Aelius Everhardus Vorstius

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Aelius Everardus Vorstius

Aelius Everardus Vorstius also: Vorst, Voorst ; (Born September 26, 1565 in Roermond , † October 22, 1624 in Leiden ) was a Dutch medic and botanist .


Aelius Everhardus Vorstius was the son of Henricus Vorstius and Maria Schaeria. He came from a family that held high offices in state and church. He spent his childhood with his maternal grandparents in Venlo . When he was fifteen years old, he moved to Dordrecht with his parents and on April 28, 1580, he moved to the University of Leiden . As a student of literature, he first studied Humanoria , but then attended the medical lectures of Bonaventura Vulcanius , Peter Tiara and Justus Lipsius . On January 18, 1586, he continued his studies at the University of Heidelberg and four years later at the University of Cologne .

He then moved to Italy, where he followed the lectures of Girolamo Mercuriale , Girolamo Capivaccio (1523–1589), Girolamo Fabrizio and Bernardino Paterno († 1592) at the University of Padua . He pursued further studies at the University of Bologna with Girolamo Mercuriale, Johannes Costaeus (1528–1603) and Caspar Tagliacotius (1553–1599) and at the University of Ferrara with Girolamo Brassavola (1536–1594). After receiving his medical doctorate in 1594 in Padua , where he enrolled on May 18, 1587, he became personal physician to the Neapolitan bishop of Anglona Nicolaus Grana through the mediation of Alphonsus Catanaeus and, after his death, personal physician to the Marquis of Querceto Fabricio Pignatelli in Naples.

When he returned home, he settled in Delft in 1596, became an associate professor of philosophy in natural history in Leiden on November 9, 1598, and after the death of Gerard Bontius on September 22, 1599, a full professor of natural history and medicine. His lectures dealt with theoretical medicine, whereby he placed the tenets of Hippocrates in the center. On May 8, 1617 after the death of Peter Pauw , he was also given the subject of botany, a science which he had already studied with great preference in Padua under Jacopo Zabarella and in Bologna under Ulisse Aldrovandi .

With this he became director of the Botanical Garden (Hortus Botanicus), in which task he earned some merit. In addition to his medical research, he also dealt with the German, French, Italian and Spanish languages, but also with history, archeology, numismatics and heraldry. Vorstius had also participated in the organizational tasks of the Leiden University and was rector of the Alma Mater four times in 1609, 1612, 1621 and 1622 .


  • Oratio de Caroli Clussi vita et obitu. Suffering 1609
  • Oratio honori et memoriae Petri Paawi dicta. Suffering 1617
  • De annulorum origine.


Web links

Wikisource: Aelius Everhardus Vorstius  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Matricula Nationis Germanicae Artistarum in Gymnasio Patavino (1553-1721), ed. by Lucia Rossetti, Padova 1986, p. 36, no.593.