Özdemir Nutku

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Özdemir Nutku (born January 12, 1931 in Istanbul , † November 8, 2019 in Izmir ) was a Turkish theater scholar , actor , writer and director .

Live and act

Nutku attended Robert College in Istanbul. He started taking piano lessons at the age of 7 . He gave his first public concert as a pianist in 1949. In the 1950s he performed as a jazz pianist in Turkey . His interest in theater also arose during his college years. He first played numerous roles in amateur theater . In the 1946/47 season he played his first professional theater role in an operetta by Franz Lehár at the Süreyya Opera House (Kadıköy Süreyya Sinema) in Istanbul .

In the early 1950s, Nutku moved with his family to Ankara , where he initially studied law at Ankara University . From 1952 he studied English language and English literary studies at the University of Ankara , graduating in Turkey in 1956. He then studied theater studies on a scholarship at the Georg-August University of Göttingen , where he obtained a German university degree in 1959.

During his time in Germany, Nutku worked as assistant to Heinz Hilpert for three years at the Deutsches Theater Göttingen . He also staged at private theaters: 1957 Leocadia by Jean Anouilh at the Junge Theater Göttingen, the following year Jean Giraudoux's Der Apoll von Bellac and Christopher Fry's Ein Schlaf Gefangner on the Nansen stage. As a member of the Göttingen work group for poetry , which included Wulf Segebrecht and Reinhard Döhl , among others , he also published lyrical works in Germany.

In 1959 Nutku went back to Turkey. He initially taught there as a university assistant for theater studies at the humanities faculty of Ankara University. In 1961 he submitted his doctoral thesis . In 1967 he became a private lecturer ; In 1974 he received a university professorship in theater studies at Ankara University. In the fall of 1976 he became a professor at the University of Izmir . There he founded the theater studies department at the Faculty of Fine Arts. He held various visiting professorships, for example in the United States in 1965 . From June 1965 to January 1966 he taught theater studies for two semesters at the University of Vienna .

In 1950 Nutku published his first volume of poetry. Since 1953 he has written over 1,800 articles in art and literary magazines. He wrote numerous books, plays and theoretical texts on theater. He wrote articles a. a. for the Encyclopedia of Islam and the World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theater . The authors he has translated into Turkish include: a. Herbert Achternbusch , George Tabori and a series of plays by William Shakespeare .

Özdemir Nutku was married to the theater scholar Hülya Nutku (* 1951) from 1977 .


In 2004 he was awarded the Muhsin Ertuğrul Özel Ödülü ( Muhsin Ertuğrul Special Prize) from Afife Tiyatro Ödülleri .

Publications (selection)

  • Modern Tiyatro Akımları (1963)
  • Darülbedayi'nin Elli Yılı (1969)
  • Dünya Tiyatrosu Tarihi (1971/1972)
  • Tiyatro Yönetmeninin Çalışması (1973)
  • Meddahlık ve Meddah Hikayeleri (1977)
  • Cream Bilgisi (1980)
  • Dram Sanatı (1983)
  • Gösterim Terimleri Sözlüğü (1983)
  • Oyunculuk Tarihi (1995)
  • Bana William Deyin (2010)
  • Zaman içinde zaman (2014)

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