Vera Yevgenyevna Jurasova

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Vera Yevgenevna Jurassowa (Anatoli Gorschkow, 1952)

Vera Yevgenevna Jurassowa ( Russian Вера Евгеньевна Юрасова ; born August 4, 1928 in Moscow ) is a Soviet - Russian physicist and university professor .


Jurassova's father Yevgeny Vladimirovich Jurassow (1896–1968) was a radio technician and professor at the Military Academy for Air Force Engineers “Prof. NJ Zhukovsky ” . She studied 1946-1951 at the Lomonossow University Moscow (MGU) in the physics faculty . She wrote her diploma thesis on the movement and focusing of particles in the trochotron at the Institute for Automatics and Telemechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR, since 1991 Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN)) with Dmitri Vladimirovich Syornov .

1952 Jurassowa was an employee of the chair for electron optics of the physical faculty of the MGU. After postgraduate at Grigori Weniaminowitsch Spiwak she defended her 1958 success dissertation about processes of cathode sputtering of metal mono- and polycrystals for promotion to the candidate of physico- mathematical sciences. She married the physicist Anatoli Saweljetisch Gorschkow and had their daughter Tatiana in 1959, who also became a physicist.

At the beginning of her scientific work Jurassowa discussed her results with Alexei Wassiljewitsch Schubnikow , Sergei Arkadjewitsch Wekschinski and Lew Andrejewitsch Arzimowitsch . Later he developed close contact with Oleg Borissowitsch Firsow while working in the Council for Plasma Physics of the AN-SSSR. She discovered the anisotropy of sputtering during ion irradiation of monocrystals as well as quantum interference effects and the effects of spin orientation . For the first time she investigated the effects observed during the atomization of double compound monocrystals experimentally and with computer simulations . In 1975 she successfully defended her doctoral thesis on the emission of atomic particles during ion irradiation of monocrystals for her doctorate in physical-mathematical sciences in 1976 . A method for determining the Curie temperature of ferromagnetic materials, the visualization of deformation areas on solid surfaces and applications for light sources were developed .

Jurassow stopped at the MGU lectures on electron-optical devices and interactions of ions with surfaces and directed the Seminar on basic and applied problems of the interaction of ions with surfaces for aspirant .

1990 Jurassowa received a research fellowship to work at the University of Sheffield . There she was also a teacher at the Cambridge Russian-Speaking Society and taught Russian at the Russian school, in evening classes at colleges and in the summer school of the University of Essex .

Honors, prizes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i MGU: Кафедра физической электроники (accessed June 19, 2020).
  2. Directional emission of charged particles from a single crystal under ion bombardment . In: Phys. Stat. Sol. tape 17 , 1966, pp. k187-k190 .
  3. ^ Formation of cones during sputtering . In: Rad. Eff. tape 27 , 1976, p. 237-244 .
  4. Emission of secondary particles during ion bombardment of metals in the phase transition region, Part2: Charged-particle and photon emission . In: Vacuum . tape 36 , 1986, pp. 435-458 .
  5. Quasi-resonance processes in the emission of excited secondary silicon ions . In: NIMB . tape 33 , 1988, pp. 547-550 .
  6. Spatial and energy distributions of particles sputtered from NiPd single crystals . In: Vacuum . tape 84 , no. 3 , 2009, p. 369-377 .
  7. ^ Secondary particle emission from ferromagnetic compound . In: JETP . tape 116 , no. 2 , 2013, p. 186-196 .