ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio contribution service
ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio contribution service
legal form | public-law, unincorporated community body |
founding | 1973 (start of work) |
Seat | Cologne , North Rhine-Westphalia |
management | Michael Krüßel (Managing Director) |
Number of employees | 949 (2019) |
sales | approx. 8.06 billion euros (2019) |
Branch | Debt collection |
Website | (before 2013: ) |
The ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Contribution Service is the unincorporated community facility operated jointly by the nine state public broadcasters of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Second German Television (ZDF) and Deutschlandradio , which has been collecting the broadcasting fee since January 1, 2013 . The community facility is located in Cologne .
It emerged from the Fee Collection Center ( GEZ ), which existed until December 31, 2012. The GEZ collected radio fees from 1976 to 2012 . These taxes corresponded to the financing model of public broadcasting and were stipulated in the interstate broadcasting agreement of the federal states .
The contribution service forwards the collected funds to the state broadcasting corporations of the ARD , to the ZDF, to the Deutschlandradio and to the 14 state media authorities responsible for the supervision of private broadcasting .
In 2015, he withdrew from 44.661 million accounts over 8.1 billion euros. It carried out around 25.5 million dunning measures and, as an unincorporated community facility, operated around 720,000 foreclosures .
The GEZ as a joint facility of ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio based in Cologne was founded in 1973 and started work on January 1st, 1976. The collection of fees , which had been in the hands of the Reichspost and later the Bundespost since 1923, was transferred to the field of broadcasting. A ruling of the Federal Administrative Court of March 15, 1968, which made it clear that the regulation of broadcasting fees was a matter for the federal states and not for the post office, was fundamental .
In the course of that took effect at the same time changing the Broadcasting Funding from the previous charges - to the new contribution model the GEZ was in on 1 January 2013 ARD ZDF Germany Radio Post Service renamed.
Contribution service
The legal basis of the contribution service is the so-called "administrative agreement contribution collection". According to its legal nature, it is a statute that regulates the purpose, the internal structure as well as the rights and obligations of the members in relation to one another as well as the rights and obligations of the members for the contribution service.
According to the "Administrative Agreement for Contribution Collection", members of the contribution service are:
- Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR),
- the Hessischer Rundfunk (hr),
- Central German Broadcasting (MDR),
- the North German Broadcasting Corporation (NDR),
- Radio Bremen,
- the Berlin-Brandenburg broadcasting company (rbb),
- Saarland Broadcasting Corporation (SR),
- the Südwestrundfunk (SWR),
- the West German Broadcasting Corporation Cologne (WDR),
- Deutschlandradio (DLR) and
- the second German television (ZDF).
According to § 2 of the administrative agreement, the common purpose of the members is the joint operation of a data and service center.
The contribution service consists of two bodies: the management (§ 5 of the administrative agreement) on the one hand and the administrative board (§ 3 of the administrative agreement) on the other. Since the organs of the members are finally regulated in the relevant laws, the contribution service is not “part of the broadcasting corporations”, but rather a legally independent form of organization due to its own organs.
The classification of the contribution service in the legal structure of legal structures is not clearly clarified in either case law or literature. On the one hand, the contribution service is not a legal person because no law gives it legal capacity. On the other hand, the internal structure of the contribution service reflects the characteristic internal structure of municipal special-purpose associations, which in turn are legal entities under public law due to the corresponding legal bases.
The contribution service is supposed to take over the administration of the tax revenue of the public service broadcasting. He works for the relevant state broadcaster ARD, which is defined as the contribution creditor by the State Broadcasting Agreement (in Section 10). According to its legal nature, the legal relationship between the contribution service and the broadcasters is a lending right relationship, since the contribution service performs sovereign tasks, rights and obligations for the broadcasters in accordance with Section 10 (7) RBStV.
