Walther Baedeker

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Former home and studio of Walther Baedeker, Blankeneser Hauptstrasse 160 (own conversion of a store, 1921)

Walther Baedeker (born July 10, 1880 in Essen , † July 29, 1959 in Altenschwand ) was a German architect .


Baedeker was the son of the publisher Julius Baedeker. In 1888 he came to Hamburg with his family and attended F. and W. Glitza's secondary school there. From 1901 to 1904 he studied at the Technical University of Stuttgart with Theodor Fischer . From 1906 he lived in Hamburg-Blankenese and Dockenhuden and worked as an architect. In 1914 he and his wife Hadwig bought a holiday home in Kampen . From around 1928, Baedeker, meanwhile married to the sister of his first wife Frieda, lived mainly on Sylt , but still had an office and an apartment in Hamburg. Before the Second World War he moved to Altenschwand with his third wife Lilly , where he died in 1959. His grave is in Keitum on Sylt. A stele erected in 2013 on the Kampen Art Trail commemorates him.

In 1979 the Baedekerbogen was named after him in Hamburg-Allermöhe . Some of its buildings are listed .

Buildings and designs

Baedeker was mainly active in Hamburg-Blankenese and on Sylt with the construction of country houses and villas. His works include the Richard-Dehmel-Haus , the Villa Jako and the renovation of the Blankenese grammar school in Hamburg and the Kliffende house in Kampen. He also designed various holiday homes on Sylt, including the Wicherthof in Kampen for Fritz Wichert (1933). Typical of Baedeker's buildings was the interplay of house, garden and surroundings. The Mundsburghaus (1930/1931, largely destroyed in the Second World War) in Hamburg-Uhlenhorst occupies an exceptional position in his work - on the one hand because it showed the influence of New Building , on the other hand because the contract involved a large apartment block Shops on the ground floor and a UFA cinema in the basement.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry on www.kmkbuecholdt.de
  2. Entry on www.hamburgerpersoenitäten.de
  3. List of works on hamburgerpersoenitäten.de
  4. a b Frauke Steinhäuser: Baedekerbogen. In: Rita Bake (ed.): A memory of the city. Streets, squares and bridges in Hamburg named after women and men. Volume 3, State Center for Civic Education Hamburg, Hamburg 2017, pp. 123–125.
  5. Walther Baedeker. In: arch INFORM .
  6. Website www.kampen.de
  7. Baedekerbogen , bergedorf-chronik.de, accessed on July 11, 2020
  8. See list of cultural monuments in Hamburg-Blankenese
  9. Karin Sagner : Baedeker, Walther . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Addendum 2, Saur, Munich 2007, ISBN 978-3-598-22862-9 , p. 41.