Anna from Utenhove

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Johanna or Anna von Utenhove or Anna Utenhovia (* around 1550 probably in Ghent ; † after 1595 probably in Cologne ) was a Flemish - German humanist and neo-Latin poet .


Anna von Utenhove came from a respected Flemish patrician family, whose members had fled as Protestants from the Inquisition from Ghent into exile on the Lower Rhine around 1560 . Her grandfather was the humanist, student of Erasmus von Rotterdam (1465 / 69–1536) and multiple mayor of Ghent Karl von Utenhove the Elder . Ä. (around 1500–1580), a distant great-uncle the Reformed theologian and translator of the New Testament into Dutch Jan van Utenhove (1516–1566).

Anna von Utenhove was a niece of the humanistic poet Karl von Utenhove the Elder. J. (1536–1600), from whom she was taught and promoted. She was an educated poet who spoke Latin, Greek, and other languages. She published poems in the works of Sebastian Artomedes (1544–1602), Johannes Posthius (1537–1597), Jakob Monau (1546–1603) and her relative Jan Gruter (1560–1627).

Anna called herself in her contribution to the “Parerga poetica” of Posthius “Anna Utenhoviadis Karolantonii F [ilia]” (= Utenhove'sche Anna, daughter of Karl-Antonius ). So she plays on Karl von Utenhove the Elder. J. as her “spiritual” father or her grandfather Karl and Antonius von Utenhove as her biological father. Karl von Utenhove the Elder In 1594 J. referred to his niece ( neptis ) as "Utenhovia Antonio patro progenita ANNA affinibusq [ue] gentis Utenhoviae" (= ANNA Utenhovia, brought up by the father Antonius and from the relationship of the Utenhove family ). Her brother Justus (Joost) Utenhove (* around 1567; † after 1606) had been married since 1596 to Margriete de Wolff (* around 1572; † after 1614), a sister-in-law of Joost van den Vondel (1587–1679). A letter from Karl von Utenhove the Elder. J. to his “dearest nephew” ( nepos charissime ) Justus Utenhovius has been preserved.

Anna von Utenhove refused an offer from Duchess Marie Eleonore of Prussia (1550-1608), who had traveled to Jülich-Kleve-Berg with two daughters in 1591/92 in order to register her claims as heir to teach the princesses in French .

Justus Lipsius (1547–1606) greeted Anna von Utenhove in a letter to Karl von Utenhove in Cologne in 1592. Anna recorded dictations for her blind uncle Karl von Utenhove and supported him with his publications (mentioned in 1595).

An "Anna Utenhovia" had been married to the Cologne merchant Cornelius Jacopszoon van Breda († after 1641) since February 1611 and moved with him to Utrecht , where she died on September 14, 1641. Arnoldus Buchelius (1565–1641) thought she was the niece or great-niece ( "nupta" ) of Karl von Utenhove; given the dates of marriage and death, it was more likely to have been a younger relative. No publications by Anna von Utenhoves are known from this later period.

Occasionally it is assumed that “ Anna Pallantia ” (around 1550–1599) - another niece of Utenhove - and “Anna Utenhovia” are the same person, but in an acrostic poem on Gruter both poets name each other and also in the “Parerga (Adoptivis) ” by Posthius and the “ Symbolum ” by Monau are both represented.


