Adam Franz Lennig

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Adam Franz Lennig

Adam Franz Lennig (born December 3, 1803 in Mainz , Grand Duchy of Hesse ; † November 22, 1866 there ) was a German Roman Catholic theologian . He was vicar general and cathedral dean of the diocese of Mainz .



The father in a painting by Johann Kaspar Schneider (1815)
The mother in a painting by Johann Kaspar Schneider (1805?)
Information on the lapel
Information on the lapel

Adam Franz Lennig's parents were the Mainz trader Nikolaus Lennig and his wife Maria Katharina Elisabetha, née Mentzler. His older brother Friedrich Lennig was a highly educated writer, translator and dialect poet of the Mainz and Rheinhessen dialects . He mastered the ancient languages, as well as French, Italian and English.

His well-known descendants include the Moufang brothers ( Nicola Moufang , Eugen Moufang , Franz Moufang , Wilhelm Moufang ) and the musician David Moufang .


Adam Franz Lennig attended the Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium in Mainz . As a twelve-year-old, his parents placed him in the educational care of the ex- Jesuit Laurentius Doller in Bruchsal and later to attend the episcopal grammar school in Mainz.

Because he for a consecration was too young, he allowed his parents to study in Paris (1824-1826) to at Antoine Isaac Baron Silvestre de Sacy to learn oriental languages, Silvestre de Sacy considered the founder of modern Arabic . In 1827 Lennig was able to continue his theological studies in Rome . On September 22nd, 1827, at the age of 23, Adam Franz Lennig was ordained a priest in Rome .

Dispute 1830

Lennig returned to his hometown Mainz. He worked there as a clergyman , became professor of history at the episcopal seminary in 1828 and strove to achieve political goals as well. Lennig was an ultramontane thinking theologian, which meant that he was a staunch defender of the rights of the Roman Catholic Church and the absolute authority of the Pope . The government of the Grand Duchy of Hesse had tried for a long time to influence internal church affairs. On January 30, 1830, she passed 39 articles on ecclesiastical administration. Lennig forwarded the article to the Vatican, which responded with a protest note . Joseph Vitus Burg , the bishop of Mainz , however, defended the 39 articles. Lennig then left Mainz and went to Bonn. There he heard lectures by Johann Michael Sailer , Karl Joseph Hieronymus Windischmann and Heinrich Klee .

The Mainz Cathedral in 1868 with the dome built by Georg Moller in 1828

Parish offices

In June 1832 Adam Franz Lennig took up a pastor's position in Gaulsheim, today a district of Bingen am Rhein , although he had received an offer to take over the chair for theology and exegesis in Mainz. In 1839 Lennig became pastor of Seligenstadt .

Work in Mainz and death

Under Peter Leopold Kaiser , Bishop of Mainz, Adam Franz Lennig was accepted into the Mainz Cathedral Chapter in June 1845 . On March 23, 1848, Lennig founded the Pius Society for Religious Freedom . Bishop Emanuel Ketteler appointed him vicar general on November 11, 1852 and dean of the cathedral on February 28, 1856 .

After his death in 1866, Adam Franz Lennig found his final resting place in the main cemetery in Mainz .


  • Heinrich Brück : Adam Franz Lennig. General vicar and dean of the cathedral of Mainz. Publishing house Kirchheim, Mainz 1870.
  • Otto Pfülf: Bishop of Ketteler . A historical representation. Verlag Kirchheim, Mainz 1899 (3 volumes, passim).
  • Anton Diehl: Adam Franz Lennig. Cathedral dean and vicar general of Mainz. Volksvereins-Verlag, Mönchen-Gladbach 1914.
  • Klaus Schlupp: School, Church and State in the 19th Century. The Catholic elementary school in the Diocese of Mainz and the Grand Duchy of Hesse-Darmstadt 1830–1877. Verlag Bautz, Nordhausen 2005, ISBN 3-88309-316-5 .
Lexicon article
  • The Catholic. Journal for Catholic Knowledge and Church Life , vol. 47 (1867), no. 1, p. 257.
  • Joseph May: History of the General Assembly of Catholics in Germany (1848-1902). Festschrift for the 50th General Assembly. Verlag Bachem, Cologne 1904, pp. 22, 26, 33.
  • Ludwig Lenhart : The Mainz Canon AF Lennig to the Strasbourg Bishop Andreas Raeß about the failed Mainz bishop's candidacy of the Giessen university professor Dr. Leopold Schmid. In: Archive for Middle Rhine Church History , vol. 11 (1959), pp. 264–279.
  • Christoph Stoll: Bishop Ketteler and the Roman Curia 1854-1855. The treatment of the Mainz-Darmstadt Convention of 1854 in Rome according to Vatican documents and letters from Adam Franz Lennig to his nephew Christoph Moufang . In: Archive for Middle Rhine Church History , vol. 29 (1977), pp. 193-252.

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