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.tv is the country-specific top-level domain (ccTLD) for the island state of Tuvalu in the Pacific Ocean . It was on 18th March 1996 introduced and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development ( Ministry for Finance and Economic Development supervised), organizationally but by VeriSign operated.


Despite the numerous disagreements between the Tuvalu authorities and representatives of the registry over a possible increase in fees, the contract with VeriSign was extended in March 2012 to December 31, 2021. The top-level domain makes a significant contribution to the income of the small state , whose gross domestic product is around 33 million euros (as of 2016). Among other things, the country financed the admission fee for the United Nations through distributions from the registry .


A .tv domain can be between one and 63 characters long. The ccTLD can therefore be used particularly for very short domains, as many other country-specific second-level domains must be at least two or even three characters long. .Tv has supported the use of special characters since 2004, with a total of 426 letters available. In addition, the top-level domain supports the so-called auth codes , with which addresses can be easily transferred between two registrars .


The ending .tv is particularly popular with organizations that are active in the television and film segment, as the abbreviation TV for television is internationally known. Examples from German-speaking countries are Arte (arte.tv), Schweizer Fernsehen (sf.tv - now forwarded to srf.ch), Spiegel TV (spiegel.tv), stern TV (stern.tv) and the German TV manufacturer Loewe Technologies (loewe.tv). Due to its broad target group, .tv is one of the ccTLDs for which above-average retail prices are achieved. In some cases, .tv domains are also rented out expensively, for example in the case of china.tv .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Delegation Record for .TV. IANA, accessed on August 9, 2012 .
  2. Florian Hitzelberger: Contract with VeriSign extended as administrator. In: domain-right. March 13, 2012, accessed August 9, 2012 .
  3. Russia in Bavaria and TV on eight islands. In: united-domains blog. August 31, 2010, accessed December 11, 2012 .
  4. Properties of a .tv domain. united-domains . Retrieved August 9, 2012 .
  5. .tv domain. united-domains, accessed March 1, 2017 .
  6. Florian Hitzelberger: Umlaut start on December 14th. In: domain-right. December 9, 2004, accessed December 11, 2012 .
  7. .tv domain prices. In: domain-right. Retrieved December 11, 2012 .
  8. free.tv, china.tv, net.tv Sold by dotTV for $ 100,000 Each; Annual Initial Registration Fees of $ 100,000 Each Make Sales Amongst the Most Valuable in Domain History. August 21, 2000, accessed August 12, 2012 .