as a Fulda fief .
  4. Soon after 1604, when Nidda fell to Hessen-Darmstadt , it was torn down and replaced by a renaissance castle, which housed the district court of Nidda until the end of 2011 .


  • Ottfried Dascher (Ed.): Nidda: the history of a city and its surrounding area. 2nd Edition. Niddaer Heimatmuseum eV, Nidda 2003, ISBN 3-9803915-8-2 .
  • Karl E. Demandt: History of the State of Hesse. 2nd Edition. Kassel 1972, ISBN 3-7618-0404-0 . (County Nidda: p. 159)
  • Martin Röhling: The story of the counts of Nidda and the counts of Ziegenhain. Ed .: Niddaer Heimatmuseum eV, Nidda 2005, ISBN 3-9803915-9-0 . (= Nidda history sheets 9.)
  • Wilhelm Wagner: 1025 years of Nidda - the story of an old, lovable city. Nidda 1976.
  • Friedrich-Wilhelm Witzel: The imperial abbey of Fulda and their high bailiffs, the counts of Ziegenhain in the 12th and 13th centuries. 1963. (= Publication of the Fulda History Association 41)
predecessor Office successor
- Vogt of Nidda
approx. 1065-1097
Volkold II.