Wolfgang Zeller (painter, 1879)

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Wolfgang Waldemar Zeller (born June 28, 1879 in Wurzen ; † March 31, 1973 in Willingshausen ) was a German painter , etcher and graphic artist . He was a representative of the Schwalm Willingshausen painters' colony .


Zeller was the son of a senior teacher at the grammar school, he studied from November 1901 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich with Carl von Marr and at the Royal Art Academy in Dresden with Carl Bantzer . He worked in Plauen for some time .

In 1901 he came to Willinghausen, inspired by Carl Bantzer, settled down here and experienced the entire painting route in Willingshausen. In 1905 and 1908 he stayed in Obersachsenberg for study purposes . Further trips took him to Holland , Belgium and North America . In 1909 Zeller married a wealthy American woman and was no longer dependent on selling his paintings. In the 1920s, he joined the artists' association Die Welle, which was founded at Chiemsee . Most recently the painter lived again in the Schwalm .

Zeller painted oil on cardboard, canvas and wood, watercolors on cardboard and mastered the technique of etching. He created numerous etchings with scenes from the lives of Hessian farmers. This was preceded by sketches, often photographs. Zeller worked impressionist and naturalistically .

He maintained a close relationship and a lively correspondence with his former teacher and friend Carl Bantzer and his wife Helene.

Zeller died in 1973 at the age of 93.


Works in museums


  • After the Seven Swabians. A contemplative research trip through Bavarian Swabia. With sixty pen drawings by Wolfgang Zeller (text:  Owlglaß ), Alexander Fischer Verlag, Tübingen 1926
  • From the Kingdom of Little Things - A picture book of plants . Saarverlag, Saarbrücken 1947


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 02422 Wolfgang Zeller . In: Matriculation database of the Academy of Fine Arts Munich (ed.): Matriculation book . tape 3: 1884–1920 ( matrikel.adbk.de , daten.digitale-sammlungen.de ).
  2. ^ Zeller, Wolfgang . In: Illustrated catalog of the IX. international art exhibition in the Koenig. Glass palace in Munich . Publisher by R. Mosse, Munich 1905, p. 128 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  3. Light and color: the most important »ingredients« of the »wave« painters . In: Traunsteiner Tagblatt . October 20, 2012 ( traunsteiner-tagblatt.de [accessed November 15, 2017]).
  4. ^ Zeller, Wolfgang (1879). In: General Artist Lexicon . (Access restricted, DeGruyter-online , accessed November 22, 2017).