Agostino Ferrante di Ruffano

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Agostino Ferrante di Ruffano (born April 10, 1885 in Naples , † December 4, 1974 ) was an Italian diplomat .


On February 17, 1906, he was made an infantry lieutenant. On December 3, 1909, he completed his law studies at the University of Palermo .

In 1910 he joined the foreign service and was seconded to the embassy at the Sublime Porte . Stations at a number of Italian embassies followed. From 1911 to 1912 he was the third class legation secretary in Athens , as Vice Consul from 1913 to 1914 in Antalya , from 1915 to 1918 in Ribeirão Preto , Brazil, and in 1918 in Málaga . In 1919 he was legation secretary at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 , at the Allied High Commission in Constantinople, and took a three-day drive in an automobile from Antalya to Burdur . This was followed by posts as consul general ( exequatur ): from 1920 to 1929 in Boston , from 1929 to 1930 in Ottawa , from 1930 to 1932 in Philadelphia , from 1932 to 1935 in Sydney , from 1935 to 1936 in Malta , from 1936 to 1939 in Frankfurt am Main and from 1940 to 1943 in Dresden .

From 1943 to April 1945 he was imprisoned for his refusal to recognize Mussolini's government , first by the authorities of the German Reich and then by Italian authorities. From April 1946 to April 1947 he was ambassador to Caracas with co-accreditation in Managua and Asunción . In 1949 he was retired.


Ferrante di Ruffano was born to the son of Maria Immacolata Paolina Nunziante and Stanislao Ferrante di Ruffano. On August 21, 1913, he married Virginia Cameron MacVeagh in Cannes . The couple had five children, Virginia, Gloria, Antonio, Giovanni, and Roberto.


  • Knight Grand Cross, Order of the Crown of Italy
  • Knight, Sovereign Order of Malta
  • Caballero Grand Cross Order of Merit of Paraguay.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ John F. Kolars, Tradition, Season, and Change in a Turkish Village, University of Chicago., 1963, p. 187.
  2. ConVivio, Minerva E & S, 1999, p. 130.
  3. Ferrante the Ruffano Agostine, (1) Napoli 10 April 1885. Figlio di Stanislao (2) e di Maria Immacolata Paolina Nunziante (3) (4). Sposa 11 21 agosto 1913 a Cannes Virginia Cameron Me Veagh (5) (6). ad esame di concorso, è nominato addetto consolare; from DM 18 luglio 1910 è destinato a Costantinopoli; from RD 29 ottobre 1911 è promosso vice console. Fabio Grassi, La Formazione della diplomazia nazionale (1861-1915): repertorio bio-bibliografico dei funzionari del Ministero degli affari esteri, 1987, p. 319. Ferrante dei marchesi di Ruffano nob. Agostino Nato a Napoli, April 10, 1885.Sottotenente di Fanteria, February 17, 1906 ..
  4. The International Year Book and Statesmen's Who's Who, 1953, p. 345.
predecessor Office successor
Giovanni Paolo Riva Italian Ambassador to Caracas
April 1946 to April 1947
Dino Secco Suardo