Karl von Utenhove

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Karl von Utenhove, copper engraving by Theodor de Bry around 1598 after a contemporary portrait by Crispin de Passe the Elder. Ä.

Karl von Utenhove, Mr. van Nieuwland , also Karel von Utenhove and Carolus von Utenhove (born March 18, 1536 in Ghent ; † August 31, 1600 in Cologne ) was a Flemish humanist scholar ( philologist ) and poet who lived in Basel , Paris , London and the Lower Rhine worked.


Karl von Utenhove (also van Uytenhofen, Vtenhouius Neochthonis and the like) was the son of Karl von Utenhove the Elder. Ä. , Herr von Merkeghem , Horsen, Nieuwland, Warenchem and Oosthoek (around 1500–1580), and Anna de Grutere († before 1556) and the grandson of Nicolas von Utenhove († 1527). Karl von Utenhove dedicated an epitaph to his late mother Anna de Grutere . The second wife of his father Karl d. Ä. was Elisabeth [Anna?] Wier, probably a relative of Kleve's personal physician and opponent of the witch hunt Johann Weyer (1515–1588).

The family's “Utenhovesteen” city ​​palace in Ghent was located at Vrijdagmarkt 9-10 (demolished in 1839, now “Ons Huis” ). In 1557 the library of Karl von Utenhove the Elder was opened. Ä., Who was first alderman (mayor) of Ghent in 1539 and 1548, was confiscated. In 1562 the father fled as a persecuted Protestant with his family, first to Duke Wilhelm V of Jülich-Kleve-Berg (1516–1592) and then sought protection from Count Hermann von Neuenahr and Moers (1520–1578) in Friemersheim (today Duisburg - Rheinhausen) ).


In Ghent the Flemish philologist Johann Otho (around 1520–1581) was the teacher of Karl von Utenhove; Utenhove dedicated epigrams to him in 1555 and 1556 and a three-sided Melydrion in 1556 . Karl von Utenhove had lifelong contact with his teacher's daughter Johanna Otho (around 1549 – after 1621), who was herself a literary writer and had lived in exile with her father in Duisburg since 1557.

Studied in Leuven and Basel (1555 to 1557)

Karl von Utenhove moved in 1555 together with his school friend Bonaventura Vulcanius (1538-1614) the University of Leuven . In the same year he studied in Basel , where he met the humanists Sebastian Castellio (1515–1563), Bonifacius Amerbach (1495–1562) and Thomas Platter (1499–1582). From 1555 to around 1557 Utenhove was table-goer at Platter.

Handwritten “Pentastichon” by Utenhagen (lines 8/9: “ οὐθὲν ὁ βίος ”) for Bonifacius Amerbach, 1555

Utenhove was polyglot and wrote poetry in at least 10 languages ​​( Flemish , German , English , French , Italian , Spanish , Latin , Greek , Hebrew and " Chaldean "). As a humanist, “Uten-ho-vius” often wrote his name in Greek “Οὐθὲν-ὁ-βίος” - “three words in which 'nothing is this life' is hidden” .

Already in his early days in Basel, Utenhove worked on publications by the printer Johannes Oporinus (1507–1568) and published small contributions in the works of Paul Dolscius (1526–1589), Gilbert Cousin (1506–1572), Hadrian Junius (Adrian de Jonghe) (1511 / 12–1575), Joachim Camerarius (1500–1574), Michael Neander (1525–1595), Pierio Valeriano (1477–1558), Celio Secondo Curione (1503–1569) or Olympia Fulvia Morata (1526–1555).

Private tutor in Paris (1557 to 1561)

In the winter of 1556/57 Utenhove traveled to Paris with his father and brother Johann (Jan the Younger) and became tutor of the daughters Camille (1547 – after 1611), Lucrèce (1548 / 49–1580) and Diane (1550–1581 ) of the famous scholar Jean de Morel (1511–1581), seigneur de Grigny et du Plessis-le-Comte, and his wife Antoinette de Loynes (1505–1567 / 68). Jean de Morel was a believer of Nostradamus (1503–1566), about whose verses Utenhove spoke derisively:

Nostra damus cu [m] verba damus, q [ui] a fallere Nostru [m] est,
Et cum verba damus nil nisi Nostra-damus .
We give what is ours when we give words, because ours is to be deceived.
And when we give words - nothing else than 'we-give-ours'.

Morel's house was a focal point of cultural life; Utenhove befriended Jean Dorat (1508–1588), Adrianus Turnebus (1512–1565), Denis Lambin (1520–1572), George Buchanan (1506–1582), François Olivier (1497–1560), Michel de L ' Hospital (around 1505–1573) and members of the group of poets “ La Pléiade ” around Pierre de Ronsard (1524–1585) and Joachim du Bellay (around 1522–1560). In the winter of 1558/59 Jan Kochanowski (1530–1584) visited Utenhove in France.

Johannes Sambucus (1531–1584) recommended Utenhove in 1560 as a polyglot and talented translator of the Dionysiacs of Nonnos of Panopolis (5th century AD) in a letter from Paris to Hieronymus Wolf (1516–1580).

Legation to England and Scotland (1561 to 1565)

In 1561 he traveled to England and Scotland with the French embassy as secretary of the prelate and diplomat Paul de Foix de Carmain (1528–1584) . In London Utenhove belonged to the literary circle around Queen Elizabeth I to. William Camden (1551-1623) referred to him in 1614 as "Carolus Vtenhovius my good friend" . With Mildred Cook Cecil , Lady Burghley (1526–1589), the wife of Secretary of State William Cecil (1521–1598), who was considered one of the most educated women in England, he led an extensive correspondence. Even Philip Sidney (1554-1586), Daniel Rogers (1573-1652) and Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester (1532-1588) were among Utenhoves English friends.

An incident occurred on New Year's Eve 1563/64 at the end of four months of billeting at Eton College , when the French embassy rioted, disobeyed the house rules and wanted to leave the college after curfew; the Provost William Day (1529–1596) reported to London that Utenhove and Dubois, the ambassador's secretary, also asked for the gate key.

Utenhove returned to Düsseldorf in 1565 via Paris, the Netherlands and Emden . After returning from England he visited Johann and Johanna Otho in Duisburg.

Augsburg Reichstag and Ghent Iconoclasm (1566)

In the mid-1560s, Utenhove published a Latin translation of Callimachus' hymns . The work has not survived, but was made by contemporaries such as François de Thoor († around 1601), Jean Dorat, Johanna Otho, Johannes Curterius (around 1546-after 1583), Martin Hauweel or his brother Jan Utenhove the Elder. J. extensively appreciated.

During the Reichstag , which took place from March 23 to May 30, 1566, Utenhove stayed in Augsburg ; there he met Wilhelm Friedrich Lutz (1551–1597) and Hieronymus Wolf, presumably also Caspar Peucer (1525–1602) and Wilhelm Xylander (1532–1576). Orlando di Lasso (1532–1594) and Paul Melissus (1539–1602), with whom Utenhove corresponded on friendly terms, were also in Augsburg in 1566 for the Reichstag.

When there was an iconoclasm in Ghent in 1566 , Utenhove traveled there immediately via Antwerp and Brussels , reported Ludwig von Nassau-Dillenburg (1538–1574) from Dentergem about the events and asked for the iconoclasts to be lenient; Dentergem was owned by his cousin Anne d ' Olhain - Estaimbourg (1532–1566). In Aalter he met Katharina van den Boetzelaer († after 1567) in September , who played an important role in the Calvinist party of the " Geusen " and in the drafting of the so-called noble compromise of Breda . In August 1566 Utenhove was in Bruges .

