Adam Christoph von Wallenrodt

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Adam Christoph von Wallenrodt (born February 1, 1644 - † November 5, 1711 in Königsberg ) was a Prussian minister and court master, knight of the Black Eagle Order , colonel of the cavalry and head of a regiment on horseback.



His parents were the governor of Morungen Gottfried von Wallenrodt (* April 22, 1607; † April 9, 1657) and his second wife Maria, born von Nettelhorst († February 20, 1662). The Prussian statesman Sigismund von Wallenrodt (* October 24, 1652, † November 26, 1723) was his brother.


Since his father died early, his brother Johann Ernst von Wallenrodt took over his upbringing. Until he was 16 he studied in the Jesuit monastery in Bromberg . In 1662 he then moved to the University of Königsberg . From 1664 he went traveling, studied one year in Duisburg , two in Jena and finally at the University of Tübingen . In March 1668 he traveled to France via Holland, where he stayed for another two years. He returned to Prussia via England and Denmark, where he returned in July 1671.

There he became a lieutenant in the Crown Prince's infantry regiment and in 1672 went on the campaign against France. But when the peace of Vossem was concluded, Wallenrodt switched to Dutch services. He recruited teams and received a company in the "Eulenburg" regiment. In March 1674 he became a major and as such took part in the siege of Graves. 1675 brought in the Elector back into Brandenburg services and made him on July 15, 1675 lieutenant colonel in the dragoon regiment "Schlieben". This gave him the job of his cousin Adam Sigismund von Wallenrodt. In January 1677 he was appointed colonel over a cavalry regiment. Wallenrodt did not take up this post, but preferred to take care of the administration of his property by marriage.

In March 1688 he received the administration of Rastenburg and in May that of Tapiau . In addition, he received in May 1690 from Elector Friedrich III. also the district office in Schacken . After Wallenrodt had been captain in Brandenburg and district director for a few years, he became chief marshal in July 1697. He was awarded the Order of the Black Eagle by King Friedrich I on January 19, 1701 and elevated to the rank of Count of Prussia. Shortly afterwards the king sent him as an envoy to the Polish court. He was then brought back for the wedding of the king with the princess of Mecklenburg and received the title of Landeshofmeister on his return. After many years of faithful service, he died on November 5, 1711.


In October 1676 he married Marie Luise von Wallenrodt (* September 9, 1656 - † March 18, 1699), the heir to his cousin of the Landeshofmeister Johann Ernst von Wallenrodt (* 1615 - † 1697), with whom he had two sons and five daughters , including:

  • Maria Charlotte Luise (June 15, 1676; † May 5, 1737) ⚭ 1699 Heinrich Wilhelm von der Groeben (* August 11, 1657; † August 30, 1729)
  • Katharina Sophia (* 1677; † Jung)
  • Johann Ernst (* 1678; † Jung)
  • Johanna Charlotte (* 1679; † 1681)
  • Adam Christoph (* 1680; † April 1, 1741), captain of Tapiau ⚭ Dorothea Charlotte von Proeck († June 6, 1750), daughter of Friedrich von Proeck
  • Katharina (* September 6, 1681; † September 25, 1751) ⚭ 1701 Freiherr Gottfried von und zu Eulenburg (* December 13, 1676; † December 16, 1742), secret budget and war minister


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