The predecessor organization GEZ had 1200 employees at the end of 2012 and, according to ARD information, should be reduced to 930 by the end of 2016. As a result of the process of switching from the fee to the contribution model, 250 additional employees have been hired on a temporary basis, whose contracts expired by the end of 2015. In addition to the headquarters in Cologne, the contribution service consists of regional branches at seven regional broadcasting corporations of the ARD (in the area of responsibility of the Saarland Broadcasting Corporation and Radio Bremen there are no branches of their own).
In order to comply with the legal fee regulations, license fee officers were appointed on site by the relevant regional broadcaster . These could u. a. Receive notifications for the registration of a radio receiver, which were forwarded to the GEZ according to a distribution key and minus administrative costs.
Supervisory bodies
Board of Directors
The administrative board (§ 3 of the administrative agreement) as the decision-making body, which represents the control body of the contribution service (like the GEZ), consists of one representative each from the state broadcasting corporations and the Deutschlandradio as well as three representatives from the Second German Television.
- Chair: Katrin Vernau, Administrative Director (WDR) (since March 1, 2015)
- Deputy Chair: Karin Brieden , Administrative Director (ZDF), Dr. Nina Hütt, Legal Counsel (HR), and Rainer Kampmann , Administrative and Operations Director (Deutschlandradio)
- Members: Petra Birkenbeil, Head of the Finance Department (ZDF), Ulrike Deike, Administrative Director (NDR), Hagen Brandstäter, Administrative Director (RBB), Dr. Hermann Eicher, Legal Counsel (SWR), Dr. Albrecht Frenzel, Administrative Director (BR), Ralf Ludwig, Administrative Director (MDR), Jan Schrader, Head of Finance (RB), Peter Weber, Legal Advisor (ZDF), Stephanie Weber, Administrative and Operations Director (SR)
The board of directors appoints an advisory board. This advises the board of directors and the management on technical issues.
executive Director
The managing director (§ 5 of the administrative agreement) as the executive body implements the resolutions of the administrative board. He represents the contribution service in legal transactions towards third parties.
After investigative proceedings (later discontinued) against several GEZ employees due to allegations of corruption , the GEZ set up the function of an external ombudsman in 2007 , who has since been available as a contact for the general public for suspected white- collar crime in connection with the collection of contributions.
From 1976 to 2012, the predecessor organization GEZ collected the broadcasting fees in accordance with the Interstate Broadcasting Agreement ( based on the Interstate Broadcasting Agreement ). Your tasks were:
- Collection of fees (obligation of new participants, acquisition of outstanding broadcasting fees, processing of payment transactions)
- Fee waivers
- Fee planning
- Participant support
Fee planning
The GEZ was in charge of planning the fee income from the offer of the public broadcasting service of the Federal Republic of Germany. On the basis of preliminary work by the GEZ, they were planned by the fee planning working group , a sub-commission of the financial commission of the broadcasting corporations - generally for a period of five years or the current fee period (December 31, 2009, as of June 2007). The managing director of the GEZ was also chairman of the fee planning working group .
Collection of the fee
On 9 June 2010, the prime ministers of the countries that the former decided federal judge and tax expert Paul Kirchhof developed post model to introduce in 2013 a flat fee from 1 January. The State Treaty on Broadcasting Fee , which was subsequently ratified by the state parliaments of the federal states, provides for the broadcasting fee to be replaced by a flat-rate housing fee that does not depend on the actual receivers or the number of residents. The monthly fee per apartment was 17.98 euros, as was previously the case for television users. This reduced the tax for households that had to pay several fee rates according to the previous regulation, but increased it from EUR 5.76 to EUR 17.98 for users who only had a radio or PC and not a television set. Since 2013, disabled people who have been awarded the RF mark must also pay the fee. Accordingly, such severely disabled people paid a third of the monthly contribution (i.e. 5.99 euros per month). Before that, people who were prevented from participating in public events due to special circumstances (for example: degree of disability of at least 80%) were hard of hearing, deaf, deaf and blind people who were found to have a degree of disability of at least 60% , exempt from the fee. According to this, only deaf-blind persons and recipients with particularly low incomes (e.g. basic security according to Chapter 4 SGB XII or assistance for the blind according to Section 72 SGB XII ) as well as special, unspecified cases of hardship (Section 4 (6) RBStV) are completely entitled to payment of the broadcasting fee freed. On April 1, 2015, the fee was reduced to 17.50 euros / month. For people with disabilities (code RF) a contribution of 5.83 euros / month applies. The minister-presidents limited the reduction of the fee to 48 cents, although the experts of the KEF (Commission for the determination of the financial needs of broadcasters) had actually recommended a reduction of the fee by 73 cents.
