Wolfgang Kramp

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Wolfgang Kramp (born February 17, 1927 in Danzig ; † 1983 in Düsseldorf ) was a German pedagogue who developed the educational theory didactics together with Wolfgang Klafki .

Kramp did not study until 1946 to 1948 at the University of Education in Hanover and went to school until 1952. Then he studied educational science and German at the University of Göttingen and received his doctorate in 1958 under Erich Less on Comenius. He then worked as an assistant at the PH Oldenburg , then from 1961 at the University of Frankfurt am Main . In 1963 he received a professorship for educational science at the PH Berlin and in 1969 a professorship for school education at the University of Düsseldorf . In the Berlin Senate he played a leading role in the development of teacher training .

While his colleague Wolfgang Klafki limited himself to the didactic analysis , Kramp completed the “four steps for lesson preparation” and thus supplemented the “instructions for lesson preparation for beginners”. The four steps are 1. Pedagogical foresight; 2. Didactic analysis; 3. Methodical preparation; 4. Lesson planning . In the methodology (choice of teaching methods and agents) Kramp further distinguishes teaching phases (first encounter, development, depression, attachment, design), types of education ( social forms ) and teaching methods (lectures, storytelling, gaining Achen etc.). The goal is the “fruitful encounter” ( Friedrich Copei , 1930 and 1955) between child and object. However, Jank / Meyer accuse him of a schematic that makes the concept unusable in practice.

In his examination of the theory of schools (1973) he polemically opposed the usual justifications for the school as an institution and the types of schools for which the humanities pedagogy that had prevailed until then only offered “ideological beatitudes”.


  • Tips for preparing lessons for beginners . In: Heinrich Roth / Alfred Blumenthal (ed.): Didactic analysis. Selection - basic essays from the magazine Die deutsche Schule ., Schroedel, Hannover 1962
  • Studies on the theory of school , Kösel, Munich 1973


  • Werner Jank / Hilbert Meyer : Didactic models. Cornelsen 1991 (esp. Pp. 161–165) ISBN 3589210125 (11th edition, 2002)
  • Klaus-Jürgen Tillmann : Theory of the school - an introduction, 1987 download
  • Rudolf M. Kühn: School theories after the Second World War: pedagogical investigations into educational and school theoretical structural problems in the conceptions of Wilhelm, Kramp, Fend and Ballauff, Frankfurt am Main 1995

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