  • Epigramma ad Nicolaum Klopferum Amicum s [etc.] Suavissimum, Abeuntem ad Munus Docendi in Pago Franciae Orientalis (1571). In: Sebastian Artomedes (ed.): Epithalamia Conscripta in Honorem Pii et Eruditi Viri D. Nicolai Klopferi, Pastoris Uttenhovii , et Pudicissimae Virginis, Elisabethae Heslerinnae , à S. Artomede, C. Leio, & B. Monaecio ... Viris Probatis & Amicis, Amphiaras Vatis Laude Dignissimis, Frankfurt am Main: Nicolas Basseus 1573
  • Idem totidem verbis from Anna Vtenhouiade Karolantonii F. expressum [transfer of a Greek poem by Karl von Utenhove to the 2nd edition of the Parergorum Poeticorum ] and Eiusdem Vtenhouiae ad Io. Posthium . In: John Posthius (ed.): Poeticorvm Parergorvm , Vol I, 2nd ed o O. [Heidelberg]:... Jerome Commelin 1595, pp 339 and 340 ( Digitalisat the Mannheim University Library ) [not included in the first Würzburg edition: Heinrich von Aich 1580]
  • In idem Annae Vtenhoviae . In: Jakob Monau (ed.): Symbolvm Iacobi Monawi ipse faciet variis variorvm avctorvm carminibvs expressvm et decoratvm . Cum nonnullis appendicibus, Görlitz: Johannes Rhamba 1595, p. 222
  • "Anna Utenhovia Marquardo Frehero " . In: Legionum Epistolarum Utenhovii hecatontas aut centuria prima (previously unprinted collection of handwritten letters, 1598; Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, MS fonds latin 18592), sheets 52f ( digital copy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France)
  • Idem Latinè Anna Utenhovia interpretur [translation of a Greek poem by Johannes Posthius into Latin]. In: Legionum Epistolarum Utenhovii hecatontas aut centuria prima (previously unprinted collection of handwritten letters, 1598; Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, MS fonds latin 18592), sheet 65 ( digitized version of the Bibliothèque nationale de France)
  • (together with Anna von Palant ) Annae Pallantiae et Annae Utenhoviae Acrostichon (British Museum; MS. Burney 370 Epistolarum et Carminum ad Janum Dousam : No. 21 Variorum Carmina ad Janum Gruterum , sheet 36); probably = Annae Pallantiae et Annae Vtenhoviae Acrostichis . In: Joseph Justus Scaliger / Markus Welser / Jan Gruter: Inscriptiones Antiqvae Totius orbis Romani , in corpus absolutißimum redactae, Vol. I, o. O. [Heidelberg:] Commelin o. J. [1602/03]
    • 2nd edition Inscriptionvm Romanorvm corpus absolutissimvm, o. O. [Heidelberg:] Commelin 1616 ( digitized version of the Heidelberg University Library)
    • 2nd = 3rd edition. Inscriptiones Antiquae totius orbis Romani … Nunc curis secundis ejusdem Gruteri et notis M. Gudii emendatae et tabulis aeneis a Boissardo confectis illustratae, denuo cura… JG Graevii recensitae, Amsterdam: Franziscus Halma 1707, p. 13 ( Google -Books )


  • Lotte de Coene / Anuschka de Coster: Vrouwencatalogi onder de loep. Geleerde vrouwen in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (1500–1800) . In: Anuschka De Coster and others: Van Dhuoda tot Aletta. Het eeuwenoude Spanningsveld tussen vrouwelijkheid en leerdheid (Focus Gender 6), Gent: Academia Press 2008, pp. 75–107, esp. Pp. 82f ( Google Books )
  • Leonard Wilson Forster: Charles Utenhove and Germany (1971). In: Small writings on German literature in the 17th century (supplements to Daphnis 1), Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1977, pp. 60–80, Bes. P. 66f ( Google Books )
  • Georg Christian Lehms : CLXV. Utenhofin (Anna) . In: Germany's Galante Poetinnen. Appendix Ausländischer Dames , Frankfurt am Main: Samuel Tobias Hocker / Anton Heinscheidt 1715, p. 319 ( digitized from Wikisource)
  • Jane Stevenson: Women Latin poets , Oxford: University Press 2005, pp. 240.244f ( Google Books )

