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community Nünchritz
Coordinates: 51 ° 17 ′ 52 "  N , 13 ° 24 ′ 33"  E
Height : 115 m
Incorporation : July 1, 1973
Postal code : 01612
Area code : 035265
former school
former school

Zschaiten is a district of the municipality of Nünchritz in the district of Meißen in Saxony . The main road 40 passing through the site. It is connected to the B 98 via county road 8572 .


Zschaiten was first mentioned in 1324 as Zschetin in a fiefdom letter. This fief letter shows that Johannes Große received "Zschetin" from Seutschin as a fief because the previous owner, knight Conrad von Nuenstad, had died. As a result, the place name was changed several times, so Zschaiten was called Heinricus de Scheytyn in 1330 , 1408 Czscheiten , 1445 Czscheten , 1446 logs , in 1457 Zscheyten and 1464 Czeten . In 1474 Zceyten , 1501 Zeitten , 1503 Zczscheten , 1507 Ztschetten , 1520 Zschetten , 1528 Zheten , 1551 Czschaitenn , at the end of the 16th century, followed. Century Zeuden , 1664 then Zschaiten and 1791 Zschaiten used as the final place name.

A manor was first mentioned in 1330. The manor house was a moated castle (rampart) that was built in the 12th century as part of the German colonization in the east.

Moated castle

It was designated as an Allodium in 1408. In 1495 a church was mentioned for the first time, which was probably the own church of the landlord. The old manor was first mentioned in 1696. The rule exercised inheritance and higher jurisdiction. There is evidence that Zschaiten belonged to the Grossenhain district in 1408 and to the Grossenhain office since 1696. From 1856 the place was subordinate to the Riesa court office and from 1875 to the administrative authority of Großenhain. Originally, Zschaiten was a monastery property . Conrad von Nuenstad is known as the first owner, who in the fief letter of his successor Johannes Große von Seutschin in the Rochlitz office . In 1408 Zschaiten Anna, wife of Johannes von Boytitz, got Allodium in Destr. Hainens . 1445 Ritter Wezel the Vorwerk, as it is owned by the Elector Pfilsticker Wittich and his wife von Koseritz. In 1446 there was a dispute between the Riesa monastery and Wittich von Bern over interest in Nünchritz, which belongs to Zschaiten. In 1457 Wenzel Wetzel owned the Vorwerk, in 1564 the von Schleinitz family owned the village with a baronial estate and the associated inheritance courts. In 1474 the Villa Zschaiten came to Skassa and became a written record in 1586. In 1714 the von Schönberg family owned the manor , the village of Zschaiten and the village of Colmnitz. In 1775 von Seydlitz asked for the inheritance of his Mannlehngut. Since 1798 Johann Friedrich Adolph Weiland was entrusted with it and in 1823 it passed into the possession of a Mr. Schnorr or Schnerr with family. In 1831 it was owned by Friedrich Benjamin Lingke. Around 1860 the manor belonged to a Baron von Palm. In 1897 the manor belonged to Frau widowed Roßberg. In 1945 the last owner of the manor before it was expropriated is Dr. Heinrich Roßberg, government councilor in Dresden.

The manor house and the farm buildings were demolished after 1997 because of dilapidation, after the Zschaitener tried to save the vacant manor from demolition in 1994/95 with the 670th anniversary celebration. Economic considerations and promotion of demolition are stronger arguments, so that the last hour was approaching for this complex, for which no use could be found until then.

In 1578 an inn was mentioned for the first time, whose Erbkretzschmer had a dispute with Roda. In 1674 Gottfried Pabst was hit in the neck by the innkeeper, so that he fell dead to the ground. In 1688 George Wesner owned the tavern with 1 Hufen Land, he is not allowed to brew and has to serve Großenhainer beer. 1784 is Gfried. Walther Schenkwirt, 1785 Master Joh. Glob. Kästner butcher and innkeeper. In 1802 the manor was allowed to get its table drink from Grödel free of taxation. In 1807 Joh. Glieb buys. Risse the Schenk and Hufengut for 787 thaler 12 groschen.