Previously, as of January 1, 2009, the monthly radio fee was 17.98 euros, or 5.76 euros if only radio reception was used. These fees were each payable for a period of three months. Receiving devices in commercially used rooms and vehicles were subject to registration and fees. The license fee applied both to conventional radio receivers and expressly to so-called “new types of radio equipment”, which includes internet-enabled computers. An administrative offense was committed by anyone who did not report their obligation to pay fees within one month or who did not pay due contributions in full within six months.
Data collection and storage
On January 1, 2013, the contribution service switched the existing data records from the previous fee model to the new fee model. Most private individuals did not have to make any significant changes to the data sets, as they continue to pay the broadcast license fee that was previously due for television sets in their household as a broadcast license fee based on the flat. Since 2013, the contribution service has therefore no longer collected or saved any information about the type and number of devices in an apartment or vehicle that are suitable for radio reception according to the official definition. Since 2012, the contribution service has been sending notifications of the full contribution amount due according to the new legislation to broadcasters who have previously only paid the basic fee due to the type of devices registered. The same applies to those who were previously exempt from paying the fee for other reasons and whose reason for exemption no longer applies under the new model, for example most severely disabled people. According to the changed contribution model, previous fee payers who are no longer liable to pay contributions must unsubscribe from the contribution service stating the reason for exemption and will be reimbursed any contributions that have been overpaid from January 1, 2013. This applies, for example, to employees of full age or trainees with their own income who live in a shared apartment with other family members or to residents of shared apartments who have previously been subject to charges.
From March 1, 2013, there should be a one-off comparison of the participant data of the contribution service with the relevant data stored by the registration authorities of around 70 million adult residents in Germany (name, date of birth, current and previous address) in order to identify persons not previously recorded by the GEZ to be able to determine. From 2013 onwards, radio fees or contributions that have not yet been paid will only be invoiced retrospectively from January 1, 2013 for new claims.
In the case of apartment owners identified on the basis of the registration data comparison without a previous contribution account who did not react to the letters sent by the contribution service, the contribution service has carried out so-called direct registrations since the end of 2013 by automatically registering them as subject to contributions. Three quarters of the additional income achieved in 2014 compared to 2013 was the result of these direct registrations, which apparently recorded a large number of people who were successfully able to evade their statutory payment obligations under the previous, less dense recording system despite radio use. According to research by the trade journal Medienkorrespondenz , the contribution service only used the instrument of direct registrations after both the commission for determining the financial needs of the broadcasters (KEF) and the politicians responsible for legislation put pressure on ARD and ZDF as well as the contribution service had exercised themselves, who saw it as an important element in achieving greater fairness in contributions. The broadcasters themselves would not have wanted to use this method for fear of negative media coverage. In particular, people who are financially better off were recorded via the direct registrations.
The recording of business premises that are also subject to contributions in addition to private apartments is much more complex, as the respective contribution amount depends on a combination of various factors, such as: type of business premises, number of branches, number of vehicles and number of employees. Public welfare institutions (schools, non-profit associations, foundations, etc.) pay a maximum of one full contribution rate (17.50 euros) per business establishment, with up to eight employees only one third (5.83 euros). The latter rule also applies to the permanent establishments of private companies, for which the full contribution rate is due from nine to 19 employees, which, according to the contribution service, covers 90 percent of the permanent establishments. In the case of higher numbers of employees, a graduation with a total of ten steps applies, in which the maximum rate, i.e. 180 times the contribution rate (3150 euros) for facilities with more than 20,000 employees, is due. If more than one vehicle is used per business location, EUR 5.83 is to be paid for each vehicle. For rented rooms or holiday flats, in addition to the contribution for the permanent establishment from the second room or second apartment, 5.83 euros are charged.
The state broadcasting corporations and the former GEZ were allowed to save and manage all the data of radio participants that were necessary for the fulfillment of their tasks. The Federal Statistical Office counted 39 million private households, while the GEZ had a database of 41.8 million participant accounts in 2012 (including 3.18 million accounts of logged out participants). The GEZ thus maintained one of the most comprehensive collections of data on the residents of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The basis for the data was initially the information provided by the participants on appropriate forms. The forms were laid out at post offices, banks and savings banks, for example. Another source of data was the registration offices . These forwarded registration and re-registration data to the GEZ, even if an information and transmission block was set up at the residents' registration office. In 2002 the federal German registration authorities sent over 12 million data records from citizens to the GEZ.
GEZ spokeswoman Nicole Hurst said: “We are already legally entitled to receive change data from the residents' registration offices. We receive the data from the residents' registration offices on certain key dates. These are then the most recent data. "
Investigation and monitoring
With the entry into force of the new regulation of the fee model, the commissioning service will no longer apply, and the state broadcasters will have terminated the contracts with the relevant employees. In contrast to the past, the contribution service will no longer acquire data from commercial address traders at least until 2013 and 2014, which the GEZ has done so far in order to compare it with its own data. As before, residents of Germany who are of legal age and who have not yet been exempt from contributions or who pay contributions are obliged to register with the contribution service immediately. In order to be able to identify those who evade this obligation, the contribution service is only given the option of a one-time comparison of data with the records of the registration offices (see above, section on data collection and data storage). The license fee officers are not mentioned in the new State Treaty (2013) in connection with the field service. According to press reports, however, their continued existence is presumably guaranteed.
The former GEZ did not have its own field service; it recorded new participants solely on the basis of voluntary reports, letters and data received from other sources. If there was no reply to their first letter, the GEZ wrote the following two letters in increasingly strict formulations, which often gave the impression that sovereign measures would soon be taken. Since these were sent to all the people who were contacted, people who were not actually required to provide information were asked to provide information.
In addition, the GEZ had the license fee officers of the state broadcasting corporations work with it in order to receive additional new data. The alleged "GEZ inspectors" (collectively also referred to as the commissioned service ) were self-employed field employees of the state broadcasting corporations (or their employees) without sovereign powers (such as access to private rooms ). In 2006, for example, the MDR 141 had freelance fee investigators who received an average of around 30,000 euros in commission per year. The fee officers worked on the basis of success commissions and had to identify themselves with an official ID from the state broadcaster.
The GEZ was not allowed to save any data from non-participants or only save the data of former radio participants for a limited period of time. Therefore it happened that the GEZ wrote to people again because previous letters were not saved. This field service cost around 200 million euros annually before it was abolished.
The GEZ ran advertising campaigns in print and electronic media to draw attention to the legal obligation to pay fees. Until 2005, “Already paid?” Was the campaign's slogan; from 2006 to 2012, media consumers were encouraged to register under the motto “Of course I pay”. In 2006, the GEZ spent around 6 million euros on advertising, which is accounted for by the broadcasters. In order to introduce the changed, apartment-based broadcasting fee, the slogan “Simply. For all. The new broadcast contribution ”is used.
