Anita Blum-Paulmichl

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Anita Blum-Paulmichl (born May 13, 1911 in Düsseldorf ; † June 20, 1981 in Ahlen ) was a German sculptor and medalist .

life and work

Anita Blum was a distant relative of the medalist Johann Blum, who was then active in Bremen . Born in 1911 through the First World War through the death of her father, she became an orphan at an early age. She grew up on the Lower Rhine in Kleve , where, like her twin sister Herma, she went through an artistic training: In 1928 she began an apprenticeship with a wood sculptor , which she had to break off prematurely for health reasons. Instead, she switched to drawing and first attended the “ commercial graphics ” class at the Cologne factory with Henrich Hussmann , before moving to the Berlin School of Applied Arts in 1930 to the wood sculpture class under Hans Perathoner .

It was also in Berlin that she met Robert Paulmichl, who came from South Tyrol and whom she married in 1942. Before that, she moved to the Berlin University of Fine Arts , where she worked in the classes of the sculptors Otto Hitzberger and Ludwig Gies , until Gies was dismissed from university in 1937. Anita Blum then became a master student of Wilhelm Gerstel , but from 1940 she also attended Eduard Hanisch-Concée's medal class . During the war, the now Anita Blum-Paulmichl designed her first medals in 1941 and 1942.

In 1945 Anita Blum-Paulmichl came to Ahlen, where she had created twenty works by 1954. But it was only through the encouragement, support and support provided by the numismatist at the Westphalian State Museum in Münster, Peter Berghaus , that Blum-Paulmichel devoted himself more intensively to the art of medals. Up until her death in 1981, a total of 240 works were created, primarily architectural medals and medals with motifs of Christian art on her own pilgrimages to Westphalia, which was perceived as her home .

In sum, the works produced by Anita Blum-Paulmichl were broad: she created several portraits , of which the death of Cardinal Clemens August Graf von Galen from 1946 and that of Peter Berghaus from 1969 are to be emphasized the medalist with one work each on the construction of the Berlin Wall (1961) and on the storm surge catastrophe of 1962 . " Stylistically, her work breathes the sense of form of the 1950s with the rounded outlines of the figures, while her architectural designs are often committed to the new objectivity , where buildings appear reduced to basic shapes, lines and surfaces."

Literature (selection)

  • Blum-Paulmichl, Anita . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 11, Saur, Munich a. a. 1995, ISBN 3-598-22751-5 .
  • Johannes Jaxy (design): Anita Blum-Paulmichl. Medals and medal drafts (= booklets of the Focke Museum , No. 9), catalog for the exhibition from July 7th to August 10th 1966 in the Focke Museum Bremen. Focke Museum, Bremen 1966.
  • Anita Blum-Paulmichl. Medals and Medal Designs. Catalog for the exhibition from September 14 to October 12, 1969 in the Karl Ernst Osthaus Museum in Hagen. Karl Ernst Osthaus Museum, Hagen 1969.
  • Robert Paulmichl - Anita Blum Paulmichl - Herma Blum. Sculptures - Medals - Designs - Tapestries. Exhibition catalog from the Kunstverein Kreis Beckum, 1971.
  • Robert Paulmichl. April 27, 1905 - July 1, 1983. Catalog for the memorial exhibition from April 6 - 27, 1984, Sparkasse Ahlen and Kulturgesellschaft der Stadt Ahlen in Westphalia, with the supplement Anita Blum-Paulmichl. May 13, 1911 - June 20, 1981. Kulturgesellschaft, Ahlen 1984.
  • Anita Blum-Paulmichl. Exhibition catalog. Westfälisches Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, among others, Münster 1981. (List of works and list of public collections that own her works).
  • Peter Berghaus: Herma Blum - Gobelins. Anita Blum-Paulmichl - Medals. Exhibition catalog of the Kulturgesellschaft Ahlen eV, Ahlen 1986.
  • Ingrid Szeiklies-Weber : Anita Blum-Paulmichl on her 85th birthday. In: Geldgeschichtliche Nachrichten , number 175, 1996, pp. 230-235 online as a PDF document
  • Ferdinand Dahl: Catalog for the exhibition Kunstmedals - Medaillenkunst , Part 1 (= Der Steckenreiter. Ancillary hours dedicated to the pleasure of coins. A coin post from the Numismatic Society of Bonner Münzfreunde eV , volume 84). Numismatic Society Bonner Münzfreunde, Bonn 2012, p. 4; PDF ( Memento from April 5, 2015 in the Internet Archive )

Web links


  1. In addition, Ferdinand Dahl (see literature) also mentions Anita Blum's visit to the Reimann School

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Gerd Dethlefs: Anita Blum-Paulmichl on the page of the German Society for Medal Art
  2. On the dismissal of Giese see also Ernst Klee : Das Kulturlexikon zum Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-10-039326-5 , p. 183.