Wilhelm Busch Society

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Wilhelm Busch Society eV
Wilhelm Busch
purpose Work by Wilhelm Busch
Chair: Joachim Werren
Establishment date: June 24, 1930
Number of members: around 2,500 (as of 2012)
Number of employees: Gisela Vetter-Liebenow (Managing Director), Ruth Brunngraber-Malottke MA (Deputy Managing Director)
Seat : Wilhelm Busch - German Museum for Caricature and the Art of Drawing

30167 Hanover

Website: Wilhelm Busch Society

The Wilhelm-Busch-Gesellschaft is a literary society in Hanover , which is dedicated to the person and the work of the German humorist and poet Wilhelm Busch . The society is responsible for the Museum Wilhelm Busch - German Museum for Caricature and the Art of Drawings in Hanover.

goals and tasks

The aim of the Wilhelm Busch Society is to "... collect Wilhelm Busch's work, process it scientifically and make it accessible to the public." The company promotes the development of the artistic fields of " caricature " and "critical graphics " into a recognized branch of the visual arts . Her work ranges from the individual art of Wilhelm Busch to questions and problems of caricature and critical graphics. Associated with this are continuous exhibitions and the publication of scientific publications.


The Wilhelm Busch Society was originally founded in Wiedensahl on June 24, 1930 , after the demolition of the house where Wilhelm Busch was born had been prevented there in 1927 on the initiative of Friedrich Tewes . One of the co-founders of the company was Emil Conrad in 1930 , and its managing director until 1956 .

In the Weimar Republic in 1932, the society organized the first Wilhelm Busch exhibition in the Provincial Museum (today: Lower Saxony State Museum in Hanover ).

In 1937 the first museum building for Wilhelm Busch's factory was opened in Hanover, which was supposed to be destroyed by aerial bombs in one of the air raids on Hanover in 1943 . On this occasion, the Leipziger Insel Verlag dedicated a part of the volume 507 Herach to the members of the Wilhelm Busch Society in 1937 in its renowned Insel library .

In the 1930s the society temporarily had around 4,500 members and in the 1980s around 3,500 members. In 2012 the Wilhelm Busch Society had 2,500 members.


The society initiated and continuously supported numerous publications on Wilhelm Busch, including

  • 1931: Friedrich Bohne : Wilhelm Busch and the spirit of his time , at the same time dissertation at the University of Leipzig 1930, Hanover: Wilhelm Busch Society; Munich: Bassermann, 1931
  • since 1932: Announcements [temporarily yearbook or publications from the Wilhelm Busch Archive ] of the Wilhelm Busch Society
  • 2002: Die Bildergeschichten / Wilhelm Busch , [the first] historical-critical complete edition, commissioned by the Wilhelm Busch Society, ed. by Herwig Guratzsch and Hans Joachim Neyer, edited by Hans Ries with the participation of Ingrid Haberland , 3 volumes, Hannover: Hannover: Schlütersche , 2002, ISBN 978-3-89993-806-7 , ISBN 3-89993-806-2 or ISBN 3-87706-650-X , published in 2007 in the revised 2nd edition


Board of Directors and Management

The Executive Board of the Wilhelm-Busch-Gesellschaft currently (as of June 2018) consists of the following people: Joachim Werren (Chairman), Jürgen Braasch (Deputy), Kerstin Berghoff-Ising, City Councilor Harald Härke, Frank Hilbert, Barbara Krüger, Ulf Meier, Michael Rother and Sebastian Scherrer (assessors). The managing director is Gisela Vetter-Liebenow, her deputy Ruth Brunngraber-Malottke MA

Association chairperson

Honorary Chairwoman

  • since 1990: Heinz Lauenroth
  • since 2002: Hinrich Seidel
  • since 2018: Herbert Schmalstieg


Web links


  1. Deviating from this, the data “1990–2007” are named; compare Hugo Thielen: Wilhelm Busch Society. In: Stadtlexikon Hannover , p. 678f.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j o.V. : History of the chairpersons of the association / honorary chairpersons , subsection on the page caricature-museum.de of the Museum Wilhelm Busch German Museum for Caricature & Drawing [undated], last accessed on June 6, 2018
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Hugo Thielen: Wilhelm Busch Society. In: Stadtlexikon Hannover , p. 678f.
  3. ^ Hans Joachim Neyer: Emil Conrad (1885-1967). You just have to be able to rummage with people. ( Memento of the original from February 4, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on the site of Wilhelm Busch - German Museum for Caricature and the Art of Drawing . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.karierter-museum.de