Wysoka (Smołdzino)

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Wysoka (German Wittstock , Kashubian Wësokô ) is a village in the municipality of Smołdzino in the Powiat Słupski in the Polish Pomeranian Voivodeship .

In the years 1975-1998 the place belonged to the Slupsk Voivodeship .

Geographical location

Wysoka is located in Western Pomerania , about 21 kilometers north-northeast of the city of Słupsk , six kilometers southwest of the church village Smołdzino and 1.5 kilometers south of Jezioro Gardno .


Wittstock was formerly an old fief of the Bandemer family . The village appears in documents in 1493 as Wyttstock and under the Kashubian name of Wysoka . It was laid out in the form of a small alley village. Around 1784 there were five fishermen in Wittstock who were also half-farmers and whose main trade was mostly fishing in Lake Garda, and a total of eleven households. At that time, the village consisted of three parts, A, B, and C, which belonged to neighboring estates. Wittstock A with two fishermen was a Bandemer fiefdom belonging to Gut Wittbeck B and owned by Lieutenant Carl Friedrich Bogislav von Bandemer. Wittstock B with two fishermen was a Bandemer fiefdom belonging to Gut Wittbeck A, which was owned by Captain Joachim Bogislav von Bandemer. Wittstock C with a fisherman was a Bandemer fiefdom belonging to Gut Rotten A, owned by Anna Hedwig von Puttkamer , née von Bandemer, found. In the 19th century, Wittbeck and Wittstock belonged to the landowner Franz Werner Wilhelm von Bandemer in Weitenhagen. The two villages were acquired by Adolf von Bandemer in 1862, who added them to his estate complex in Bandsechow. The last owners of Wittbeck and Wittstock were Leutnant Horn in 1884 and Rittmeister a. D. Georg Steifensand on Schwuchow. Wittstock was relocated in the 1920s.

In 1925 there were 24 residential buildings in Wittstock. In 1939 there were 28 households and 117 inhabitants. There were 18 farms and an inn in the municipality of Wittstock.

Until 1945 Wittstock belonged to the district of Stolp in the administrative district of Köslin in the province of Pomerania . The parish area was only 41 hectares. Wittstock was the only place of residence in the municipality of Wittstock.

Towards the end of the Second World War , Wittstock was occupied by the Red Army on March 9, 1945 . There were numerous attacks against civilians. After that, the village was placed under Polish administration and the German residents were expelled . Wittstock was renamed Wysoka .

Later, 54 residents of Wittstock were identified in the Federal Republic of Germany and 33 in the GDR .

Today the village is part of the Gmina Smołdzino ( rural community Schmolsin ) in the powiat Słupski ( Stolper Kreis ) of the Polish Pomeranian Voivodeship . It has about 60 inhabitants.


The population present in Wittstock before 1945 was Protestant . Wittstock was affiliated to the parish Groß Garde and thus belonged to the parish of Stolp-Altstadt.


Before 1945 Wittstock had its own school, which the children from Rotten and Wittbeck also attended. In 1932 this school was single-stage; a teacher was teaching 63 school children here at that time.


Individual evidence

  1. Ludwig Wilhelm Brüggemann : Detailed description of the current state of the Royal Prussian Duchy of Western and Western Pomerania . Part II, Volume 2, Stettin 1784, p. 1017, No. 157
  2. Ludwig Wilhelm Brüggemann : Detailed description of the current state of the Royal Prussian Duchy of Western and Western Pomerania . Part II, Volume 2, Stettin 1784, pp. 975-976, No. 72 .
  3. Ludwig Wilhelm Brüggemann : Detailed description of the current state of the Royal Prussian Duchy of Western and Western Pomerania . Part II, Volume 2, Stettin 1784, pp. 1016-1017, No. 156 .
  4. Ludwig Wilhelm Brüggemann : Detailed description of the current state of the Royal Prussian Duchy of Western and Western Pomerania . Part II, Volume 2, Stettin 1784, pp. 997-998, No. 112 .
  5. ^ Gunthard Stübs and Pomeranian Research Association: The community of Wittstock in the former Stolp district (2011).
  6. ^ A b Karl-Heinz Pagel : The district of Stolp in Pomerania . Lübeck 1989, p. 1024 ( Online; PDF )

Coordinates: 54 ° 38 '  N , 17 ° 9'  E