Fee income and administrative costs
In 2014, the ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio contribution service earned 8.324 billion euros, generating its own costs of 170.6 million euros, that is 2.05 percent of the total revenue or 3.83 euros per subscriber account. Additional costs arise in the ARD stations through the so-called commissioning services, the "expenses for the collection of fees" booked directly with the ARD stations amounted to B. in 2011 according to the financial report of the ARD to 177.2 million euros.
year | Total revenue in billions of euros |
Contribution service expenses | Subscriber accounts in millions |
Change in the number of participants |
source | ||
total | in Euro | Euros per participant | |||||
1999 | 5.80 | 2.76 | |||||
2000 | 5.92 | 2.82 | |||||
2001 | 6.65 | 2.95 | |||||
2002 | 6.75 | 3.03 | |||||
2003 | 6.79 | 1.97% | 3.29 | ||||
2004 | 6.85 | 2.08% | 142,480,000 | 3.45 | 41.2 | +600,000 | |
2005 | 7.123 | 2.27% | 161.692.100 | 3.89 | 41.7 | +400,000 | |
2006 | 7.286 | 2.23% | 162,477,800 | 3.87 | 42.0 | +300,000 | |
2007 | 7.298 | 2.18% | 159.096.400 | 3.77 | 42.3 | +300,000 | |
2008 | 7.2605 | 2.26% | 164.087.300 | 3.87 | 42.5 | +200,000 | |
2009 | 7.604 | 2.13% | 161,593,542 | 3.85 | 41.9 | -600,000 | |
2010 | 7.545 | 2.13% | 160,494,698 | 3.83 | 41.9 | ± 0 | |
2011 | 7.533 | 2.16% | 163.039.388 | 3.84 | 41.8 | -100,000 | |
2012 | 7.492 | 2.15% | 181.932.798 | 3.86 | 41.8 | - 79,000 | |
2013 | 7,681 | 2.17% | 167,000,000 | 3.94 | 42.4 | +600,000 | |
2014 | 8.324 | 2.05% | 170,600,000 | 3.83 | 44.5 | +1,100,000 | |
2015 | 8.131 | 2.11% | 171.271.011 | 3.83 | 44.7 | + 153,000 | |
2016 | 7.978 | 2.12% | 168.852.583 | 3.76 | 44.9 | + 210,395 | |
2017 | 7.974 | 2.08% | 165,695,572 | 3.68 | 45.0 | + 137,721 | |
2018 | 8.008 | 2.17% | 173.472.461 | 3.79 | 45.8 | + 810.732 | |
2019 | 8.068 | 2.16% | 174,633,146 | 3.79 | 46.1 | + 312.354 |
Legal bases
For broadcast participants, the statutes governing the procedure for paying broadcasting fees of the individual state broadcasters apply primarily . The basis for this is u. a. the State Treaty on Broadcasting Fees (until the end of 2012: State Treaty on Broadcasting Fees ). In particular, the statutes stipulate that the GEZ and not the respective state broadcaster is responsible for carrying out the legal proceedings relating to broadcasting license fees (e.g. the registration of radio receivers).
Addressees for any complaints about the activities of the GEZ are the directors of the respective regionally competent broadcasting corporations due to their lack of legal capacity .
The former GEZ saved participant data, which includes both private households - according to the Federal Statistical Office there are 39 million of them in Germany - and non-private establishments. In 2004 this was 41.2 million records, including 2.2 million records from unsubscribed participants. This database was adopted as part of the new regulation from 2013.
Which are for the data-protection monitoring of the radio officer Data protection officer from the provincial broadcasters responsible. The GEZ also employs its own company data protection officer.
However, there is often no control by an independent independent body, as is the case for other government and private bodies. The only exceptions are the states of Berlin, Bremen, Brandenburg and Hesse. The broadcasting corporations rely on their constitutional privilege of freedom of broadcasting . You interpret this in such a way that a control by the state data protection officer is not permitted - not even when processing the data of persons liable for fees, i.e. outside the journalistic and journalistic area.
The federal and state data protection officers , on the other hand, are of the opinion that the complete independence of the data protection supervisory authorities required by the European Data Protection Directive also applies to the area of license fees and is only maintained if the state data protection officers, who are independent of the broadcasters, are responsible for monitoring the processing of license fee data are responsible for the broadcasters or the GEZ. The data protection officers have submitted a corresponding proposal to amend the State Broadcasting Fee Treaty.
Judgments and legal proceedings
As a result of the criticism of the contribution service, many lawsuits were filed against the practice of the contribution service.
The Tübingen Regional Court received media attention with its decision of September 16, 2016, 5 T 232/16. In the decision, a foreclosure initiated by the contribution service was rejected because, among other things, a. the authority is absent. However, this judgment was overturned by the Federal Court of Justice with the judgment of 14.06.2017 - I ZB 87/16. The Tübingen single judge has addressed the following to the ECJ for clarification. With the judgment of December 13, 2018 - C-492/17, however, the legality was finally confirmed.
Duty to accept cash
The business journalist Norbert Häring claims his right to payment of the radio license fee in cash. This was denied by the contribution service. While his lawsuit failed in the first two instances, the Federal Administrative Court recognizes the obligation to accept cash, but refers again to the European Court of Justice.
The GEZ was often rejected by the public. One reason was the sometimes misrepresented responsibility in the media, as various criticisms of the overall system of public broadcasting are formulated under the catchy abbreviation GEZ without the collection center being actually responsible. Terms such as GEZ fee (radio fee ) or GEZ controller (radio fee officer of the state broadcasting corporations) were coined. In fact, the GEZ warned media that presented it incorrectly or in a simplified manner. So she wanted to enforce that instead of the "catchy" designation GEZ fee the correct term broadcast fee or instead of GEZ investigator the correct broadcast license fee officer is used.
This should be separated from the criticism of the working practice of the GEZ itself. The handling of customer data was particularly criticized; state data protection officers also documented violations of the provisions. Furthermore, incorrect cover letters due to incorrect data were reported at intervals.
The GEZ received some symbolic “appreciations” from critical institutions, for example the Big Brother Award 2003: Lifetime Award for life's work . This related to the handling of the GEZ with customers and customer data. The Brake of the Year 2006 award from the computer magazine Chip criticized the expansion of the obligation to pay fees to internet-enabled devices and mobile telephones and stated: "The progress motors internet and mobile communications will become a fee generator for the GEZ that is hostile to innovation."
The GEZ was also referred to as the public symbol for the license fee financing of public broadcasting, which is legally stipulated by the federal states.
Comparable institutions in other countries
In other European countries with license-financed public service broadcasting, similar organizations are often responsible for collecting fees and managing the participants. These can also be organized in a private legal form. Responsible for the corresponding fee collection z. B. in Austria GIS , in Great Britain TV Licensing and in Switzerland Serafe AG .
In 2006, the GEZ was a founding member of the international Broadcasting Fee Association ("Rundfunkkostenverband"), in which 13 institutions from 13 different countries responsible for collecting broadcasting fees came together.
Web links

- officially
- Website of the ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio contribution service
- Expert opinion "Public-law media - task and financing", December 2014 edition , at
- in the media
- Sonja Pohlmann: First lawsuit against the radio license fee from 2013. In: Tagesspiegel. August 2012 .
- Documentation of contentious data protection issues in connection with the new data collection coming in 2013. In: Welt am Sonntag
- Armin Herb: New Broadcasting Financing - New Data Protection Problems? Data protection standards in the new State Treaty on Broadcasting Fees (RBStV). In: MultiMedia and Law 4/2011 (PDF; 6.7 MB)
Individual evidence
- ↑ Imprint
- ↑ GEZ. History of broadcasting in Germany ( Memento from October 17, 2011 in the Internet Archive ; PDF)
- ↑ Contribution service , website of the contribution service, accessed on October 1, 2019
- ↑ a b c Annual Report 2019. (PDF) In: Retrieved July 1, 2020 .
- ↑ Michael Hanfeld : 8,131,285,001.97 euros. In:
- ↑ Annual report 2015, p. 32. ( Memento from June 15, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) In:
- ↑ Annual Report 2015, p. 33. ( Memento from June 15, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) In:
- ↑ : full text
- ^ Winfried Kluth (1995): Functional self-administration. Constitutional status - constitutional protection (habilitation). ISBN 3-16-146815-5 , p. 65 ( online )
- ↑ short name; Full name: Contribution service of the public broadcasting corporations (ARD), the Second German Television (ZDF) and the Deutschlandradio (DR) , see imprint ( memento of December 1, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) of the new website, accessed on December 1, 2012 .
