Wolfgang Höfeld

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Wolfgang Höfeld (born January 20, 1889 in Stettin , † December 23, 1965 in Munich ) was a German naval aviator, ministerial official and director of the Air Force.



  • August 1, 1908 Unterfeldwebel d. R. (Imperial Navy)
  • April 19, 1910 Vice Sergeant d. R.
  • October 19, 1912 Lieutenant d. R. Marines
  • May 23, 1918 First Lieutenant d. R. Marines
  • April 1, 1922 Government Councilor (Reich Ministry of Finance)
  • March 20, 1933 Upper Government Council (Reich Aviation Ministry)
  • October 23, 1933 Ministerial Counselor
  • April 20, 1936 Ministerial Director
  • May 1, 1937 Luftkreis-Intendant (Luftwaffe)
  • June 18, 1940 General Manager
  • December 11, 1942 General Staff Director

As a one-year volunteer , he joined the Imperial Navy in Kiautschou on October 2, 1907 , in the III. Sea battalion . Dismissed as a sergeant of the reserve, he studied law at the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen and the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin . Since 1909 he was a member (later an honorary member) of the Corps Suevia Tübingen . On February 3, 1912, he passed the first state examination in law.

First World War

After the outbreak of World War I , he served as a company officer and company commander in the 2nd Marine Division (German Empire) and in the coastal battalion in Flanders . From July 1916 to July 1917 he completed his training as an aviator and flight observer at the Flanders I Seaplane Base in Zeebrugge and at the 3rd Seaplane Battalion. From July 23, 1917, he was company and battalion commander in the 2nd Marine Division (German Empire).

Weimar Republic

Dismissed after the end of the war on January 20, 1919, he joined the Freikorps Lichtschlag . Since 1918 to Dr. iur. while receiving his doctorate , he passed the second state examination in law on November 11, 1919.

On April 19, 1920 he became an assistant judge at the Cottbus regional court . After six months at Deutsche Erdöl-AG , he was a government assessor at the tax offices of Potsdam and Niederbarnim . The end of 1921 he moved to the Finance Ministry that it was a Councilor at the Berlin tax offices Charlottenburg , Gesundbrunnen , Tempelhof and Alexanderplatz began.

time of the nationalsocialism

On March 20, 1933, he came to the Reich Commissioner for Aviation as a senior government councilor . In the Reich Ministry of Aviation he was appointed Ministerialdirigenten on April 1, 1936 . As such, he sat on the supervisory board of Junkers Aircraft and Engine Works for the Reich government in 1936/37 .

For Luftgaukommando II commanded, he was in April Intendant to the commander. After a year he joined the commanding general of Luftflotte 1 in April 1938 , and became its director on July 1, 1939. From March 11 to December 21, 1943 he was General Staff Director of the Air Force , then until the surrender to Luftflotte 3 in Munich. On May 9, 1945 he was taken prisoner of war , from which he was released in 1947.


Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 129/710
  2. a b c d e geocities.com
  3. Junkers - Who is Who? ( Memento from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive )