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Coordinates: 48 ° 45 ′ 44 ″  N , 9 ° 19 ′ 3 ″  E
Residents : 2464  (June 30, 2016)
Postal code : 73732
Area code : 0711
Innenstadt Hohenkreuz Neckarhalde Rüdern Sulzgries Krummenacker Sankt Bernhardt Serach Obertal Wäldenbronn Wiflingshausen Liebersbronn Kennenburg Hegensberg Kimmichsweiler/Oberhof Oberesslingen Sirnau Pliensauvorstadt Zollberg Weil Brühl Mettingen Berkheim Zellmap
About this picture
Location of Wäldenbronn in Esslingen am Neckar

Wäldenbronn is a district of Esslingen am Neckar in Baden-Württemberg . It is located in the north of the city and is an attractive place to live due to its location on the edge of the virgin forest .


Eight tube fountain
Old wine press
The Katharinenbrünnele on the Brunnenwanderweg Wäldenbronn
Fire station of the volunteer fire brigade Wäldenbronn

The Wäldenbronn located in the upper Hainbachtal was first mentioned in 1329 as an Esslingen branch village. The origin of the name Wäldenbronn is not certain, but a connection with the many wells in the area and the location on the edge of the Schurwald (“forests and wells”) is likely.

From 1258 to 1768 there was a nursing yard of the Söflingen Clariss monastery in the place that was initially called "Im Hainbach" . In 1871 there were about 470 inhabitants in Wäldenbronn.


The contact person for the issues of the district for the city administration and the municipal council of Esslingen is the citizens' committee Wäldenbronn, Hohenkreuz, Serach, Obertal . At the district level, the citizens' committee helps shape community life. He is a member of the working group of citizens 'committees , which exists to exchange experiences and coordinate the individual citizens' committees of the city. The basis for the working method and the structure of the citizens' committee and the working group is the status adopted by the working group on February 21, 1991 . An agreement was reached as the basis for the cooperation between the citizens' committee, the municipal council and the administration . This was approved by the working group on July 17, 1990 and approved by the municipal council on December 10, 1990. In June 2000, both the status and the agreement were editorially revised.

In the public citizens 'meeting , which the city of Esslingen held on July 15, 2010 in the gymnasium and assembly hall Hohenkreuz, the citizens' committee of Wäldenbronn, Hohenkreuz, Serach, Obertal was elected for 3 years.


  • Primary school branch Hainbachschule of the Seewiesenschule


  • Eight tube fountain
  • Wäldenbronner Kelter (built 1881)
  • Wäldenbronn Seitz house, extensively renovated and renewed in 1980/81
  • Brunnenwanderweg Oberes Hainbachtal , a beautiful circular route on the edge of the Schurwald, which leads with a length of about 7 km from "Brünnele to Brünnele". The fountain hiking day also takes place here on May 1st.

sons and daughters of the town

Individual evidence

  1. Development of the resident population in the districts 2006-2016 As of June 30th each year. City of Esslingen, accessed on April 28, 2017 .
  2. ^ Citizens' committees in Esslingen am Neckar
  3. ^ Statute of the Citizens' Committees Esslingen am Neckar
  4. ^ Agreement on cooperation between the citizens' committees and the Esslingen am Neckar municipal council and administration
  5. ^ Citizens' assemblies

Web links

Commons : Wäldenbronn  - collection of images, videos and audio files