- ↑ New GEZ name: Zwang is now called service. In: Spiegel Online . May 31, 2012. Retrieved October 29, 2012 .
- ↑ Administrative agreement for collection of contributions in the version dated November 14, 2013. (PDF) In: Retrieved August 3, 2016 .
- ↑ a b Martin Dowideit, Dieter Fockenbrock, Kirsten Ludowig, Hans-Peter Siebenhaar, Klaus Stratmann: At ARD and ZDF you are caught in the fee trap . In: Handelsblatt . No. 4 , January 7, 2013, ISSN 0017-7296 , p. 1, 4 .
- ↑ On our own behalf: Why we argue with the GEZ. In: Welt Online , October 13, 2012, accessed January 5, 2013
- ↑ Contact person on site. ( Memento of January 16, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Website of the contribution service, accessed on January 5, 2012
- ↑ Board of Directors. In: Retrieved July 1, 2020 .
- ↑ Corruption allegations: Investigations against GEZ boss stopped. In: Handelsblatt , April 25, 2007, accessed on January 5, 2013
- ↑ Simon Feldmer: GEZ and radio fees : The great frustration. in: Süddeutsche Zeitung , October 20, 2007, accessed on January 5, 2013
- ↑ Via the contribution service. In: Retrieved July 1, 2020 .
- ↑ Johannes Boie: 18 euros per household . Paul Kirchhof recommends an "inevitable" GEZ levy. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . No. 104 , May 7, 2010, ISSN 0174-4917 , p. 104 (ARD, ZDF and D-Radio commissioned from Cemetery in on 6 May 2010 Berlin imagined report ).
- ↑ Ronny Janke: GEZ also takes disabled people. In: September 6, 2010, archived from the original on August 6, 2012 ; Retrieved June 28, 2012 .
- ↑ BUNDESSOZIALGERICHT judgment of 16 February 2012 B 9 SB 11/02 R (W. ./. State of Schleswig-Holstein) . Federal Social Court . February 16, 2012. Retrieved February 13, 2017.
- ↑ bwa: The transformer house without radio remains free of charge . In: Handelsblatt . No. 4 , January 7, 2013, ISSN 0017-7296 , p. 5 .
- ↑ Information on exemption from the license fee and on the reduction of the license fee. (PDF) March 19, 2012, archived from the original on May 10, 2012 ; Retrieved June 28, 2012 .
- ↑ GEZ broadcast contribution. January 19, 2015, accessed April 23, 2015 .
- ^ Text of the fifteenth State Treaty on Broadcasting Amending with State Treaty on Broadcasting Contribution of June 7, 2011 on the Bavarian announcement platform
- ^ Anne Burgmer: Broadcasting fees: Difficult times for illicit seeers. In: Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger , December 17, 2012
- ↑ Daniel Bouhs: Waiver of reclaims: GEZ wants to spare longtime seekers . In: Spiegel Online , October 29, 2012, accessed December 22, 2013
- ↑ a b Broadcasting fee: by 2016 additional income of 1.5 billion euros. ( Memento from January 15, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) In: Medienkorrespondenz , March 20, 2015, accessed on April 22, 2015
- ↑ Achim Sawall: GEZ is already receiving the data from the registration offices . In: July 9, 2012, accessed February 8, 2014 .
- ↑ Ulli Tückmantel: Compulsory fees for ARD and ZDF GEZ are now called “contribution service”. In: RP Online , December 1, 2012
- ↑ State Treaty on Broadcasting Contribution . Here § 8 obligation to notify, on: School and Law in Lower Saxony , accessed on December 22, 2012
- ↑ Front door controls are still possible ( Memento from January 19, 2013 in the Internet Archive ), January 16, 2013.
- ↑ MDR confirms that fee investigators will remain. In: , January 14, 2013.
