Alma redemptoris mater

Alma redemptoris mater is the Marian antiphon that is sung in the Catholic Church's Liturgy of the Hours during Advent and Christmas either at the end of Vespers or Compline , depending on which of these two hours is the last to be celebrated in community.
Text and creation
The song is named after the first three words of the Latin text, which mean “the exalted mother of the Savior”. For the Alma redemptoris mater - as for the other Marian antiphons - the term “antiphon” has become established, although it is not antiphonal , but rather hymn-like chants without reference to a psalm. According to an uncertain tradition that goes back to Jacobus de Voragine - and not, as most erroneously claimed, to Caesarius von Heisterbach - the author is said to be Hermann the Lahme (1013-1054), a Benedictine of the Reichenau Abbey . However, the antiphon could date back to the 9th century. The oldest text can be found in the antiphonary of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés near Paris from the 12th century.
In contrast to the usual accenthythmic interpretation technique of the antiphons and the free rhythms of the other Marian antiphons, the text here consists of three monosyllabic rhyming quantitating hexameters .
Latin | German |
Alma Redemptoris Mater, |
Exalted Mother of the Redeemer, |
In the praise of God the Latin antiphon is printed under number 666, 1. In addition, under number 530 ( GL old 577) there is a German song paraphrase by Franz Josef Weinzierl (1816), in an arrangement by Maria Luise Thurmair (1969), with the title "Maria, Mutterunsres Herr".
There are numerous settings of the text, such as by Gregor Aichinger , Marc-Antoine Charpentier , Luis Dartayet , Peter Maxwell Davies , Josquin Desprez , Guillaume Dufay , Marcel Dupré , Aires Fernandez , Wolfgang Fortner , Johann Joseph Fux , Nicolas Gombert , Francisco Guerrero , Johann Michael Haydn , Joseph Haydn , Jean l'Héritier , Orlando di Lasso , Giovanni Legrenzi , Isabella Leonarda , Natale Monferrato , Johannes Ockeghem , György Orbán , Diego Ortiz , Palestrina , Peter Phillips , Josquin des Prez , Bruno Provezza , Josef Gabriel Rheinberger , Giovanni Antonio Rigatti , Juan Garcia de Salazar , Michael Schmoll , Franz Xaver Schnizer , Francesco Soriano , Herman Strategier , Victoria , Jan Dismas Zelenka , Marc'Antonio Ziani . The best known are those of Palestrina and Orlando di Lasso.
- Nicolas Gombert: Alma redemtoris mater (1541, four-part)
- Johannes Ockeghem : Alma redemptoris mater (motets)
- Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina : Alma redemptoris mater (four-part, two alternatim choirs)
- Franz Xaver Schnizer: Alma redemptoris mater (four-part choir, horn, 2 violins, B. c.)
- Joseph Haydn: Alma redemptoris mater E major Hob.XXIIIb: E1 and B flat major Hob.XXIIIb: B4 (four-part choir, horn, 2 violins, B. c.)
- Josef Gabriel Rheinberger: Alma redemptoris mater (op.171,2a; from: Six Marian Hymns, instrumentation: SA, organ)
- Analecta Hymnica Medii Aevi , ed. Guido M. Dreves et al., Vol. 50, pp. 317f.
- Corpus antiphonalium officii, ed.Rene-Jean Hesbert, Rome 1963-1979, no.1356
- Wolfgang Breitschneider: Marian antiphons . In: Walter Kasper (Ed.): Lexicon for Theology and Church . 3. Edition. tape 6 . Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1997, Sp. 1357-1359 .
- Dieter Schaller, Ewald Könsgen, Initia carminum Latinorum saeculo undecimo antiquiorum , Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen 1977, No. 95, p. 28. ISBN 3-525-25610-8
- Thomas Klein et al., Initia carminum Latinorum saeculo undecimo antiquiorum , Bibliographical repertory for Latin poetry from antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Supplement band. Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen 2005, No. 95, p. 18. ISBN 978-3-525-25614-5
- Walter Berschin, Eremus and the island of Reichenau in the Middle Ages - model of a Latin literary landscape , Ludwig Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden 1987, pp. 17f., ISBN 3-88226-383-8 , different in the expanded edition 2005 ISBN 3-89500-433 -2
- Walter Berschin, Martin Helmann, Hermann the Lahme - Scholar and Poet (1013–1054) , Reicheauer texts and images 11, Mattes, Heidelberg 2004, p. 104f.
- Franz Brunhölzl, On the antiphon "Alma redemptoris mater" , in: Studies and communications on the history of the Benedictine order and its branches , 78, 1967, pp. 321-324
Individual evidence
- ↑ To clarify the facts cf. Berschin, Hellmann (see literature below), note 40, p. 104 and note 43, p. 105, where those of Berschin, Eremus and Insula (see literature below), p. 17f. Formulated doubts have given way to certain certainty.
- ↑ Antiphonary von St-Maur-des-Fossés , near Paris, BnF lat. 12044; see. Page Latin 12044 of the BnF
- ↑ The verse borders are separated by vertical lines.
- ↑ See [1]
- ↑ See English Wikipedia.
- ↑ See English Wikipedia.
- ↑ See English Wikipedia.
Web links
Audio sample: Audio sample (MP3 file; 4.54 MB)