Andreas Posch

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Andreas Posch (born October 21, 1888 in Waldbach ; † November 26, 1971 in Graz ) was a Styrian historian , theologian and Catholic priest .


Coming from an East Styrian farming family, Posch was born as the son of the farmer Sebastian and his wife Viktoria Posch in Waldbach. In this small town he experienced his childhood and attended elementary school . In 1900 he switched to the Prince Bishop's College of Boys in Graz and began studying at grammar school . After passing the school leaving examination , which he passed with distinction, he studied theology from 1908 at the Karl-Franzens-University in Graz. Posch was ordained a Catholic priest as early as 1911 and so, after graduating in 1912, he was able to work as a chaplain in the parish of St. Ruprecht an der Raab in pastoral care.

In 1913 Posch moved to Vienna in order to prepare for a theological doctorate at the Imperial and Royal Higher Priests Education Institute St. Augustin ( Frintaneum ) . At the same time he devoted himself to historical studies at the Philosophical Faculty and at the Institute for Austrian Historical Research . In 1916 he acquired the theological doctorate with a version of the French preacher and Bishop Jean Baptiste Massillon and 1917 he was with a dissertation on the Abbot Engelbert of Admont Doctor of Philosophy PhD .

In 1918 Ernst Tomek completed his habilitation in Graz with the thesis: Engelbert von Admont's state and church political position . Posch, who had previously supplemented the Old Testament and Church History at the University of Graz , became an associate professor in 1921 and a full professor of church history and patrology in 1925 . In this position he worked at the University of Graz, apart from the years 1940–1945, where he also taught in Vienna due to the temporary amalgamation of the theological chairs , with great dedication until his retirement in 1960. During his long academic teaching career at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Posch was senator in 1923/24 and dean of the theological faculty in 1925/26, 1930/31, 1936/37, 1938/39, 1950/51 and 1956/57 . In 1960, on the occasion of his retirement, the Austrian Federal President Adolf Schärf awarded Posch the Cross of Honor for Science and Art, First Class. Posch was a member of the Historical State Commission for Styria from 1925 until his death .

Andreas Posch died on November 26, 1971 after a long illness in Graz. He rests in the cemetery in Waldbach.


  • Engelbert von Admont's state and church political position , 1920
  • The "Concordantia catholica" of Nicholas v. Cusa , Festschrift of the University of Graz 1930
  • The Church Enlightenment in Graz and at the Graz University of Applied Sciences. 1937
  • From the way of the west. Images of spiritual and religious development. 1948
  • Parish and church of St. Margarethen near Lebring. in: 900 years of the parish of St. Margarethen near Lebring 1066–1966, 1966
  • From the church visitation report 1617. A contribution to the religious situation in Styria under Ferdinand II. In: Joannea, 3rd vol., 1967
  • A church situation report from southern Eastern Styria. ZHV f. Styria, special volume 16, 1968
  • Joseph III. Adam Count Arco (1780-1802); Johann VI. Friedrich Count von Waldstein-Wartenberg (1802–1812); Josef V. Schoiswohl (1954–1968), in: Karl Amon, Die Bischöfe von Graz-Seckau, 1969
  • Nikolaus von Cusa, in Nikolaus Grass, Research on Legal and Cultural History, 3rd vol., 1970
  • Engelbert von Admont, in: Adelbert Erler and Ekkehard Kaufmann, Concise Dictionary on German Legal History, 1971


  • Karl Amon: Obituary Andreas Posch . In: Journal of the Historisches Verein für Steiermark 63rd year, pp. 217–225. Graz, (1972)

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