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Өвөрхангай Аймаг
Coat of arms of the Öworchangai-Aimag Flag of the Öworchangai-Aimag
Coat of arms of the Öworchangai-Aimag Flag of the Öworchangai-Aimag
Ulaan-Tsutgalan waterfall, Orhon River.jpg
The Ulaan-Tsutgalan waterfall
Founded: 1931
Main place: Arwaicheer
Surface: 62,900 km²
Residents: 113,911 (2016)
Population density: 1.77 inhabitants / km²
Telephone code: +976 (0) 132
License Plate: ӨВ_ (_ variable)
ISO 3166-2 : MN-055
Offic. Website: pmis.gov.mn/uvurkhangai/
China Russland Orchon-Aimag Darchan-Uul-Aimag Gobi-Sümber-Aimag Ulaanbaatar Dornod-Aimag Süchbaatar-Aimag Chentii-Aimag Töw-Aimag Dund-Gobi-Aimag Dorno-Gobi-Aimag Ömnö-Gobi-Aimag Bajanchongor-Aimag Gobi-Altai-Aimag Chowd-Aimag Bulgan-Aimag Archangai-Aimag Chöwsgöl-Aimag Dsawchan-Aimag Uws-Aimag Bajan-Ölgii-Aimag Öwörchangai-Aimag Selenge-AimagLocation of the Öworchangai aimag
About this picture
Location of the Öworchangai aimag in Mongolia

Coordinates: 45 ° 42 '  N , 102 ° 48'  O The Övörkhangai Province ( Mongolian Өвөрхангай Аймаг ; also: District Uwurchai ) is a Aimag (Province) of Mongolia , located in the center of the country.

Administrative structure

The Sum des Öwörchangai-Aimag (English spelling of names)
The sum of the Öwörchangai-Aimag
Sum Mongolian Population
2004 estimate
2006 estimate
2008 estimate
Arvaicheer Арвайхээр 22,546 24,954 25.622
Bajangol Баянгол 4.103 3.933 4,572
Bajan-Öndör Баян-Өндөр 3.734 4.077 4,261
Baruun bajan-Ulaan Баруун Баян-Улаан 2.586 2.502 2.556
Bat-Öldsii Бат-Өлзий 5.932 5.878 6.189
Bogd Богд 5.708 5.395 5,342
Burden Бүрд 3.171 3.258 3.135
Chairchandulaan Хайрхандулаан 3.388 3.462 3.510
Kharkhorin Архорин 12,546 13,270 12,901
Khujirt Хужирт 6,781 6.749 6.649
Josondsüil Есөнзүйл 3,584 3.415 3.422
Gutschin-Us Гучин-Ус 2.290 2.279 2.260
Nariin teel Нарийн тээл 3.797 3.792 3.736
Sant Сант 3.706 3,540 3.525
Tarags Тарагт 3,860 3.424 3.313
Tögrög Төгрөг 2.839 2.691 2,689
Ujanga Уянга 10.003 10.510 9,581
Öldsiite Өлзийт 2.805 2.678 2.741


The aimag is one of the most visited areas of Mongolia by tourists, as some of the most important sights - such as B. the waterfall of Orkhon  - and the most important monasteries of Mongolia can be found, z. B. Erdene Dsuu , Töwchön Chiid and Schanch Chiid .

Individual evidence

  1. Hans-Peter Vietze : Dictionary Mongolian-German . Leipzig: Encyclopedia, 1988; ISBN 3-324-00336-9 , p. 177.
  2. Övörkhangai Aimag Sums Statistics, 2009 ( Memento from April 21, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 301 kB)