Broadcasting Council

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The Broadcasting Council ( ZDF : Fernsehrat , Deutschlandradio : Hörfunkrat ) is the supreme supervisory body responsible for program control in German public broadcasters .

Goal setting

A broadcasting council monitors compliance with the statutory broadcasting order. In addition, the Broadcasting Council should guarantee the openness of access to the programs of the public broadcasters for various socially relevant groups in accordance with the diversity protection concept devised by the legislature. However, the Broadcasting Council does not determine the program planning, this is the task of the director. The Broadcasting Council only advises him on programming.

Important tasks of the broadcasting councils are z. B. Election and advice of the artistic director , monitoring of compliance with the legally standardized program principles, election of members of the board of directors and approval of the budget and the annual report.

Legal basis

The federal states determine the legal provisions for the broadcasting councils . The tasks and number of members of the broadcasters' councils vary according to the different legal bases in the federal states (currently between 26 (Radio Bremen) and 74 (SWR)).


The Broadcasting Council is made up of members from various associations that are listed in the respective State Treaty on Broadcasting. These are e.g. B. Trade unions , women's associations, churches and parliamentary groups . They send their representatives independently. The Broadcasting Council is intended to depict a cross-section of the population . Depending on the broadcaster, the members of the broadcasting councils are sent for four (e.g. ZDF ), five ( SWR ) or six ( MDR ) years by the associations named in the RStV. It is up to the respective associations internally to determine their representatives by election or appointment.

In 2014, the Federal Constitutional Court pronounced a ruling on public broadcasting being remote from the state. The court issued a "requirement to ensure diversity" in the composition of the broadcasting councils. The "proportion of state and state-affiliated members" was expressly limited to a maximum of one third of the statutory members of the respective body in order to ensure that they are not from the state.

Criticism is made, for example, of the fact that, although the churches are represented in the Broadcasting Council, there are no representatives of atheists and agnostics . A changing cross-section of the population can only be taken into account through a new state treaty. Another point of criticism is that the contributors have no say or vote in the composition of the council.


See also

Web links

Members of the Broadcasting Council of the individual state broadcasters:

Members of the Broadcasting Council of the Federal Broadcasters:

supporting documents

  3. BVerfG , judgment of the First Senate of March 25, 2014 - 1 BvF 1/11 -, Rn. (1-135).
  4. ^ Criticism of the principle of the Broadcasting Council. Retrieved July 25, 2018 .