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City of Heideck
Coordinates: 49 ° 8 ′ 31 ″  N , 11 ° 4 ′ 23 ″  E
Height : 410 m
Residents : 78  (2012)
Postal code : 91180
Area code : 09177

Altenheideck is a part of the municipality of Heideck in the Central Franconian district of Roth in Bavaria .


The village is located southeast of Röttenbach and northwest of Heideck on the northern edge of a wooded ridge rising to 490 meters. There are road connections from Mauk or Obermauk , Tautenwind and Liebenstadt or from State Road 2226 . The northward spreading village hall is 247 hectares.

Place name interpretation

Alten- "Heideck" is derived from the Old High German "ekka" for "corner, mountain ridge" and the Gothic word "haithi" for "heather, woodless area overgrown with heather".


"Altenheidekke" is mentioned for the first time in 1278, when Burgrave Friedrich (III.) Of Nuremberg recognized goods belonging to the Lords of Heideck as fiefs of the Eichstätter Church. Here, on a rock as a tower castle surrounded by a ring wall, was the ancestral seat of the noble freemen from Hardekke / Haideke / Heideche, which can be proven since 1129, after they had given up their castle in Erlingshofen or Arnsberg , also Eichstätter fiefs, and before they were around the middle of the 13th century Century under Marquard I. von Heideck built their new "castle" four kilometers away on the Schloßberg south of Heideck. Hadebrand (II.) 1192 was the first of the noble freemen to be seated in Altenheideck to call himself “de Haideke”; he took part in the crusade of Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa .

"Quarry" castle hill

After the Lords of Heideck left their former castle to decay, it was referred to as "Alt Purckstal" on a map as early as 1600, but was still marked with a number of ruins. The square of the former castle is located southwest of the town center at a height of around 445 meters and offers a good view to the north from a platform. The castle ruins and even the sandstone castle rock were exploited as a quarry. The last remains of the castle stables were found in 2007 during archaeological investigations.

With Heideck, Altenheideck came to the newly established Principality of Pfalz-Neuburg after the Landshut War of Succession in 1505 ; In the 16th century there consisted of twelve subjects (families). With the pledge of the Pfalz-Neuburgischen nursing authority Heideck (and thus also the village Altenheideck) to Nuremberg in 1542, the subjects in Altenheideck were also given to the Reformation . In 1585 the Heideck von Pfalz-Neuburg office was redeemed. The reintroduction of the Catholic religious practice took place with the re-Catholicization of Neuburg-Palatinate in 1627.

At the end of the Old Kingdom , around 1800, there were 15 properties in Altenheideck with subjects of the Palatinate-Neuburg regional judge Heideck as the manor. The village was subordinate to the Heideck administration office in the Palatinate-Neuburg region.

In the new Kingdom of Bavaria (1806) Altenheideck formed the municipality of Liebenstadt with Liebenstadt, Haag , Rambach and Tautenwind in the tax district of the same name in the judicial district and rent office (later district office and district court ) Hilpoltstein. In 1875 there were three horses and 88 head of cattle in the village.

The number of properties in Altenheideck was almost unchanged for a long time. At the beginning of the 20th century there were 17 residential buildings in the village, in 1952 there were 16. With the regional reform in Bavaria , the municipality of Liebenstadt was dissolved on January 1, 1971. Altenheideck became a part of the municipality of Heideck in the district of Roth.

Population development

  • 1818: 85 (15 fireplaces)
  • 1837: 95 (15 properties)
  • 1875: 92 (42 buildings)
  • 1903: 80 (17 residential buildings)
  • 1937: 80
  • 1950: 92 (16 properties)
  • 1961: 70 (15 residential buildings)
  • 1973: 78
  • 1987: 68 (14 buildings with living space; 15 apartments)
  • 2012: 78

Catholic Chapel of St. Mary

The local chapel of St. Maria was built in 1875; she is without a measuring license. The bell from 1452 comes from Höttingen . The Marien Altar was built in the Rococo period. The place belongs to the Catholic parish of Liebenstadt, where the children also went to school.


In addition to the local chapel, the old building at house number 15, a two-story half-timbered farmhouse from the 18th / early 19th century, is a listed building.


  • Sports fans Altenheideck-Tautenwind


  • Oscar Schneider (born June 3, 1927 in Altenheideck), Federal Minister for Regional Planning, Building and Urban Development from 1982 to 1989


  • In Altenheideck, the “Thalachtal-Brombachsee cycle path” branches off the “Franconian Lake District Path”, which leads via Heideck and Laibstadt to Thalmässing.
  • Every year in August there is a castle festival on the castle stables.


  • Love city. In: Kgl. Statistical Bureau in Munich (edit.): Complete list of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria , Munich 1876, column 889
  • Franz Xaver Buchner: The diocese of Eichstätt. Volume I: Eichstätt 1937, Volume II: Eichstätt 1938
  • Altenheideck. In: Hans Wolfram Lübbeke and Otto Braasch: Monuments in Bavaria. Middle Franconia: Ensembles, architectural monuments, archaeological site monuments , Munich 1986, p. 462
  • Wolfgang Wiessner: Historical Atlas of Bavaria. Part Franconia, series I, issue 24: Hilpoltstein. Munich 1978

Web links

Commons : Altenheideck  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Histor. Atlas, p. 31
  2. Histor. Atlas, p. 94.
  3. Collection sheet of the Histor. Eichstätt Association, 46th year (1931), p. 67; Histor. Atlas, p. 94, footnote 318, p. 151
  4. Histor. Atlas, p. 94; Collecting sheet of the Histor. Eichstätt Association, 50/51. Vol. (1935/1936), p. 69
  5. Histor. Atlas, pp. 1, 94, 165; [1] Castles in Bavaria
  6. Histor. Atlas, p. 96
  7. Histor. Atlas, p. 94, footnote 320
  8. [2]
  9. Histor. Atlas, p. 31
  10. Histor. Atlas, p. 202
  11. Histor. Atlas, p. 177
  12. Histor. Atlas, p. 165
  13. Hist. Atlas, p. 206
  14. Alphabetical index of all the localities contained in the Rezatkreise ... , Ansbach 1818, p. 4; Histor. Atlas, p. 255
  15. Kgl. Statistical Bureau in Munich, Sp. 889
  16. Histor. Atlas, p. 31
  17. Histor. Atlas, p. 255
  18. Alphabetical index of all the localities contained in the Rezatkreise ... , Ansbach 1818, p. 4
  19. Hist. Atlas, p. 255
  20. Kgl. Statistical Bureau in Munich, Sp. 889
  21. ^ Locations directory of the Kingdom of Bavaria with alphabetical index of locations , Munich 1904, column 1219
  22. Buchner II, p. 97
  23. Hist. Atlas, p. 255
  24. ^ Official register of places for Bavaria. Territorial status on October 1, 1964 with statistical information from the 1961 census , Munich 1964, column 796
  25. Hist. Atlas, p. 255
  26. Official directory for Bavaria, territorial status: May 25, 1987 , Munich 1991, p. 348
  27. Müller's Großes Deutsches Ortsbuch 2012 , Berlin / Boston 2012, p. 40
  28. Lübbeke / Braasch, p. 462; Buchner II, p. 97 f.
  29. Buchner II, p. 95
  30. Lübbeke / Braasch, p. 462
  31. ^ [3] Bavarian network for cyclists