Wilhelm Ebstein

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Wilhelm Ebstein

Wilhelm Ebstein (born November 27, 1836 in Jauer , Province of Silesia , † December 22, 1912 in Göttingen ) was a German internist and university professor.


Wilhelm Ebstein came from an upper-class German Jewish family from Lower Silesia . He studied medicine at the Silesian Friedrich Wilhelms University and the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . His teachers included Friedrich Theodor von Frerichs in Breslau and Rudolf Virchow and Moritz Heinrich Romberg in Berlin. In 1859 he received his doctorate in Berlin . From 1861 he worked at the Allerheiligen Hospital in Breslau, and in 1869 he received his habilitation .

In 1874 Ebstein accepted the call of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen to her chair for internal medicine . He was the successor to Karl Ewald Hasse . There he devoted himself to research and teaching as well as expanding the clinic with great energy. During his term of office, the new medical clinic was built on Humboldtallee. In 1906 he retired .

In 1883 he was elected to the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina .

His son was the physician Erich Ebstein , a friend of Erich Mühsam , who appeared as a bibliophile collector and author .

Ebstein's research focused on metabolic diseases. During his lifetime he was considered one of the most important specialists in this field worldwide. A number of syndromes and abnormalities are named after him:

Wilhelm Ebstein should not be confused with the English virologist Anthony Epstein (* 1921), who co-discovered the Epstein-Barr virus .


  • De mutationibus cocti crudique amyli fluifo oris tractati. Dissertation. Berlin 1859.
  • The relapses of typhoid. Habilitation thesis. Wroclaw 1869.
  • Obesity (corpulence) and its treatment according to physiological principles. 7th edition. Wiesbaden 1887.
  • Chronic relapsing fever, a new infectious disease. In: Berlin Klin Wochenschr . Volume 24, 1887, pp. 565-568.
  • Fat or carbohydrates. Wiesbaden 1885.
  • Dehydration and strenuous muscle movements. ib. 1885.
  • Kidney diseases In addition to the affections of the renal pelvis and the urnal ones. In: From Ziemssen's "Handbook of Special Pathology and Therapy". 2nd Edition. Volume 9.
  • About glandular epithelial necrosis in diabetes mellitus with special consideration of diabetic coma . In: German archive for clinical medicine. Volume 28, Leipzig 1880-1881, pp. 143-242.
  • About acute leukemia and pseudoleukemia. In: German archive for clinical medicine. Leipzig 1889.
  • Traumatic leukemia. In: German Medical Weekly . 1894.
  • Handbook of Practical Medicine. ib. 1899.
  • Medicine in the Old Testament. Stuttgart 1901.
  • with Julius Schwalbe : Handbook of practical medicine. ib. 1901.
  • The diseases in the campaign against Russia. ib. 1902.
  • Village and town hygiene. ib. 1902.
  • Medicine in the Bible and Talmud. ib. 1903.
  • Virchow as a doctor. Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart 1903.
  • Charlatanry and quackery. Stuttgart 1905.


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