- ↑ Activity report of the [Brandenburg state commissioner for data protection and for the right to inspect files as of December 31, 2005 (13th activity report 2004/2005).] P. 70 ff., Accessed on December 1, 2012 (PDF file; 1 MB) .
- ↑ GEZ Annual Report 2005 (PDF; 2.9 MB) ( Memento from February 2, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ a b Annual Report 2014. ( Memento from May 5, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) In: (PDF; 8 MB)
- ↑ Rundfunkfinanzen 2011. ( Memento of January 30, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) ARD financial report p. 5, accessed on January 5, 2013 (PDF; 377 kB)
- ↑ GEZ Annual Report 2007 (PDF; 2.9 MB) ( Memento from October 17, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ GEZ Annual Report 2008 (PDF; 2.5 MB) ( Memento from March 4, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ GEZ Annual Report 2009 (PDF; 12.3 MB) ( Memento from October 16, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ GEZ Annual Report 2010 ( Memento from February 23, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 10.5 MB)
- ↑ GEZ Annual Report 2011 ( Memento from February 23, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 9.5 MB)
- ↑ GEZ Annual Report 2012 (PDF; 8 MB)
- ↑ GEZ Annual Report 2013 ( Memento from April 12, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 8 MB)
- ↑ Annual report 2015. (PDF) In: Retrieved August 24, 2018 .
- ↑ Annual report 2016. (PDF) In: Retrieved August 24, 2018 .
- ↑ Annual report 2017. (PDF) In: Retrieved August 24, 2018 .
- ↑ Annual report 2018. (PDF) In: Retrieved July 1, 2020 .
- ↑ As an example for people who live in the establishment area of the West German Broadcasting Corporation: Statute on the procedure for paying the broadcasting fees of the West German Broadcasting Corporation in Cologne. Retrieved September 22, 2012.
- ↑ 5 T 232/16. In: State Jurisprudence Baden-Württemberg. September 16, 2016, accessed April 20, 2019 .
- ↑ Defeat for GEZ collectors: Foreclosure is unlawful. In: September 30, 2016, accessed April 20, 2019 .
- ↑ I ZB 87/16. In: Federal Court of Justice. June 14, 2017. Retrieved April 20, 2019 .
- ↑ Frankfurt Administrative Court rejects the action for cash payment of the broadcasting fee. In: December 1, 2016, accessed April 20, 2019 .
- ↑ Cash action goes to the Federal Administrative Court. In: February 13, 2018, accessed April 20, 2019 .
- ↑ Federal Administrative Court sees the obligation to accept cash for broadcasters and submits my complaint to the European Court of Justice. In: March 27, 2019, accessed April 20, 2019 .
- ↑ Court doubts legal basis for Internet GEZ fee. In: Retrieved April 26, 2009 .
- ↑ Higher Administrative Court confirms GEZ fee for PC used for business purposes. In: Retrieved April 26, 2009 .
- ↑ Konrad Lischka: GEZ warns website because of the term "GEZ fee". In: Spiegel Online. August 24, 2007, accessed May 31, 2011 .
- ↑ Activity report of the [Brandenburg State Commissioner for Data Protection and the Right to Inspect Files as of December 31, 2005 (13th Activity Report 2004/2005).] P. 71 ff., Accessed on December 1, 2012 (PDF; 1 MB).
- ↑ Lifetime category. Retrieved on May 31, 2011 ( Thilo Weichert's laudation at BigBrotherAwards - Lifetime Award 2003 ).
- ↑ GEZ is "Brake of the Year". In: March 10, 2006, archived from the original on November 20, 2011 ; Retrieved May 31, 2011 .
- ↑ Melanie Amann: The black channels . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung . No. 50 . Frankfurt am Main December 16, 2012, p. 37 .
- ^ Broadcasting Fee Association. In: , accessed January 11, 2013
Coordinates: 50 ° 58 ′ 13.8 ″ N , 6 ° 51 ′ 18.6 ″ E