Studies in Basel (from 1567)

After the arrival of Duke Alba (1507–1582) in the Spanish Netherlands , Utenhove returned to his father in Friemersheim in May / June 1567 accompanied by the English ambassador Thomas Redclyffe, 3rd Earl of Sussex (1525–1583) from Antwerp. From there he wrote in June to Pierre l'Oyseleur (1530–1590), Seigneur de Villiers et Westhove, who later became the secretary and court preacher of William of Orange (1533–1584). In July 1567, Utenhove wrote William Cecil to the prophecy "Imago Flandriae" , which he expected to be fulfilled in 1568. This vision by Abbot Lubertus Hautscilt (1347–1417) from Bruges was first published (around 1558?) By Utenhove's teacher Johann Otho.

Utenhove initially tried in vain to gain a foothold in Cologne. He gave language lessons, but had to leave the city as a Protestant. When he returned without the council's permission, he was briefly jailed.

In 1567 Utenhove traveled to Basel to visit Heinrich Bullinger (1504–1575), and enrolled in Basel in 1568/69. In 1568 Utenhove published the collected poems "Francisanus et fratres" by his friend George Buchanans in Basel ; as an appendix to it he published his own work Xenia with poems in neo-Latin , Greek and Hebrew . Utenhove also obtained various publications by other people in Basel, which appeared in the Oporinus Offizin , as " Castigator " and " Corrector ".

In 1568 Utenhove wrote to Queen Elisabeth from Basel with the request that a story of the Spanish Inquisition be dedicated to her. The publication of the work Sanctae Inquisitionis Hispanicae artes aliquot (= some arts of the Holy Spanish Inquisition ) by Casiodoro de Reina (around 1520–1594) was abandoned by Opirinus for political reasons, so that it was finally printed in Heidelberg.

Karl von Utenhove ("Carolus Wtenhouius") was in 1570 (Antwerp Index) on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum in the 1st class of heretical writers.

Düsseldorf (from 1570)

In 1570 and 1571, presumably also afterwards, Karl von Utenhove stayed in Düsseldorf . In 1570 Utenhove, who "lived almost a whole life as a vagabond, finally married" ; Dorat and other humanistic friends wrote " Epithalamien " on his wedding.

The personal physician from Kleve, Reiner Solenander (1524–1601), reported in 1576 to Wilhelm V in his “Consilivm XXVI” that a certain recipe had previously helped the Duke's “guest” Carolus Vtenhouius (“aliquando”) with the same kidney and spleen problems .

On May 2, 1574, a “Carolus Vtenhouius” (together with “Nicolaus uten Hove” ) enrolled in Heidelberg, 1576 in Cologne, later in Padua; however, like “Hanso Karolus Utenhovius” from Ghent, who was in Basel in 1589/90, they were relatives of Charles.

The cousin "Karl Uutenhove" and the Reformed Republic in Ghent (1576 to 1584)

It is often assumed that Utenhove returned to Ghent after the " Ghent pacification " in 1576. The Ghent councilor and mayor, who, along with Nikolaus and Jakob Utenhove, was one of the "18 persistent councilors" who took power in the city as Calvinists from 1577 to 1584, is namesake Karl Uutenhove, Heer van Hooghewalle en Hoogh-Seylandt († after 1584), namely a distant cousin of Karl von Utenhove. In 1579, 1581 and 1583/84 towards the end of the Reformed Republic, this Anabaptist -minded Karel van Uutenhove was Ghent's mayor (first alderman). In August 1583 he was sent to Germany as envoy to offer Flemish help in the Truchsessian War . He is said to have left the Ghent magistrate together with the baptismal lay judge Gillis Hebrechte in 1584 because the execution of the death penalty contradicted the convictions of the two. According to another account, Karel Uutenhove had the anti-Spanish text Een cort vertooch ende vriendelycke vermaeninghe tot alle rande des payes published, which led to his dismissal as first lay judge . The printer Pieter Overd'hage (1520–1604) from Ghent was arrested by the Spaniards in Pamele ( Oudenaarde ) in 1585 and sentenced to death (later pardoned).

In the relief for the declaration of independence of the States General (1581) by Henri Bouchard (1875–1960) on the Reformation monument in Geneva , Karl Utenhove van Hoogewalle is depicted as a deputy of Flanders.

Düsseldorf and Cologne (until 1600)

Karl von Utenhove, portrait by Crispin de Passe d. Ä., 1595

In the following years Utenhove stayed mainly in Friemersheim, in Neuss , at the Jülich-Kleve-Bergischer Hof in Düsseldorf (until around 1588) and in Cologne. Franciscus Modius (1536–1597) he made available a codex of the Siegburg Benedictine Abbey for its edition of the Alexander story by Quintus Curtius Rufus . Melissus visited him in 1585. Wilhelm Fabry (1560–1634), the founder of scientific surgery, was a student of Utenhove in Neuss and Düsseldorf .

Basilius Amerbach (1533–1591) tried again around 1589/90 - apparently in vain - to persuade Utenhove to move to Basel as a professor of Greek.

In 1590 Utenhove lived in Cologne, where he bought the Spiegeler Hof in the “ St. Marviren ” - or Machabäerstraße in the northern suburb of “ Niederich ” or took it over from his adoptive daughter Anna von Palant-Breidenbent (around 1550–1599).

In 1593 Utenhove and the doctor Johann Slotan took part in the autopsy of Ludwig Rochal Finger in Cologne, during which Wilhelm Fabry found stones in the lungs. In Cologne in 1595 Crispin de Passe the Elder (1564–1637) portrayed Utenhove at the age of 59. Close friends of Utenhove in Cologne were Mathias Quadt von Kinckelbach (1557–1613), Hartger Henot (1571–1637) and the humanists Pedro Ximémez (around 1524–1595) and Jean Matal (around 1517–1597). The Reformed preacher Dietrich Dunck came to Cologne from Düsseldorf to learn French from Utenhove. In 1597 Utenhove took over the office of executor of the estate of Matal, who had lived in Cologne since 1593. Johann von Lyskirchen († around 1608), who was Cologne mayor five times between 1595 and 1607, “held Utenhove in special honor because of his high esteem” . Lyskirchen prepared a publication of Utenhove's correspondence in 1598, but this was apparently not realized. The dictation of a wedding poem for Constantin von Lyskirchen (1573-1632) and Gertraud von der Recke recorded Hans von Overbeck (1582-1619) in 1599 for Utenhove.

In the summer of 1599, Utenhove's wife Ursula and his adopted daughter Anna fell seriously ill, but were initially rescued "from Orcus ' throat" by the ducal personal physician Wilhelm Fabry . However, Anna von Palant succumbed to the plague a few months later in November 1599 in Cologne. During this time Utenhove suffered badly from a urological disease and asked Fabry for help because the " Alexipharmacum " administered by the Cologne doctors Heinrich Botterus (1539 – after 1613) and Arnold Manlius (1530 / 37–1607) did not help.

In 1600 Utenhove died blind from a stroke; his wife Ursula survived him. Utenhove could no longer complete a comment on the Dionysiacs of Nonnos on which he was working - his printer Oporinus had received a manuscript of the text from Italy in 1556, editio princeps 1569 by Gerhard Falkenburg (around 1538–1578). Utenhove who sought to stay out of the confessional conflicts and was particularly minded Erasmian, was out of town - probably on the Geusenfriedhof or in the open field in front of the Severinstor - "gantz honest, by consent of the honorable Rahts with statlicher procession of many Edelen vnnd gelerten People are buried in Velt uff the relatives of the protesting religion to earth ” .