Individual evidence

  1. J. Stevenson, 2005, p. 244, note 96, but suspects a Parisian friend “Karol Antoniades”.
  2. Genethliaca (birthday poems) about Gerard and Alard van Goor (Ghoer) zu Kaldenbroek, mentioned u. a. also Gerard's wife Gertrude Claur zu Wohra and her daughter Catherine. In: Legionum Epistolarum Utenhovii hecatontas aut centuria prima (previously unprinted collection of handwritten letters; Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, MS fonds latin 18592), 1598, sheet 22 right ( digitized version of the Bibliothèque nationale de France).
  3. See also the prayer dedicated to her Annae Utenhoviae. Karol Antoniadi . In: Legionum Epistolarum Utenhovii , 1598, sheet 68 ( digitized version of the Bibliothèque nationale de France).
  4. Cf. Hendrik Fredrik Wijnman: Een onbekende Schoonzuster van Vondel . In: Maandblad Amstelodamum 15 (1928), p. 35.
  5. See letter of August 15, 1597 from Cologne. see. Legionum Epistolarum Utenhovii , 1598, sheets 99f.
  6. J. Stevenson, 2005, p. 245 with reference to a letter from Utenhove to Galenus Weyer ; ( Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, Collectio Camerariana Vol. 19, Clm 10369, sheets 161 and 169).
  7. ^ Letter No. 1159 of March 1, 1592; Jeanine De Landtsheer / Jacques Kluyskens: Justi Lipsi epistolae , Vol. V, Brussels: Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België 1991, p. 130.
  8. "Dictante Karolo Anna from Vtenhouia Vtenhouio scribebat" in Cornelius Schoneus: Terentius Christianus, duabus Comoedis AUCTUS , Cologne: Gerhard Grevenbroich 1595; see. Hans van de Venne: Cornelius Schoneus 1541-1611. A Bibliography of His Printed Works II. In: Humanistica Lovaniensia 33 (1984), pp. 206-314, 210.
  9. See PAJ van den Brandeler : Bredaniana Uit Den Spaanschen Tijd I / II . In: Nederlandsch Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis 18 (1925), pp. 95–123 and 153–180, especially p. 175.
  10. ^ Bells ringing the Utrecht Cathedral for the deceased: "1641… xiv Sept [ember] Anna Uyttenhove, huysvr [ouw] v [an] Cornelis v [an] Breda" ; see. Utrecht, Overluidingen 1641 . In: De Navorscher 46 (1896), p. 124.
  11. ^ "Audio Cornelium Jacobi, mercatorem Bredanum, cui nupta Annola Utenhovia, neptis ex fratre Caroli Utenhovii Coloniae, unde ad nos migravit, ..." (= I heard from Cornelius Jacobsz., A merchant from Breda, to whom Anneken Utenhove is married, a Niece / granddaughter of a brother of Karl Utenhove from Cologne, who immigrated to us from there ... ); Diary entry 1635 by Arnoldus Buchelius; see. Notae Quotidianae Aernout van Buchell , ed. by Johannes Wilhelmus Canisius van Campen (Works uitgegeven door het Historisch Genootschap Utrecht 70), Utrecht: Kemink en Zoon 1940, p. 33.
  12. See Lotte de Coene / Anuschka de Coster, 2008, pp. 83f.
  13. cf. J. Posthius, 1595, Volume II, p. 204 (Anna Palanda) and 339f (Anna Vtenhouia).
  14. Nikolaus or Nickel Klopfer (1542–1613); from Oelsnitz or Olmütz, enrolled in Wittenberg in 1558, pastor in Uffenhofen in Ansbach from 1571 to 1577 , from 1577 in Langensteinach ; see. Matthias Simon: Ansbachisches Pfarrerbuch (individual works from the church history of Bavaria 28), Nuremberg: Association for Bavarian Church History 1957, p. 248.
  15. ^ Elisabeth Hesler, baker's daughter from Friedberg (Hesse) .
  16. Conrad Leius Orocrenius († 1612); from Bergbronn , pastor in Windsbach , 1584 teacher at the grammar school in Heilsbronn monastery , 1594 dean in Lehrberg , crowned poet.
  17. cf. J. Stevenson, 2005, p. 565.