Zoltán Kádár (archaeologist)

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Zoltán Kádár (born July 24, 1915 in Sepsiszentgyörgy , Háromszék County , Kingdom of Hungary ; † March 17, 2003 in Budapest , Hungary ) was a Hungarian archaeologist and art historian .

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Zoltán Kádár was the son of the economic inspector Károly Kádár and Lenke Barabás. He attended elementary and middle school in Szolnok and graduated from the Ferenc Verseghy High School. From 1933 to 1939 he studied at the Catholic Péter Pázmány University in Budapest with Tibor Gerevich , András Alföldi and Károly Kerényi, among others . During this time he worked in the archaeological department of the Historical Museum from 1936 to 1937 and then as an intern in the library in the Szépművészeti Múzeum until 1938 . In 1939 he graduated with a thesis on Christian iconography in the province of Pannonia .

From 1939 to 1942 he was a scholarship holder of the Historical Museum and was able to undertake study trips to Rome and Tripolitania in 1939/1940 . From 1942 to 1943 he worked on the board of the Catholic agricultural youth associations (KALOT). From 1944 to 1948 he was a teacher at the National School of Applied Arts . From 1948 he worked as an institute teacher and head of the Department of Classical Philology at the Lajos Kossuth University in Debrecen . From 1953 he was a lecturer and head of the Department of Ancient History. In 1976 he retired , but still taught at the Eötvös Loránd University , the Theater and Film School and the Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem .

Zoltán Kádár was 1958 Candidate of Sciences for Art History and in 1979 with a thesis on secular painting in the Byzantine Empire to the Ph.D. PhD. His research interests included Byzantine and Roman art , the province of Pannonia, ancient Christian iconography and sculpture, and the history of medicine . He was particularly interested in ancient science , especially zoology . He studied the relationship between humans and animals and the role of the animal world in art. His monograph Survivals of Greek Zoological Illumination in Byzantine Manuscripts from 1978 met with a great international response.

Zoltán Kádár was a member of the Hungarian Archaeological Society and the Society for Classical Studies from 1967. He was a member of the Archaeological Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences , from 1970 a member of the Art History Committee of the Academy of Sciences and from 1971 a board member of the Society for the History of Medicine. In 2002 he was elected a member of the "Szent István Tudományos Akadémia".



Zoltán Kádár has published over 100 scientific papers.

  • Pannonia ókeresztény emlékeinek ikonográfiája. University thesis. Stephaneum Nyomda, Budapest 1939, OCLC 1014817889 .
  • The Asia Minor-Syrian cults during Roman times in Hungary. Brill, Leiden 1962, DNB 452281903 .
  • Survivals of Greek zoological illuminations in Byzantine manuscripts. Translated from the Hungarian by Timothy Wilkinson. Akadémiai, Budapest 1978, ISBN 963-05-1187-8 .
  • Világi festészet a Bizánci Birodalomban. 395-1456. Dissertation. Budapest 1978.
  • with Árpád Szabó : Antik természettudomány. Gondotat, Budapest 1984, ISBN 963-281-390-1 .
  • Bizánci művészet. With illustrations by Gabriella Kiss. Corvina, Budapest 1987, ISBN 963-13-2390-0 .
  • with György Neméth, Erzsébet Tompos: A Hagia Szophia. Képzömüvészeti Kiadó, Budapest 1987, ISBN 963-336-284-9 .
  • with Szaniszló Priszter: Az élővilág megismerésének kezdetei hazánkban. A magyar biológia rövid kultúrtörténete a reformed. Akadémiai, Budapest 1992, ISBN 963-05-6372-X .
  • with Anna Tóth: Az egyszarvú és egyéb állatfajták Bizáncban. Typotex, Budapest 2000, ISBN 963-9132-87-X .


  • László Havas: Zoltán Kádár septuagénaire. In: Acta classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis. 22, 1986, pp. 7-10.
  • Márta Nagy: Selected Bibliography by Zoltán Kádár. In: Acta classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis. 22, 1986, pp. 11-20.
  • László András Magyar: Kádár Zoltán (1915-2003). In: Orvostörténeti Közlemények. Vol. 182-185, 2003, pp. 232-233 ( online at real.mtak.hu).
  • János Harmatta: Zoltán Kádár (1915-2003). In: Acta classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis. 40/41, 2004, doi: 10.1556 / AntTan.48.2004.1-2.23 , pp. 445-447.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ László András Magyar: Kádár Zoltán (1915–2003). In: Orvostörténeti Közlemények. 182-185, 2003, pp. 232-233 ( online at real.mtak.hu).
  2. Szent István Akadémia on lexikon.katolikus.hu
  3. winners of János Zsamboky Commemorative Medal
  4. Főbb művei on nevpont.hu