The history of the school has been documented since 1827. In 1839 a school was built together with Roda and a second in 1873, which was later converted into a forge. In 1840, 66 children attended the school, 36 from Zschaiten and 30 from Roda. The current school building was built in 1915/1916. In 1949 the school became part of the Nünchritz Central School and remained in operation until 1978, most recently for the lower classes. Then the children went to the newly built polytechnic high school "Hanns Eisler" in Nünchritz. The building was subsequently used as a consumer, post office, living space and fire brigade and was finally privatized in 2007.

The Saxon rural community order of 1838 gave Zschaiten independence as a rural community. In 1840 Zschaiten had 300 inhabitants, including 3 wealthy, 6 gardeners and 24 homeowners. In 1826 only 170 people lived there. The railway construction from Leipzig to Dresden brought a temporary increase.

One church is listed in the Meißner bishop's register as early as 1495. In 1503 the existence of the church is regulated as a branch church. In 1530 it belongs to the Riesa monastery, which declares treasures and cash for the Turkish tax. In 1540 Zschaiten is a branch church of Glaubitz, owns 2 Hufen Land, 2 Zinskühe, 25 old Schock Cash. The Vorwerk gives grain. In 1823, the entire amount of wood from the parish wood Zschaiten and Glaubitz was given to the new Glaubitz parish substitute. 1940–2001 part of the Zschaiten parish, as a sister church of the Glaubitz parish in the Zeithain parish. In 1925, 318 residents of Zschieschen were Evangelical Lutheran and 10 residents were Roman Catholic. 7 inhabitants belonged to other religions.

In 1898, a royal registrar is listed in Zschaiten's population, who is also the parish council. Railway workers, basket makers, 1 boatman, 1 hammer worker and 1 factory worker were the noticeable jobs in the village. In 1907 a men's choir was founded. in Saxony came after the Second World War in the Soviet zone of occupation and later the DDR .1945 / 46 the manor was expropriated. 7 farms and 29 allotments received their deeds of ownership from the land reform. In 1953 an allotment garden was established. On July 1, 1950, the previously independent community of Roda was incorporated. The historically grown affiliation to Grossenhain was not retained even after the territorial reform in 1952 , which Zschaiten assigned to the Riesa district in the Dresden district. In 1960 3 agricultural production cooperatives were founded.

Culture and sights

Zschaiten village church (2011)

Several historical monuments and buildings are recorded in the local list of monuments. The village church, which was probably built in the 13th century , is a listed building here . This is a hall building with a gable roof and low west tower, which has a slightly curved roof and was built in 1835 instead of an originally existing wooden predecessor building. Inside, among other things, a from are 17th century originating pulpit altar and a 1895 by Rochlitzer organ building operation Schmeisser created organ to be found.

Furthermore, the school building erected in 1915 and 1916 is a listed building here. This is a two-story plastered building with a hipped roof and a right-angled extension. In the middle of the roof there is a small clock tower in the shape of a ridge turret.

Also under monument protection is the local memorial for the 18 fallen soldiers of the First World War , which was expanded in 2008 to include the 11 citizens who died in the Second World War . Other architectural monuments are the building of a three-sided courtyard in the street “Am Zschaitener Sportplatz 15b” and a railway bridge built in the 19th century .


Web links

Commons : Zschaiten  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Zschaiten in the digital historical place directory of Saxony
  • Cornelius Gurlitt : Zschaiten. In:  Descriptive representation of the older architectural and art monuments of the Kingdom of Saxony. 37. Issue: Amtshauptmannschaft Grossenhain (Land) . CC Meinhold, Dresden 1914, p. 523.

Notes and individual references

  1. , Castles and City Walls in Europe.
  2. ^ Zschaiten in the Digital Historical Directory of Saxony
  3. a b c List of monuments of the State of Saxony , accessed on December 21, 2017.
  4. ^ Georg Dehio: Handbook of German Art Monuments - Saxony. I .: Dresden district . Arranged by Barbara Bechter, Wiebke Fastenrath et al. 2nd edition. Deutscher Kunstverlag, Berlin / Munich 1996, ISBN 3-422-03043-3 , p. 889 .