Andreas Mylius (politician)

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Andreas Mylius , also Müller, Möller, von Milis (born November 30, 1527 in Meißen , † April 30, 1594 in Gädebehn ) was a Mecklenburg politician , diplomat , historian and chronicler .


The son of the builder Peter Müller and his wife Gertrud, b. Spengler, initially attended the council school in his hometown and is one of the first students at the electoral state school under Matthias Marcus Dabercusius (1508–1572) . In 1545 he began studying at the University of Leipzig . Here he earned his baccalaureate at the philosophical faculty in 1546 . In 1547 he is said to have moved to the University of Wittenberg and become a master's degree in the same year, but this is considered unlikely.

After he had been to the Reichstag in Augsburg in 1548 , he entered the service of Duke Johann Albrecht von Mecklenburg as a partner . At the Mecklenburg court he developed into an influential political advisor and was entrusted with diplomatic missions. In 1570 Emperor Maximilian II raised him to the nobility, but he continued to call himself Mylius. Johann Albrecht gave him the small fiefdom Gädebehn in 1572, where he lived and died in the last years of his life. He was buried next to his wife in Schwerin Cathedral on May 3, 1594 .


First he directed the Duke's Latin, later also Greek and Biblical studies and exchanged numerous, always Latin correspondence with him, then he took over the education of the young princely brother Christoph from 1550–51 , and accompanied the Duke in the prince's revolt against the prince in 1552 Emperor Karl V and then seems to have administered the ducal library, the basic stock of which Johann Albrecht had captured in his quarters in Mainz. On August 10, 1553, a princely school was founded in Schwerin based on the Meissen model, to which today's Gymnasium Fridericianum Schwerin goes back. As the Duke's schoolteacher, having a say in all matters, but without a position, he was hostile to the court and often found himself in great distress due to the constant lack of money.

At Johann Albrecht's request, he has now translated Martin Luther's psalms from German into Latin, which the Duke has corrected in many ways. But then he conducted correspondence with Prussia, the Archbishop of Riga and the King of Poland, because of the acceptance of Duke Christoph as coadjutor in Riga. In 1554 he also went to the Polish court in Vilna as chargé d'affaires . In addition, he took care of the correspondence regarding the marriage of Johann Albrecht to Anna Sophia von Prussia, and at this marriage to Wismar on February 24, 1555, he addressed the princely princes.

After the death of the knight Joachim von Maltzan (1492–1556), Mylius received the title of Mecklenburg court counselor on April 6, 1556. Although Mylius was now well paid, he still received important gifts for his literary work. Even so, he kept complaining about lack of money, but with hindsight he left behind a certain fortune. Later he set about translating the Luther Bible into Latin for the Duke . Later he translated the Eighty Discourses of Dion Chrysostom , which were also published. Mylius also took part in the partition negotiations with Duke Ulrich , became the first councilor in 1569 and ensured that Ulrich was given guardianship over his children after the death of Duke Johann Albrechts.

Even under Ulrich he remained in Mecklenburg service. He was the advice of the ducal widow and took care of the scientific education of Johann VIII. When Johann came to the government in 1585, he became its chancellor . In 1588 he took care of his marriage to Sophia von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf and received in this context the title of a ducal Holstein council.

In the later years of his life he wrote two important works of history from Mecklenburg. The first is the “Genealogia, der Hertzieh zu Mecklenburg first arrival” published in 1571, a critical story of Mecklenburg in German, cleared of the fables of Nicolaus Marschalk , the first of its kind. It fell into the hands of the somewhat disreputable pastor Caspar Calovius who had it reprinted in Leipzig in 1599 as his “Chronica or First Arrival and Coming” etc. with the Marschalk's fables. As a German chronicle it found many readers. The original was first published by Georg Gustav Gerdes (1709–1758) in the Mecklenburg documents collection. The second great work of Mylius are his "Annales" . This is a story from the time of Johann Albrecht, the original of which seems lost.


Mylius was married since 1551 to Margarethe († March 18, 1592 in Gädebehn), a daughter of the mayor of Schwerin and ducal rent master Balthasar Rotermund, whose sister Helena was married to the astronomer and cartographer Tilemann Stella . His descendants from the male successor called themselves Milies. From the children we know:

  • Daughter Gertrud (born at the end of March 1553, died April 1; † February 10, 1583), married the famous philologist Johannes Caselius on September 30, 1571
  • Daughter Anna married the officer David Lönnies (Lanesius)
  • Daughter Margarethe married the lawyer in Stargart Dr. Once Brummer
  • Daughter Sophie married the later mayor of Parchim Dr. jur. Johann Schwartz
  • Daughter Elisabeth married Johann Kreis (Creissius) in November 1591
  • Daughter Helena
  • Son NN. (April 12, 1564 - April 3, 1565)
  • Son NN. (* August 24, 1557; † beginning of August 1561)
  • Son Joachim (born November 23, 1571 in Schwerin)


  • Karl Ernst Hermann KrauseMylius, Andreas . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 23, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1886, p. 133 f.
  • Georg Christian Friedrich Lisch : Andreas Mylius and Duke Johann Albrecht I of Meklenburg, in their effectiveness and their relationship to each other, in memory of the three-hundred-year jubilee of the Gymnasii Fridericiani in Schwerin, founded on August 4th, 1553. With 2 lithographic plates. Stiller in Komm., Schwerin 1853 ( digitized ).
  • Emil Henrici : Andreas Mylius. The Warnow poet . In: Yearbooks of the Association for Mecklenburg History and Archeology . Vol. 73 (1908), pp. 1-67 ( digitized version ).
  • Irmgard and Helge Hanns Homey: Luther in the garment of Cicero? A critical appreciation of the GENESIS (= Itinera Classica. Vol. 9) translated into Latin by Andreas Mylius (1527–1594) from Luther's Biblia Deudsch . Leidorf, Rahden / Westphalia 2016.

Individual evidence

  1. Neither matriculation entry nor master's degree in Wittenberg can be proven. He was enrolled as a master's degree at the University of Rostock in August 1566; a master's degree is also proven in 1562. For a master’s degree at the time, you needed about five years of intensive university studies. There are exceptions to the rule here and there, but these rarely fall below the limit of four years. Rather, its mention in 1557 in the registers of the University of Greifswald should provide information about his master's degree. (Source: Ernst Friedländer: Aeltere Universitäts-Matriken. II. University of Greifswald. Verlag Hirzel, Leipzig, 1893, 1st volume, p. 246, paragraph 40)
  2. The title was: Diois Chrysostomi de regno libri quatuor. Andrea Mylio interpreted. Cum priuilegio Caesareo ad annos VI. Rostochii. Excudebat Jacobus Lucius. Anno MDLXXIX.

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