Adrien René Franchet

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Adrien René Franchet

Adrien René Franchet (born April 21, 1834 in Pezou , † February 15, 1900 in Paris ) was a French botanist . Its official botanical author's abbreviation is “ Franch. "

Live and act

Franchet worked at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. His specialties were plants from the French Loir-et-Cher department and Asian plants from China and Japan . For his studies of Asian plants, he drew the plant collections of Armand David (1826–1900), Pierre Jean Marie Delavay (1834–1895), Paul Guillaume Farges (1844–1912) and others.

Some initial descriptions


  • Enumeratio plantarum in Japonia sponte crescentium hucusque rite cognitarum, adjectis descriptionibus specierum pro regione novarum, quibus accedit determinatio herbarum in libris japonicis So Mokou Zoussetz xylographice delineatarum (together with Paul Amédée , Paris), 2–1891, Ludovic Savatier (1830–1891), Paris Volumes, 1875–1879
  • Mission G. Révoil aux pays Çomalis. Faune et flore , J. Tremblay, Paris, 1882
  • Plantae Davidianae ex Sinarum imperio , G. Masson, Paris, 2 volumes, 1884–1888
  • Flore de Loir-et-Cher, comprenant la description, les tableaux synoptiques et la distribution géographique des plantes vasculaires qui croissent spontanément ou qui sont généralement cultivées dans le Perche, la Beauce et la Sologne, avec un vocabulaire des termes de botanique , E. Constant, Blois , 1885
  • The chapter Phanérogamie in Mission scientifique du cap Horn, 1882-1883, tome V. Botanique (Ministères de la Marine et de l'Instruction publique, Paris, 1889)
  • Plantae Delavayanae , 1890
  • Contributions à la flore du Congo français. Famille des graminées (Dejussieu Father and Sons Publishing House, Autun , 1896)


The plant genera Franchetia Baill are named after him . from the red family (Rubiaceae), Franchetella Kuntze from the umbelliferae family (Apiaceae) and Sinofranchetia (Diels) Hemsl. from the finger fruit family (Lardizabalaceae).

Individual evidence

  1. Lotte Burkhardt: Directory of eponymous plant names . Extended Edition. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Free University Berlin Berlin 2018. [1]

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