Albert Johannes

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Albert Johannes (born May 3, 1897 in Ludwigsburg ; † May 20, 1983 in Hamburg ) was a German actor , dubbing and radio play speaker .


In 1918 Albert Johannes became a theater actor in Heilbronn after completing his artistic training . This was followed by engagements at various German theaters and, in the 1930s, appearances at German-speaking theaters in Prague . As a result of the war, the German film industry partially moved to Prague in the early 1940s. Here Johannes came into contact with Bavaria Filmkunst and stood in front of a film camera for the first time in 1941 with the propaganda films "Kameraden" and " Carl Peters " .

After the war, Johannes resumed his theater work (now in Berlin). This was followed by the role as a fortune teller in the first German post-war film " The murderers are among us " . He was then involved in two other DEFA productions.

At the beginning of the 1950s Johannes went to West Germany and settled in Hamburg. He was mainly occupied with theater, radio play and dubbing tasks. After the movie "Ludwig II." In 1955, only appearances in front of the camera for TV productions followed until the 1970s.



Radio plays (selection)

  • 1946: Toni Attenberger : Hannibal and the Emeralds (James Lyster, engineer) - Director: Hanns Korngiebel ( RIAS Berlin)
  • 1947: Mark Twain : The Million Pound Note - Director: Hanns Korngiebel (RIAS Berlin)
  • 1951: Werner Brink: It comes to light. A report about dark men of honor today - Director: Werner Oelschläger (RIAS Berlin)
  • 1952: Alphonse Daudet : The Elixir of the Revered Father Gaucher (Säckelmeister) - Director: Hanns Korngiebel (RIAS Berlin)
  • 1958: Thierry : Pension Spreewitz ( There was a fire in the pension , episode 11) (Mr. Senf) - Director: Ivo Veit (RIAS Berlin)
  • 1960: Thierry: Pension Spreewitz ( Gisela doesn't sneak in school , episode 58) - Director: Ivo Veit (RIAS Berlin)
  • 1960: Thierry: Pension Spreewitz (Gisela has an admirer, episode 74) - Director: Ivo Veit (RIAS Berlin)
  • 1967: Siegfried Lenz : Das Labyrinth (Artus) - Director: Fritz Schröder-Jahn ( NDR / SDR )
  • 1977: Algernon Blackwood : The Incredible Night of the Gilmer Brothers (William Gilmer) - Director: Otto Kurth ( SFB )

Web links

Individual evidence

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