In 1607 Wilhelm Fabry published as an appendix to De Combustionibus a volume with obituaries for Karl von Utenhove in poetry (epitaphs). Besides Fabry himself, Amandus Polanus von Polansdorf (1561–1610), Nicolas Viret, Johann Buxtorf the Elder (1564–1629), Johannes Rheterius († 1606), Johannes Ulrich, Christoph Donauer (1564–1611), Lorenz Frisäus (1568) were contributors –1635), Jean-Jacques Boissard, Bernhard Praetorius (1567–1616), Sebastian Hornmold the Younger (1562–1634), Jan Gruter, Nathanaël Chambutus, Johann Jacob Grasser (1579–1627), Matthias Quadt, Daniel Tavel († 1648 ), David Leclerc († 1635) and Margaretha Bock-Erfenstein von Gutmannsdorf.


A bundle of the “Legionum Epistolarum Utenhovii hecatontas aut centuria prima” from the extensive correspondence of Charles von Utenhofen came to the Bibliothèque nationale de France (MS Lat. 18562). It contains letters and especially poems to or by Basilius Amerbach (1533–1591), Théodore de Bèze (1519–1605), William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley (1521–1598), David Chyträus (1531–1600), Jean Dorat (Auratus) (1508–1588), Janus Douza (van der Does) (1545–1604), Queen Elisabeth I (1533–1603), Gerhard Falkenburg (around 1538–1578), Marquard Freher (1565–1614), Rudolf Goclenius (1547–1628), Cardinal Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle (1517–1586), Jan Gruter (1560–1627), Johann Gymnich III. (1540–1596), Franz Junius (1545–1602), Justus Lipsius (1547–1606), Johann von Lyskirchen († around 1608), Konstantin von Lyskirchen (1500–1581), Philips van Marnix (1540–1598), Paul Melissus (1539–1602), Jean Matal (around 1517–1597), Gerhard Mercator (1512–1594), Camille Morel (1547 – after 1611), Frédéric Morel (1523–1583), Adam Henricpetri (1543–1586), Anna von Palant (around 1550–1599), Suffridus Petrus (1527–1597), Johannes Piscator (1546–1625), Felix Platter (1536–1614), Johannes Posthius (1537–1597), Heinrich Rantzau (1526–1598), Nikolaus von Reusner (1545–1602), Pierre de Ronsard (1524–1585), Henri Estienne (Henricus Stephanus II.) (1531–1598), Johannes Sturm (1507–1589), Heinrich Sudermann (1520–1591), Anna von Utenhove (around 1550 – after 1595) and Theodor Zwinger (1533–1588) and others.

Other letters from Utenhove are in the collections of his correspondence partners such as Bonifacius Amerbach (1495–1562), Justus Lipsius (1547–1606), Wilhelm Fabry (1560–1634) and others. a. as well as in the State and University Library Hamburg , the University Library Basel , the Bavarian State Library Munich , the Burgerbibliothek Bern and the Vatican Library in Rome . An exchange of letters with Daniel Hermann is mentioned in 1568.


Karl von Utenhove was married to Ursula von Vlodrop (Floderopia and the like) († after 1604), daughter of Wilhelm IV. Von Vlodrop († 1546), Lord von Grevenbicht , Rijckholt , Daelenbroeck and Reckheim , and Odilia von Hoemen since 1570 († 1558), mistress of Odenkirchen and Leuth and co-mistress of Reuland.


Siblings of Ursula von Vlodrop:

  • Wilhelm V. von Vlodrop († 1564), Lord of Rickolt and Leuth, hereditary banner lord of the Duchy of Luxembourg and the County of Chiny, enfeoffed with Odenkirchen in 1531 and 1549, was married to Anna Margaretha von der Donck (* around 1515; † around 1561), mistress of Bicht, Papenhoven and Wolfrath. Their children:
    • Wilhelm von Vlodrop, died young.
    • Heinrich von Vlodrop, died young.
    • Odilia von Vlodrop (* around 1540; † 1620), heiress of Odenkirchen, married to Floris (Florentz) van den Boetzelaer (Botzlar) (around 1532; † 1573), 1572 Burgrave of Odenkirchen, Lord of Aspern and Langerak, promoted the Reformation.
    • Alverade (Alberta, Alverta, Alveradis) von Vlodrop († 1606), mistress of Bicht, married since 1561 I. to Karl I von Bronckhorst – Batenburg-Stein († 1580; murdered in Cologne), Herr von Barendrecht, married II. with Philipp von Bentinck († after 1608), governor of Venlo and Straelen.
    • Anna von Vlodrop († between 1578 and 1584), mistress of Dalenbroek, married since about 1564 to Hattard (Harthart) von Palant († 1615), master of Wiebelskirchen and Lindenberg, enfeoffed in 1572 with Wildenberg, later Lorraine councilor and bailiff zu Sirck
  • Maria von Vlodrop († before 1563), married since 1532 to Johann IV. Von Palant († before 1556), Herr zu Weisweiler, Wildenburg, Nothberg, Berghe (Laurenzberg), bailiff of Eschweiler. Their children:
    • Johann V von Palant († after 1564), married to Anna von Gertzen called Sintzig († 1611), heiress to Langendorf, was Jülich bailiff of Wilhelmstein and Eschweiler in 1559,
    • (probably) Anna von Palant (* around 1550, † 1599) was a neo-Latin poet.
  • Hendrik († before 1559).
  • Balthasar von Vlodrop († 1567), lord of Odenkirchen, co-lord of Reuland, since 1537 also lord of Leuth, was married to Katharina von Bylandt († around 1575), mistress of Well and Bergen , from around 1542 . He gave shelter to baptized refugees from the Spanish Netherlands in Leuth. Their children:
    • Wilhelm von Flodrop († around 1600/05), Lord of Leuth and Well, hereditary banner lord of the Duchy of Luxembourg, married since 1574 to Johanna (Anna) von der Feltz († 1613) of Feltz and Paffendorf, Mistress of Moersdorf, lost Wilhelm as a follower von Orange (1533–1584) his estates in the Spanish Netherlands, their children
      • Adrian Balthasar von Flodrop (* around 1580, † around 1656), married to Isabella van Dorth († 1652),
      • Johann (Hans) Wilhelm von Flodrop († 1616), matriculated in Herborn in 1595,
      • Otto Heinrich von Flodrop († 1619/20), matriculated in Herborn in 1595,
      • Johann Bernhard von Flodrop († after 1595), matriculated in Herborn in 1595,
      • Anna Katharina von Vlodrop, married to Werner II. Von Bongart (1570–1645), Lord of Wijnandsrade,
    • Odilia von Flodrop († after 1566), mistress of Odenkirchen and co-mistress of Reuland, married Carsilius V. von Palant († 1606), Lord of Ruyff and Breitenbend, in 1560/61
    • Anna von Vlodrop (1543–1584) married I. 1565 Matthias von Loë († around 1575), Lord of Wissen and Veylar, Dost zu Goch , and II. 1575 Count Johann van Horne (1531–1606), Lord of Boxtel .
  • Johanna, nun in the Premonstratensian monastery Wenau .

