Eric Zemmour

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Éric Zemmour (2008)

Éric Zemmour (born August 31, 1958 in Montreuil near Paris ) is a French journalist and author of Jewish - Algerian origin. He is the editor of the daily Le Figaro . Zemmour is one of the best-known exponents of the Islam-critical to Islam-hostile right in France.


Éric Zemmour was born in Montreuil-sous-Bois to Roger and Lucette Zemmour. After graduating from the Institut d'études politiques de Paris , Zemmour's two attempts to be admitted to the École nationale d'administration were unsuccessful. He then worked at Le Quotidien de Paris . He later joined Info-Matin and wrote for Globe Hebdo , a weekly news magazine. In 1996 he became a political columnist for Le Figaro . Zemmour also wrote biographies of Jacques Chirac and Édouard Balladur and some political essays. Since October 14, 2019, he has hosted a weekly program on CNews (formerly i-Télé ) by Vivendi , and he also works for the news channel LCI TV .

Zemmour caused a stir with statements about Arab and black immigrants. In February 2011 and again on September 17, 2019, he was fined in Paris for inciting racial hatred . Contrary to what has often been reported, the reason for this was not his remark that immigrants are more often checked by the police because the "majority of drug dealers are black or Arab". On the same day, he said on channel France Ô that, in his opinion, employers “have the right to reject Arabs or blacks”, which the court believes “justifies an illegal discriminatory practice”. Zemmour attracted further attention with his sarcastic thesis that " Molenbeek near Brussels must be bombed if you want to hit the terrorists, and not Raqqa in distant Syria ."

He described feminism as a "war of annihilation against white, heterosexual men". He also expressed himself in a relativizing or trivializing manner about the attitude of the Vichy regime towards Jews. Although of Jewish descent, Zemmour firmly calls for a "Catholic France" and refers to Poland , which, in his opinion, consistently defends Catholicism . He renounced the movement of the yellow vests when it turned out to be insensitive to his demands. Nevertheless, to date (November 2019) he has not received any political participation in the right-wing extremist Front National .

These and similar statements, detailed in his books and sold in large editions, make him a sought-after key word for the Les Républicains party , the former UMP. The historian Gérard Noiriel published a publication in 2019 by La Découverte entitled Le Venin dans la plume. Édouard Drumont , Éric Zemmour et la part sombre de la République a comparison between the openly anti-Islamic Zemmour and the anti-Semite Drumont (1844–1917) and his book La France juive , both of which he attests to structural analogies in their way, hateful polemics in the public wear. The writer François Bégaudeau attests to Zemmour a disinterest in social issues and a belief in the “identity passion and the fundamental racism of the lower classes”. According to Bégaudeau, Zemmour's polemic is also directed against homosexuals , so Zemmour speaks in this context of the “homosexual lobby ”.

Political statements

During a “ Convention de la droite ” ( Convention de la droite ) organized by Marion Maréchal , Zemmour gave a keynote address on September 28, 2019 in Paris, revealing the essence of his thinking. In it, he denounced so-called “progressivism” as “an increasingly sophisticated repressive apparatus of channeling and censorship”, which the judiciary served as an enforcer “to harass dissidents and terrorize the once silent, now paralyzed majority”. This “progressivism” serves two “totalitarianisms” that are “rivals and accomplices at the same time”: “They destroy our nations, our peoples, our territories, our traditions, our way of life, our cultures: on the one hand, market universalism .. .; on the other hand, Islamic universalism, which ... gradually transformed parts of French territory ... into foreign enclaves by the sheer force of numbers and religious law ... In the past, immigration meant coming from abroad to give one's children a French future to enable. Today immigrants come to France to live like in their country of origin ... They behave as if they were in a conquered territory, like the Pieds-Noirs in Algeria or the English in India: they behave like colonizers. "" In France, as elsewhere in Europe, all of our problems are made worse by immigration ... And all of our problems that are made worse by immigration are made worse by Islam. It is a double danger. ”Conclusion:“ We live under the rule of a new Hitler-Stalin Pact . Our two totalitarianisms have come together to destroy us before they tear each other to pieces. "

Private life

Eric Zemmour is married to Mylène Chichportich, the couple have two sons and a daughter.


Web links

Commons : Éric Zemmour  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Serge Halimi: Rendezvous with an arsonist . In: Barbara Bauer, Anna Lerch (Ed.): Le Monde diplomatique . No. 11/25 . TAZ / WOZ , November 2019, ISSN  1434-2561 , p. 23 (Serge Halimi is director of the Le Monde diplomatique main edition in Paris).
  2. Sascha Lehnartz: "Drug dealers are mostly blacks or Arabs" , Die Welt , January 14, 2011
  3. Angelique Chrisafis: French journalist convicted on racism charge over drug dealer comment . The Guardian , February 18, 2011.
  4. Eric Zemmour condamné pour provocation à la discrimination raciale ( Memento of August 3, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  5. ^ Andres Wysling: Intellectuals in War. Neue Zürcher Zeitung , January 7, 2016
  6. Rod Dreher: Eric Zemmour's Blockbuster Speech , The American Conservative, Oct. 3, 2019, accessed Oct. 31, 2019
  7. ^ Paperback edition 2010, ISBN 978-2253157809