Joachim von Maltzan

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Joachim von Maltzan

Joachim von Maltzan (* 1492 at Neuburg Castle on the Stepenitz near Wittenberge in the Mark Brandenburg ; † January 20, 1556 ) was a German baron and imperial field marshal.


Joachim von Maltzan was the eldest son of the Mecklenburg knight Berend Maltzan († 1525) on Wolde and his wife Gödel (Gundeline) von Alvensleben († 1537). He was enrolled at the University of Leipzig in October 1504 together with his brother Ludolph.

In the autumn of 1505, Friedrich von Pfuel took Joachim and his brother hostage during the Pfuels' feud with the Mecklenburg dukes. The two were only released two years later. On August 24, 1507, the feud was contractually resolved through the mediation of the Brandenburg Elector Joachim I Nestor , among other things Friedrich von Pfuel received 4500 gold guilders.

After completing his studies, he stayed at the Bavarian court for a short time and then joined the Georg von Frundsberg regiment . In 1512 Maltzan entered the service of the Holy League as a field captain under the Duke of Milan, Massimiliano Sforza . In June 1513 he made a significant contribution to the victory over the French in the Battle of Novara with 6000 Swiss . Maltzan also distinguished himself during the Battle of Marignano and thus caught the attention of his opponent, the French King Francis I , who then entered his diplomatic service for eight years. After the king's capture in the Battle of Pavia , Maltzan went to the Teplice and Graupen estates of his father and entered the service of King Ferdinand of Bohemia . In 1526 he took part in the war against Johann Zápolya and until 1543 as "Supreme Field Marshal" Ferdinand in the Hungarian Civil War.

Ferdinand raised Maltzan to hereditary baron status in 1530 for his services. Maltzan received the possessions of Wartenberg in Silesia and Penzlin in Mecklenburg.

In 1551, Maltzan seems to have fallen out of favor with Ferdinand. The castle and town of Wartenberg were withdrawn from him and so Maltzan returned to his homeland and entered the diplomatic services of the Protestant Duke Johann Albrecht von Mecklenburg . It can be assumed that Maltzan played a key role in the Treaty of Torgau , the Treaty of Chambord and the Passau Treaty .


Joachim von Maltzan was married to Bernhardine von Wallenstein († December 29, 1575) and had six children with her. The eldest son Johann Bernhard († May 7, 1569) became imperial councilor and captain of the principalities of Opole and Ratibor . He married Elisabeth Freiin von Lomnitz and Meseritz and had four children with her. Their youngest daughter Anna († 1583) married in 1573 Christoph von Auersperg (1550–1592), the eldest son of Herbard von Auersperg .


  1. It can be assumed that both were entered in the register of the University of Rostock on September 23, 1500. See the entry of Jochim Moltzaen's matriculation and Ludolphus Moltzan's matriculation in the Rostock matriculation portal