An aunt of Ursula von Vlodrop was:

  • Anna [Barbara] von Vlodrop (* around 1510; † 1579), mistress of Reckheim, since 1538 married to Johann von Quadt (* around 1519; † 1570), Herr zu Wickrath and Kreuzberg , son of Dietrich Quad von Wickrath (* around 1492 ^ † 1539) and Regina Scheiffart von Merode (* around 1486; † 1523) in Bornheim. Their children:
    • Wilhelm Quadt von Wickrath († after 1624), Herr zu Zoppenbroich, 1574 Drost zu Ringenberg, Jülischer doorman, married since 1571 to Dorothea von Loe († after 1591) zu Wissen
    • (Johann) Steffen Quadt von Wickrath († around 1600), Lord of Kreuzberg and Mörmter, bailiff of Kaiserslautern, married I. to Susanna (Anna) Quadt von Landscron, II. To Anna von Palant, III. around 1570 with Elisabeth Adelheid (Alheit) von Wachtendonck
    • Alvera Quadt von Wickrath († 1609), married since 1584 to Ambrosius II von Viermund (around 1550–1588), Lord of Neersen and Anrath
    • Anna Quadt von Wickrath, married to Johann Bock von Erfenstein († 1592), Mr. zu Gutsmanndorf, marshal of the Palatinate Electorate, tomb in the Peterskirche Heidelberg
    • Elisabeth Quadt von Wickrath (* around 1545; † 1627), married since 1570 to Degenhard von Merode (* around 1535; † 1604), governor of Heinsberg
    • Lutter Quadt von Wickrath, assessor at the Higher Court of Speyer, governor of Simmern, bailiff of the Electoral Palatinate of Bacharach, married to Sibilla (Isabella) von Ketteler since 1590; Karl von Utenhove dedicated a wedding poem to both of them
    • Friedrich Quadt von Wickrath († after 1580)
    • Adolph Quadt from Wickrath
    • Margaretha Quadt von Wickrath (1562-1620 or 1631), married to Bernhard von Oer († between 1612 and 1621), Mr. zu Kakesbeck
    • Otilia Quadt von Wickrath, heiress of Baeck, married I. to Johann von Raesfeld, II. From around 1570 to Konrad von Westerholt (* around 1522; † 1605), Münster cathedral chancellor and chancellor

Utenhove corresponded with his wife Ursula's niece, Anna von Palant (Pallantia), and he promoted the publication of her poems. The niece of the 2nd degree Margaretha Bock- Erfenstein von Gutmannsdorf, granddaughter of Anna von Vlodrop, was the second wife of Marquard Freher (1565–1614) and also worked as a literary artist. In 1607 Margaretha Bock dedicated a German epitaph published by Wilhelm Fabry to “her dear cousin and Rabino, who was in the Hebrew language, or teacher of danckbaren gedechtnus” .

Karl von Utenhove, who had no children himself, adopted his niece Anna von Palant - who died the year before him - and perhaps his relative Janus Gruterus .

The dowry of Ursula of Vlodrop for a Erbteilungsvertrag of 1547, a 200-year process of the spouses Utenhove and their heirs relaxing in front of the Imperial Court .


Coat of arms of the Uutenhove family

see: Karl von Utenhove the Elder # family (to the siblings of Karls von Utenhove); to his third uncle Jan Utenhove the Elder Ä. (1516 / 20-1565).

Utenhove's "niece" Anna von Utenhove (Utenhovia) (around 1550 – after 1595) was considered an educated poet. She took dictations for her blind uncle.


  • François de Thoor: In Callimachi hymnos latinis versibus expressos a Carolo Utenhovio (British Library, Sloane Manuscripts 1768, sheet 6)
  • Jean Dorat: Greek poem based on the Callimachos edition by Karl von Utenhove with a Latin translation by Johanna Otho: Callimachum qui omnes scribendis praevenit hymnis (Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, Collection Dupuy 951, sheet 151) and NN: In Callimachum latinum Caroli Utenhovii epigramma (1566) (ibid., sheet 77v)
  • Legionum Epistolarum Utenhovii hecatontas aut centuria prima (previously unprinted handwritten collection of letters; Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, MS fonds latin 18592), 1598 ( digitized version of the Bibliothèque nationale de France)
  • Guillaume Colletet (1598–1659), curriculum vitae ("vie") Utenhoves (Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris, Nouvelles acquisitions françaises, MS 3073, pages 489ff)
  • Poems to Elizabeth I, given to William Cecil in February 1561 (Public Record Office London, SP 70/48, sheets 4v – 9r)
  • Carmen aggratulatorium Caroli Utenhovii, ad Illustrem D. Robertum Dudleium a Regina Angliae Comitem designatum Ao 1564. 8 octobris and 1564 mense Novembri Caroli Utenhovii in Robertu [m] dudleium a Regina Angliae Comitem Lecestriae designat [um] . In: Album Joannis Rotarii (Central Library of the University of Ghent , Manuscript No. 2465)
  • Letter o. O. O. D [presumed edition: "1565", rather during the Paris stay in 1559/61] from Paris to Jan von Utenhove the Elder. Ä. In: Jan Hendrick Hessels: Epistvlae et tractatvs cvm Reformationis tvm Ecclesiae Londino-Batavae historiam illvstrantes (1544–1622), Vol. II (Ecclesiae Londino-Batavae archivvm 3), Cambridge: Typis Acodemiae 1897, No. 76 and 77, p. 238f ( online resource , accessed March 30, 2015)
  • Charles Utenhove fils a M. de Villiers. Nouvelles des Pays-Bas , letter of June 20, 1567, and Charles Utenhove, le fils, au Comte Louis de Nassau / Dem Edelen Wolgebornen Hern, Hern Lodwichen, Graeffen zu Nassau, my gracious Hern , letter of September 19, 1566. In : G. Groen van Prinsterer: Archives ou correspondance inédite de la maison d'Orange-Nassau (PDF; 2.8 MB) , 1st Ser., Vol. II. 1566 , Leiden: S. & J. Luchtmans 1835, p 295-298. Vol. III. 1567-1572 , Leiden: S. & J. Luchtmans 1836, pp. 102-107 (online resources, accessed March 31, 2011)
  • Letter from Karolus Utenhovius in verse from Cologne to Wilhelm von Pilsum (Pylsom) († 1614), 1588 (Archive of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland, Düsseldorf, inventory 4 KG 005 Evangelical Church Community Düsseldorf, No. 20 personal files of Pastor Adolf Sondermann (Idiander) (1547 / 48–1629))
  • Veronique Despodt: Gentse Grafmonumenten en Grafschriften tot het einde van de Calvinistische Republiek (1584) , Vol. III Repertorium (PDF; 3.0 MB) (Lic.phil. Universiteit Gent), Gent 2000/01 (online resource, accessed on March 4, 2011)


Independent monograph

  • (attributed; uncertain) Le Trophée de la parole diuine victorieuse au pays bas , au quel est chanté l'estat, & le changement de la religion, à la gloire de Dieu, & à la confusio [n] de ses ennemis. A monsieur VC gentilhome G. & Poëte tresinsigne, o. O. [Gent: Guilelmus Manilus?] O. J. [1566/67?] ( Digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich)

