Wilhelm Eggers

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Wilhelm Eggers (born June 7, 1867 in Linden ; † September 20, 1952 in Hanover ) was a German educator , city ​​school councilor and senator . The theosophist is known as the "father of the Hanoverian allotments ".


Wilhelm Eggers attended the "teachers' seminar" from 1885 to 1888 during the German Empire . A few years later joined the school service of the city of Hanover. On October 1, 1909, he took over the management of "Auxiliary School 1" as rector .

After the allotment gardener colony "Königsworth" was founded in the "Steintormasch" in 1894 , Eggers founded the "Citizens' Association Königsworth" in 1897.

On November 19, 1902, Wilhelm Eggers - as a representative of a lodge - took part in a three-day convention for the official establishment of the German section of the Adyar Theosophical Society .

In 1909 Eggers became rector of an auxiliary school and in the same year a member of the Freemason lodge Friedrich zum white horse .

After the First World War , Wilhelm Eggers was elected mayor in the young Weimar Republic ; he held this office from January 10, 1918 to October 24, 1928.

In parallel, Eggers in 1925 to head the "Hannoversche German citizen chief fraction " is selected, and 1927 - as the successor of Julius Grote , the School Board, in charge of urban elementary schools and vocational schools , as well as a senator.

Shortly after the seizure of power by the National Socialists was Eggers mid-April 1933 in the retirement staggered, but remained in office until 11 November of the year.

Wilhelm Eggers earned services for his commitment to the renewal and maintenance of the Herrenhausen Gardens and was also referred to as the "father of the Hanoverian allotment gardens ".


  • The Senator-Eggers-Weg , laid out in 1958 in the Hanover district of Waldheim , honors the city school council and senator by giving it its name.


References and comments

  1. a b c d e f Klaus Mlynek: EGGERS, Wilhelm (see literature)
  2. a b Helmut Zimmermann : Senator-Eggers-Weg. In: The street names of the state capital Hanover , Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung , Hanover 1992, ISBN 3-7752-6120-6 , p. 227
  3. see the GND number of the German National Library
  4. ^ Eva Benz-Rababah : Allotments. In: Stadtlexikon Hannover , p. 351ff, here: p. 351
  5. Note: The sentence formulation of the Hannoversche Biographische Lexikon as well as the Stadtlexikon Hannover suggest a later election as mayor for Königsworth .
  6. ^ Helmut Zander: Anthroposophy in Germany. Theosophical worldview and social practice 1884 - 1945 , Vol. 1, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2007, ISBN 978-3-525-55452-4 , pp. 131f .; online through google books
  7. ^ Siegfried Schildmacher, Winfried Brinkmann, Edzard Bakker, Peter Rosenstein (ed.): Wilhelm Eggers . In Siegfried Schildmacher (Ed.): In the footsteps of the Freemasons - a walk through the streets of Hanover . Self-published, Hannover 2015, p. 56
  8. a b Klaus Mlynek: Eggers, (1) Wilhelm (see literature)
  9. ^ Klaus Mlynek: 1927. In: Hannover Chronik , pp. 164f .; online through google books
  10. Note: The title as “father of allotment gardens” is documented here, but currently without further explanation.