Alfred Thinker

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Portrait of Alfred Denker (1863–1941)

Alfred Friedrich Amandus Denker (born April 19, 1863 in Rendsburg , † October 21, 1941 in Munich ) was a German professor of ear, nose and throat medicine .

Live and act

Alfred Denker became a member of the Stormaria Kiel student association in 1884 (today Hansea-Stormaria in the CC ). From 1881 he was a specialist. As such, he settled in Hagen in 1891 , became head of the clinic in Erlangen in 1902 and accepted an appointment as professor in Halle in 1911 . He specialized in otology , became rector in Halle and worked in Munich towards the end of his life. His successor to the professorship in Halle was Adolf Eckert-Möbius . Denker was a member of the Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten and, since 1933, a supporting member of the SS .

The Denker operation (a radical maxillary sinus operation, mostly used on tumors) is named after him. In 1905 he enabled a connection between the canine fossa and an artificial nasal window (see also opening of the maxillary sinus ) through radical bone removal in the area of ​​the piriform aperture . However, there is a risk of neuropathic pain after the operation due to impairment of the existing nerves .

Memberships and honors

Works (selection)

  • Alfred Denker, Wilhelm Brünings: Textbook of the diseases of the ear and the airways: Including the oral diseases. Fischer, (1912)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Max Mechow, Renowned CCER, Historia Academica, Volume 8/9, page 40
  2. Directors since the establishment of the clinic. university hospital Erlangen
  3. ^ European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Springer Berlin-Heidelberg, Volume 108, Numbers 3–4, September 1921, ISSN  0937-4477
  4. the bony, pear-shaped, anterior nostril
  5. small bony pit below the infraorbital foramen . This is where the levator anguli oris muscle originates .
  6. Nasal window is a surgically created connection from the nasal cavity to the maxillary sinus in the lower nasal passage , meatus nasi inferior, as it is also carried out in the Caldwell-Luc operation .
  7. ^ J. Thomas Lambrecht: The opening of the maxillary sinus. Switzerland. Monthly Zahnmed., Vol 108: 12/1998