Editorships and editions

  • (Ed.): Epitaphivm in mortem Henrici Gallorvm regis christianissimi, eius nominis secundi , per Carolus Vtenhovium Gandauensem, & alios, duodecim linguis / Epitaphe svr le trespas dv Roy Treschrestien Henri Roy de France, II de ce nom , en douze lang. Avltres epitaphes, par plvsievrs auteurs, sur le trespas du mesme Roy. Plvs, les epitaphes svr le trespas de Ioachim du Bellay, Paris: Robert Estienne 1560 ( Google Books )
  • (not preserved; Ed.): Latin edition of the hymns of Callimachus, around 1566
  • (Ed.): Georgii Bvchanani Scoti Poetae eximij Francisanus et fratres , Basel: Thomas Guarinus, 1568
  • (Ed.): Xenia seu Ad illustrium aliquot Europae hominum nomina, Allusionum , (intertextis alicubi Ioach. Bellaij eiusdem argumenti versibus), Liber primus. Ad Elisabetham sereniss [imam]. Angl [iae]. Franc [iae]. Hib [erniae]. & c. Reginam, Basel [: Thomas Guarinus] 1568 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library, Munich)
  • (Eds.): Viri Nobiliss [imi] D. Karoli, K [aroli] F [ilii], Utenhovii Nevvlandiae Domini Aliorvmq [ue] Amicor [vm] Carmina Gratvlatoria Scripta In Honorem Simonis Toelmanni Svndatis. Pomerani Cvm. Doctoralia Ivris Vtrivsq [ue] Insignia In Celeberrima Marpvrgensi Academia Pvblice Conseqveretvr MDLXXXIIX. XXI. Novembr [is], Marburg: Paul Egenolff 1588
  • (Ed.): Gratvlationes scriptae Cl. viro Dn. Gosvino Merckelbachio , IU Doctori renunciato in Marp. Academica Panegyri September 2nd MD XCVI. à… Domino Karolo Vtenhovio, Domino in Neulandt, etc. aliis [que] Amicis, Marburg: Paul Egenolff 1596
  • (Ed.): Mythologia Aesopica. Metro elegiaco reditta , Steinfurt: Theophil Caesar 1607 ( Google Books )

Contributions to compilations

Thematic dedication poems

  • Εἰς Αδριανοῦ Ίουνίου… βιβλία ἓξ πρὸς Ιωάννην Οθωνα Έπίγραμμα (= epigram for Johannes Otho about the six books of ... Adrian Junius ). In: Hadrian Junius: Hadriani Ivnii Hornani medici Animadversoru [m] libri sex , Basel: Michael Isengrin 1556 ( digitized from the University Library of Basel)
  • Ad scholae Othonianae Iuuentutem μελὐδριον . In: Michael Neander: Aristologia Pindarica Graecolatina , Basel: Ludwig Lucius 1556, unpaginated (3 pages) ( digitized version of the University Library of Basel)
  • Εἰς τὰ τῆς ἁγίης γλώττης Ερωτήματα τοῦ Νεάνδρου Μελύδριον (= Melydrion about the "textbook of the sacred language" of the Neander ). In: Michael Neander (ed.): Κατήχησις Μαρτείνου Λουθέρου ἡ καλουμένη μικρὰ , ἑλλήνικολατίνη / Catechesis Martini Lvtheri Parua , Graecolatina , Basel: Johannes Oporinus 1556, p 242 ( Digitalisat the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
    • (Reprint) In Sanctae linguae Erotemata Neandri, Μελύδριον . In: Michael Neander: Sanctae linguae Hebraeae erotemata , 2nd edition Basel: Bartholomaeus Franck / Johann Oporinus 1567, p. 6 ( digital copy of the Bavarian State Library in Munich 1) (not included) . Edition Basel: Johann Oporinus 1556 ( digitized version of the University Library Frankfurt a. M.))
  • Contribution in: Johannes Magnus : Historiae (qua vix alia lectu jucundior) de Gothorum, Sueonumque rebus gestis , Cologne: Johann Birkmann 1567
  • In Italvm Fvnambvlvm in Sequanam lapsum, Aurati & Vtenhoij colloquiuum . In: Adriani Turnebi variorum Poematum silua o. O. [Basel: Thomas Guarinus] o. J. [1568], p. 172f ( digitized version of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München)
  • Εἰς τοῦ Κικέρωνοῦ ἱστορίαν ... (= About the "story" of Cicerone ). In: Franz Fabricius: M. Tvllii Ciceronis historia , per consvles descripta, & in annos LXIV distincta, 2nd edition Cologne: Maternus Cholinus 1570
    • (Reprinted in :) M. Tullii Ciceronis Viri Consularis Historia , Hamburg: Zacharias Hertel 1672 ( Google Books )
  • In ornatissimi viri Gvielmi Mai Metagitnionis Saxonis Πολεμογραφίαν . In: Gulielmus Maius: Polemographia Belgica , Cologne: Peter Keschedt 1594 ( digitized from the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
  • In Publii comoedias Terentii, totidemque Cornelii Schoenaei dramata ad Annam Palantiam et Camillam Iambici extemporales . In: Cornelius Schonaeus : Terentius Christianus, duabus comoediis additis , Cologne: Gerhard Grevenbroich 1595
  • Contribution in: Ulrich Bollinger / Paulus Schede Melissus (ed.): Nonni Panopolitani poetae Graeci paraphrasis evangelica secundum D. Ioannem , carmine heroico Latino reddita… Adiecti sunt Hymni sacri quator, item argumenta in 6th libros Christiados Vidae, Speyer: Bernhard Albin 1597
  • Infantia , Pueritia , Adolescentia , Virilitas , Senectus and Aetas decrepita . In: Crispin de Passe: ᾿Ανθρωπομορφώσεως εἰκόνες . Nobili ornatissimóque viro Ludouico Perezia clarissimi viri Marci F [ilii] Sal. Pl. d. Crispianus Passaeus jnuentor, Cologne: Crispin de Passe 1599 (digital copies of the Herzog August Library Wolfenbüttel)

