Adalbert von Schleifras

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Portrait around 1700
Coat of arms of Abbot Adalbert I von Schleifras at Fürsteneck Castle . Translation of the inscription: "Adalbert, by God's grace Abbot of Fulda, Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, the exalted Empress Arch Chancellor, Primate in Germania and Gaul 1709"

Adalbert of Schleifras OSB (also of Schleiffras *, 18th February 1650 in Reichlos ; † 6. October 1714 in Fulda ) was 1682-1683 dean of the deanery Blankenau and 1700-1714 abbot of Fulda . During his tenure he promoted baroque architecture in Fulda and had the Fulda Cathedral built as the main work .



Adalbert was the eldest son of Baron Georg Lukas von Schleifras and his wife Maria Margareta, nee from Rotzmann. After three days, he was baptized in the name of Hermann Otto in the Protestant church of Freiensteinau . The father entered the technical service around 1657 and the entire family converted to the Catholic faith. Adalbert's brother was Johann Martin Ludwig von Schleifras, a privy councilor in Fulda, chief forest and chief hunter and chief magistrate in Mackenzell ; after his brother's death he went to Mainz, where he became an Electorate Mainz trustee .


He spent his novitiate in the Princely Monastery of Kempten and studied in Ochsenhausen and Admont . After being accepted into the Fulda collegiate chapter in 1678, he was appointed superior. On July 1, 1700, he was elected as the new prince abbot of Fulda under the name of Adalbert von Schleifras . On January 3, 1701 the papal confirmation followed. On September 5, 1702, Emperor Leopold confirmed the regalia and privileges of the monastery to the abbot .

Main entrance of the city ​​palace in Fulda


He is considered to be the builder of the Fulda Cathedral and the Fulda City Palace, as well as Bieberstein Castle in the Rhön .

When he was elected, Abbot Adalbert had to promise that he would take care of the structural condition of the collegiate church - the Ratgar Basilica  - and its better equipment. He was able to keep the promise because his predecessor, Prince Abbot Placidus von Droste , left him an economically renovated pen. An era of new artistic creation began in Fulda with Adalbert von Schleifras. On September 4, 1700, he appointed Johann Dientzenhofer to the abbot's master builder. At the same time, Dientzenhofer was commissioned to build a new collegiate church in place of the old Romanesque monastery church above the grave of St. Boniface . After the previous building had been demolished, the baroque Fulda Cathedral was built between 1704 and 1712.

Palace of the monastery dean

A rich and intensive ecclesiastical and profane building activity took place under Prince Abbot Adalbert . In the years 1702 to 1704, the new palace of the monastery dean was built by the master builder Antonius Peyer and a new residence for the abbot was built. At the same time, churches, chapels and monasteries were built in the Fulda area, the Fürsteneck Castle in Eiterfeld was rebuilt and the Geisa Castle was built by Johann Dientzenhofer between 1700 and 1714 .

The baroque tomb of the prince abbot is on the left in front of the high altar on the crossing pillars in today's Fulda Cathedral. It was made from 1719 to 1722 by Johann Heinrich Ernst Mockstatt from Fulda. Right in front of the high altar is the tomb of Prince Abbot Adolf von Dalberg .


Web links

Commons : Adalbert von Schleifras  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Schleifras, Adalbert I. von. Hessian biography (as of February 18, 2017). In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS). Hessian State Office for Historical Cultural Studies (HLGL), accessed on March 8, 2017 .
  2. HStAM Best. Urk. 75 No. 1708 Nov. 28.
  3. ^ Regina Elisabeth Schwerdtfeger, Friedhelm Jürgensmeier, Franziskus Büll: The Benedictine monasteries and nunneries in Hesse . EOS, 2004, ISBN 978-3-8306-7199-2 , pp. 266 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  4. HStAM Best. Urk. 75 No. 1701 Jan. 3.
  5. Anneliese Luetkehaus: Emanuel Wohlhaupter , 1683-1756: court painter to the prince abbot of Fulda. 1936, p. 8
predecessor Office successor
Placidus von Droste Prince Abbot of Fulda
Konstantin von Buttlar