Poems on people

  • Έπίγραμμα (= epigram ) to Paul Dolscius and Johann Otho as well as a handwritten Greek "Pentastichon" as a dedication to Bonifacius Amerbach. In: Paul Dolscius: Δαβίδου προφήτου καὶ βασιλέως μέλος / Psalterium prophetae et regis Davidis , Basel: Johannes Oporinus 1555 ( digitized and digitized from Basel University Library)
  • Epitaphivm Annae Grvtherae, Domini Caroli Vtenhouvij, D. à Marckeghem coniugis . In: Gilbert Cousin u. a .: Epitaphia, epigrammata & elegiae aliquot doctorum & illustrium virorum , o. O. [Basel: Johannes Oporinus], 1556, p. 105f ( digitized version of the Basel University Library)
  • ᾿Ιωάννῃ ᾿Οπωρινῷ… μελύδριον σεληναίον (= moonlit Melydrion for Johannes Oporinus ). In: Joachim Camerarius d. Ä .: Commentatio explicationum omnium tragoediarum Sophoclis , Basel: Johannes Oporinus 1556 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
  • Ad clariss. uiros, Arnoldum Arlenium Peraxylum, & Michaelem Isingrinium, in Ioannis Pierij Valeriani Hieroglyphicῶn libros quinquagintaocto, Epigramma . In: Pierio Valeriano : Hieroglyphica, sive, De sacris Aegyptiorvm literis commentarii , Basel: Michael Isengrin 1556 ( digitized from the University Library of Basel)
  • Idem Graece fideliter expressum , In Bellaicae Mvsae et Latine & Gallicae carmina and Τοῦ αὐτοῦ εἰς Ίοαχεῖμον τὸν Βελλάϊον Άνδεῖνον, ἐπίγραμμα . In: Joachim du Bellay: Poematvm Libri Qvatvor , Paris: Frédéric Morell 1558, pp. 60–62 ( Google Books )
    • (also contained in :) Xenia , 1568, pp. 76 and 79f ( digitized and digitized from the Bavarian State Library, Munich)
  • Cantois svr le mesme svbiect , Eivsdem in epithalamii argvmentvm and Eivsdem . In: Joachim du Bellay: Epithalame svr le mariage de tresillvstre Prince Philibert Emanvel, dvc de Savoye , et tresillvstre Princesse Margverite de France , sœvr vniqve dv Roi, et dvchesse de Berry , Paris: Frédéric Morell 1559 ( digitalisat of the Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris )
    • (Reprinted in :) Joachim du Bellay: Œvres poétiques , Vol. V, Edition critique par Henri Chamard, Paris: Cornély-Hachette 1923, pp. 199–232
  • Den Roethert souckt by Utenhoeve / Alsnu te commen in den hoeve (around 1560). In: Philippe Blommaert: De Nederduitsche schryvers van Gent . I. S. van Doosselaere, Gent 1861, p. 101f ( digitized in the Internet Archive)
  • Εἰς Δημοσθένην καὶ ᾿Ιερώνυμον Βόλφιον (= About Demosthenes and Hieronymus Wolf ). In: Hieronymus Wolf (Ed.): MT Ciceronis libri tres de Officiis , Basel: Johannes Oporinus 1563, p. 1 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
    • (also contained in :) Xenia 1568, p. 106 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library, Munich)
  • Carolus Utenhovius hospiti . In: Johannes Corputius : Veriss [ima] exactiss [ima] q [ue] topographia Duisburgi urbis , o. O. 1566
    • (Reprint in :) Günter von Roden: Duisburg in 1566. The city map of Johannes Corputius (Duisburger Forschungen 6), Duisburg: W. Renckhoff 1964
  • Ad eruditiss. medicos, Ivlivm Alexandrinvm, Ioh. Cratonem medicos Caesareos, & Theodorum Zuinggerum Basiliensem, & Iacobum Vtenhouium fratrem Philiatrum . In: Luigi Mondella: Theatrvm Galeni , hoc est, Vniuersae medicinae à Medicorum Principe Galeno diffusè sparsimque traditae Promptvarivm , Basel: Eusebius Episcopius Erben 1568 ( digitized from the University Library of Basel)
    • 2nd edition Loci commvnes medicinae vniservae, a medicorvm principe Galeno diffvse, sparsimque traditae , Cologne: Johann Gymnich III. 1587
  • Car. Vtenhouij Pleumosij Distichon . In: Georgii Bvchanani Scoti Poetae eximij Francisanus et fratres , Basel: Thomas Guarinus, 1568, unpaginated ( digital copy of the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
    • (Reprint) George Buchanan / Nathan Chyträus : Psalmorum Davidis paraphrasis poetica . Herborn: Christoph Raab 1590 (see 4th edition Herborn: Corvinus 1616 ( Google Books ))
  • In Iohan. Sambvcvm Pannonium, ad Iohan. Oporinvm Compatrem Octastichon , Ad Avgvstiss. Romanorvm Imperatorem Maximilianvm II. Etc. , Ad Evndem , Alivd in Evndem, cvm Anno 1566, the 23 Martij, ad inchoandam de Comitijs Augustae indictis propositionem profisceretur and Alivd in Evndem . In: Martin Brenner (Ed.): Antonii Bonfinii rerum Ungaricarum decades quatuor , Basel: Johannes Oporinus 1568 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
  • In Adrianvm Turnebvm , In Io. Avratvm Lemouicem and Ιωαν. τοῦ Αὐράτου / Εἰς ἄυρατον . In: Adriani Turnebi variorum Poematum silua o. O. [Basel: Thomas Guarinus] o. J. [1568], pp. 2, 120 and 169f ( digitized , digitized and digitized from the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
  • In illvstrissimi Clivorvm Montivm Ivliacique Ducis, & c. Gvilielmi laudem allusio and In Iohan. VFourvm illvstriss. Clivorvm Ducis archiatrum . In: Johann Weyer : De praestigiis daemonum , 2nd edition Basel: Johannes Oporinus 1568, p. 25f ( digitized version of the Duchess Anna Amalia Library Weimar) (not included in the 1st edition 1563)
    • (also contained in :) Xenia , 1568, p. 43 and 104f ( digitized version and digitized version from the Bavarian State Library, Munich)
    • (French edition) In Ioannem Wiervm illvstriss. Clivorum Dvcis Archiatrum ... Epigramma . In: Johann Weyer / Thomas Erastus : Histoires, disputes et discours, des illusions et impostures des diables, des magiciens infames, sorcieres et empoisonneurs , Geneva: Jacques Chouet I. 1579 ( digitized from the Basel University Library)
  • Εἰς χαλκοτυπίαν μουσῶν μητέρα… . In: Wilhelm Xylander (Ed.): Stephanus De urbibus , Basel: Johannes Oporinus 1568, unpaginated ( digitized version of the University Library of Basel)
  • Epigram to ᾿Ιωάννης Λέων-Κλέος (= Johannes Löwenklau ). In: Johannes Löwenklau : Ξενοφώντος ἅπαντα τὰ σωζόμενα βιβλία / Xenophontis et imperatoris & philosophi clarissimi omnia, quae extant, opera , Basel: Thomas Guarin 1569 ( digitized from the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
    • 2nd edition Frankfurt am Main: Andreas Wechel 1594
  • Epitaphs on Johannes Oporinus in Andreas Jociscus: Oratio de ortv, vita, et obitv Ioannis Oporini Basiliensis , Strasbourg: Theodosius Rihel 1569 ( Google Books )
  • Introductory distich. In: Hieronymus Wolf (Ed.): Demosthenis et Aeschinis Principum Graeciae Oratorum Opera , Vol. I, Basel: Johannes Herwagen / Eusebius Episcopius 1572, unpaginated ( digitized from the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
Handwritten dedication by Melissus to Utenhove
  • Εἰς παῦλον μέλισσον σχέδιον μελύδριον (= Melydrion about Paul Melissus Schedius ) Idem ... secundo libro Allusionum , respondet Vtenhovivs , Responsvm Vtenhovii , Melisso suo mellitissimo , Melisso Laurigero , Melisso V. eruditiss. and Melisso liberrimo . In: Paul Melissus / Felix Fiedler: Schediasmata poetica. Item Fidleri Flumina , Frankfurt am Main: Georg Corvinius 1574, unpaginated ( Google Books ), pp. 151–153 ( Google Books ) and 180–183 ( Google Books )
    • (Reprint) in: Janus Dousa / Paulus Melissus: Musae errantes , Frankfurt (Oder): Nikolaus Voltz / Johannes Thymius 1616 ( Google Books )
  • Antiquitatis uberrimae instauratori Huberto Goltzio in amicita Symbolum scripsit Brugis Anno MD LXVI. Prid. Id. Aug. In: Hubert Goltzius: Caecar Avguvstvs sive Historiae Imperatorvm Caesarvmque Romanorvm ex antiqvis nvmismatibvs restitvtae liber secvndns , Bruges 1574 ( Google Books )
    • (Reprint) in: Hubert Goltzius: Historia Augvsta , Antwerp: Pieter van Tongeren 1602
  • Contribution in: Paul Melissus: Melissi Schediasmatvm Reliqviae , Frankfurt a. M .: Georg Rab 1575
  • Contribution in: Heinrich Husanus : Henrici Hvsani Ivrisconsvlti Horarvm svccisivarum sive imaginum Mosaicarum Libri dvo. Elegarivm libri totidem, part II. Jakob Lucius, Rostock 1577, p. 113f ( digitized version of the Austrian State Library Vienna)
  • Ad Franciscvm Modivm in Maphei vellus aureum . In: Franciscus Modius: Maphei Vegii Laudensis Astyanax & Vellus Aureum , Cologne: Maternus Cholinus 1579, unpaginated ( digitized from the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
  • In I. Posthii Parerga Poetica . In: Johannes Posthius (Ed.): Parerga poetica , Würzburg: Heinrich von Aich 1580
    • 2nd edition. In I. Posthii Parerga Poetica and In Ioannis Posthii Parergorum Poeticorum secundam editionem . In: Johannes Posthius (ed.): Parergorvm poeticorvm , Vol. I, o. O. [Heidelberg]: Hieronymus Commelin 1595, p. 339
  • N. Revsnero Leorino (Neuss, August 31, 1580). In: Nikolaus von Reusner: Emblemata Nicolai Revsneri I [uris] C [onsulenti] partim ethica, et physica: partim vero Historica, & Hieroglyphica , Frankfurt am Main: Johann and Sigmund Feyerabend 1581, p. 365f ( digitized from the University of Mannheim)
  • Ad sereniss. ivxta ac ervditiss. Angliae Reginam Elizabetham, in Alcestin Epigramma . In: George Buchanan (translator and publisher): Alcestis Evripidis , Wittenberg: Matthäus Welack 1581, p. 4f ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
  • Contribution in: Johannes Piscator : Animaduersiones Ioan. Piscatoris Arg. In Dialecticam P. Rami , Frankfurt am Main: Andreas Wechel 1582
    • 2nd edition Frankfurt am Main: Andreas Wechel 1593
  • Virtvte generisqve aviti imaginib. ivxta claro Christophoro à Wylich Gronsteinij Domino . In: Pierre Boaistuau : Le Théàtre Dv Monde… / Secular Schawplatz… , Würzburg: Heinrich von Aich 1588 ( Google Books )
  • Contribution in: Giovanni Mariani: Antigramma Respondens ad Programmati M. Oveni Gyntheri , quo P. Ramum caussa indicta , Frankfurt am Main: Johann Wechel 1589
  • Contribution in: Hugo Donellus : Commentarii de iure civili , Frankfurt am Main: Andreas Wechel 1589
    • 2nd ed. Commentariorum Iuris Civilis Libri viginti octo , ed. by Scipione Gentili , Hanover: Andreas Wechel / Claude de Marne / Johannes Aubry 1612
  • Epigram ex Allusionum eius libro secundo . In: Suffridus Petrus: De Frisorvm antiqvitate et origine libri tres , Cologne: Arnold Mylius 1590 ( Google Books )
  • Ad N. Revsnervm . In: Nikolaus von Reusner : Opervm Nicolai Revsneri Leorini Silesii ivirisconsvlti et consiliarii Saxonici , Vol. III, Jena: Tobias Steinmann 1593, p. 180 ( digitized from the University of Mannheim)
  • Epigram. In: Suffridus Petrus: De scriptoribvs Frisiae, Decades xvj. & semis , Cologne: Heinrich Falkenburg 1593 ( Google Books )
  • Εὐχὴ γαμική, Musicis numeris donanda, & in conuiuio canenda . In: Janus Gruter u. a .: Epithalamia Marquardi Freheri Marq. f. Hieron. n. et Catharinae Wierae Henr. f. Johan. n. Heidelberg 1593, p. 43 ( digitized version of the University and City Library Cologne)
  • Contribution in: Matthias Quad / Georg Sabinus : Evropae totivs orbis terrarvm partis praestantissimae, vniversalis et particvlaris descriptio , Cologne: Lambert Andreae 1594/96
  • Epigram on Petrus Ramus , in: Rudolph Snellius : Commentarius doctissimus in dialecticam Petri Rami , Herborn: Christoph Raab 1592 ( digital copy of the Berlin State Library)
    • 2nd edition Herborn: Christoph Raab 1595
  • Contribution in: Paulus Schede Melissus (Eds.): Martino Braschio et Anne Schachtiae, Sponsis Gratulantur amici exteri , Rostock: Augustin Ferber d. Ä. 1595
  • In idem . In: Jakob Monau (Ed.): Symbolvm Iacobi Monawi . Ipse faciet variis variorvm avctorvm carminibus expressvm et decoratvm. Cum nonnullis appendicibus, Görlitz: Johannes Rhamba 1595, p. 222f ( digitized version of the University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt)
  • Contribution in: Georg Piterich: Annus ecclesiasticus , Frankfurt am Main: Nikolaus Basse 1596
  • Ad genere a vito propriaque nobilem virtvte Lodovicvm Perez Marco satvm . In: Giovanni Botero : Commentariolus parallelos, sive Libellus assertorius … Cum Karoli Vtenhovij Neochthonis Praefatione…, Cologne: Lambert Andreae 1597, unpaginated ( digitized from the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
  • Fastos in Immanvuelidae Dimetrii , Caroli Vtenhouij Octostichon Neochtonis. In: Emanuel van Meteren : Historia Belgica Nostri Potissimvm Temporis , o. O. [Cologne] 1598, unpaginated ( Google Books )
  • Clarissimis Viris Simoni Toelmanno IC. & Georgio Loysio LL. Cand. , KVN In: Georg Loysius: Pervigilium Mercurii, in quo agitur de praestantissimis peregrinantis … Praeterea… carmina… à Ios. Scalingero , Iul. Caes. F., Iano Dousa, & Karol [o] Kar [oli] Utenhovio F [ilii] scripta, Hof 1598
    • 2nd edition Speyer: Bernhard Albin 1600 (and other editions)
  • Poems of praise to Jacob Melsdorp. In: Jacob Melsdorp: Artis Scribendi scite quasi libamentum , Cologne 1598
  • Katharinae VVierae Freheriados Manibvs . In: Marquard Freher: De Lvctv Minvendo, Et Desiderio Praemissae Conivgis Solando, Epistola Ad Iohannem Mvnstervm , Praefectum VViedanum. Epitaphium Catharinae Wierae . Heidelberg 1599 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich)
  • Ad D. Antonivm Dvnkivm . In: Anton Dunck: Carmina, Pietate, Virtute, Doctrina ornatissimo Dn. Antonio Dvnckio Venlonio Belgae… Heinrico Ivsto rectore… Petro Ryffio ,… in inclyta Rauracorum academia, per… Casparvm Bavhinvm , Basel: Johann Schröter 1600 ( digitized from the University Library of Basel)

Translations of poems

  • Translations of Greek hymns and epigrammata into Latin, in: Olympia Fulvia Morata: Orationes, Dialogi, Epistolae, Carmina, tam Latina quam Graeca , ed. by Celio Secondo Curione, Basel: Peter Perna 1558
    • 2nd edition Basel: Peter Perna 1562, p. 228ff . 244ff
    • Cf. also: Olympia Fulvia Morata: Opera omnia , Basel: Peter Perna 1570 (and other editions)
  • Latin translation of 3 Disticha by Jean Dorat. In: Hippocratis aphorismi Graece et Latine , Lyon: Johannes Turnaesius 1580
  • Greek translation of a distich by Joachim Camerarius . In: Paul Melissus / Felix Fiedler: Schediasmata poetica. Item Fidleri Flumina , Frankfurt am Main: Georg Corvinius 1574, unpaginated


  • (Publication prepared) Epistolarum centuria , ed. by Johann von Lyskirchen, Cologne: Johannes Gymnich III. 1598

Web links

Commons : Karl von Utenhove  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  • Melchior Adam : Carolvs Vtenhovivs . In: Vitae Germanorum philosophorum, qui seculo superiori, et quod excurrit, philosophicis ac humanioribus literis clari floruerunt , Frankfurt [Main]: Jonas Rosen / Heidelberg: Johann Lancelot 1615, pp. 443–446 ( digitized version from the University of Mannheim)
  • Paul Bergmans: Deux amis de Roland de Lassus : les humanistes Charles Utenhove et Paul Melissus Schede . In: Académie royale de Belgique. Bulletin de la Classe des Beaux-Arts 15 (1933), pp. 101-112
  • Jean-Jacques Boissard: Carolvs Utenhovivs Neochthon [is]. In: Jean-Jacques Boissard / Theodor de Bry: Icones qvinqvaginta virorvm illustrium … cum eorum vitis descriptis, Vol. III, Frankfurt am Main: Matthäus Becker 1598, pp. 69–72 ( Google Books )
  • Dirk Adrianus Brinkerink: Unterhove (Karel) (2) . In: Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek , Vol. IX, Leiden: AW Sijthoff 1933, Sp. 1149f [e.g. T. imprecise]
  • Jan Adrianus van Dorsten: Poets, Patrons, and Professors . Sir Philip Sidney, Daniel Rogers, and the Leiden Humanists (1962), p. 16 note 2 (online resource DBNL 2006, accessed February 19, 2011)
  • Johan Decavele: De dageraad van de Reformatie in Vlaanderen (1520-1565) , Bd. I Tekst (Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België . Class of Letters 76), Brussels: Paleis der Academien 1975, p . 85–93 ( PDF ; 955 kB)
  • Philip Ford: Carolus Utenhovius (1536-1600). A Tale of Two Cities . In: Jeanine de Landtsheer, Henk JM Nellen (ed.): Between Scylla and Charybdis. Learned Letter Writers Navigating the Reefs of Religious and Political Controversy in Early Modern Europe , Brill, Leiden 2011, pp. 149–160 ( Google Books )
  • Leonard Wilson Forster: Charles Utenhove and Germany (1971) . In: Small writings on German literature in the 17th century (supplements to Daphnis 1), Rodopi, Amsterdam 1977, pp. 60–80 ( Google Books )
  • Willem Jan Cornelis van Hasselt: Het Geslacht Utenhove . In: Kerkhistorisch Archief 3 (1862), pp. 226–229 ( Google Books )
  • Willem Janssen: Charles Utenhove, sa vie et son oeuvre (1536–1600) (diss. Phil. Nijmegen), Maastricht: van Aelst 1939
  • Nicolaas Christiaan Kist: Johanna Otho and Karel Utenhove. Eene bijdrage tot de herrormings-geschiedenis van Gend . In: Kerkhistorisch Archief 2 (1859), pp. 419-426
  • Johann Peter Lotichius : Bibliotheca poetica , Vol. III. Germaniae et Belgii Poetae , Frankfurt a. M .: Lucas Jennis 1626, p. 101f ( digitized version from the University of Mannheim)
  • Matthias Quad: Teutscher Nation Herligkeitt , Cologne: Wilhelm Lutzenkirchen 1609, p. 423f ( Google Books )
  • Antonius Sanderus , De Gandavensibus eruditionis fama claris libri tres , Antwerp: Gulielmus a Tongris (Willem van Tongeren) 1624, p. 30f
  • Eduard Pieter Schorer: Geslacht- en heraldry. Slaughtered Utenhove . In: De Navorscher 22 (1872), p. 473
  • Frans Vyncke: Melissus, Charles Utenhove fils et les humanistes rhénans . In: Slavica Gandensia 12 (1985), pp. 249-257
  • Frans Vyncke: De Gentse family Utenhove en hair relaties met Poland in de 16de eeuw . In: ders. (Ed.): Handelingen van het Internationaal Colloqium “Nederlands-Poolse Kulturele Ontmoetingen” . Vlaams-Poolse Tijdingen 6 / 3-4 (1985), pp. 25-44


  1. The rule Nieuwland was in the urban area of ​​Ghent in the area of ​​today's street of the same name; see. Rijksarchief Gent (Archief van de Heren van Nieuwland te Gent, Fonds Gent No. 64-69).
  2. ^ President of the Council of Flanders, married to Agnes van der Vaerent († 1520) (epitaphs in the Dominican monastery of Ghent) and Elizabeth de Grutere.
  3. Karl von Utenhove contributed dedicatory poems to later editions of Weyer's De praestigiis daemonum from 1568 (cf. also Xenia , p. 104f) and corresponded on friendly terms with his son Galenus Weyer (1547-1619).
  4. See “tria… Verba, quibus NIHIL-HAEC-VITA latenter inest” : Xenia , p. 94; What is meant in the Erasmic sense is a life “without God”.
  5. ^ Also Gilbertus Cognatus, Canon in Nozeroy , Secretary of Erasmus of Rotterdam .
  6. On her cf. Samuel Will: Camille de Morel: a prodigy of the Renaissance . In: Publications of the Modern Language Association 51 (1936), pp. 83-121; Philip Ford: Camille de Morel. Female Erudition in the French Renaissance . In: Gay Ferguson / Catherine Hampton (eds.), (Re) Inventing the Past , Durham 2003, pp. 245-259.
  7. Also Franciscus Thorius Bellio; from Bailleul , Flemish humanist, doctor and poet, died as a Protestant refugee in England.
  8. Also Jean Courtier; French humanist, previous owner of the "Bern copy" of the Callimachus Hymns.
  9. Captain of the Ghent militia, banished from Flanders in 1573, close relative of Daniel Heinsius .
  10. Charles Utenhove "the son" mentions in the letter as his older brother the "Monsr. de Markeghem ” .
  11. Also "Ollehain" u. Ä., daughter of Josse I. d'Olhain-Estaimbourg (1498–1547) and (⚭ 1531) Joasina van Uutenhove († 1582) - an aunt of Utenhove -; married to Robert d'Aubigny since 1549 (around 1527–1585); see. L'Epitaphe sur le trespas de feu Mad. Anne de Dolehaing Dame d'Esteinbourg, Dentreghem, & c. sa cousin germaine . In: Xenia 1568, p. 109f ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich).
  12. Also known as "Madame de Praet"; Daughter of Wessel VI. van Boetzelaer († 1575) and Françoise van Praet van Moerkercken (around 1509–1562), ⚭ I. 1552 with Jacob van Vlaanderen, Herr van Beveren and Onlede († before 1566); ⚭ II. 1566/67 with Frans van Haeften († 1573); Sister-in-law of Charles's niece Odilia von Vlodrop (around 1540–1620). On Katharina van den Boetzelaer cf. Johan Decavele: De eerste protestanten in de Lage Landen , Zwolle / Löwen: Davidsfonds / Waanders 2004, pp. 159–171; see. Xenia 1568, pp. 72-74.
  13. Also Jonkheer Charles Ouytenhove, Utenhove, Utinovius.
  14. From Bruges; Lawyer and philologist.
  15. Also Hof an der Marvirenstrasse or Hof zum Irregang , s. more precisely under Niederich (Cologne) #Agriculture, farms, viticulture . The court was a meeting place for the Anabaptists in 1569/70 , a "Jungfer Palant" living there was expelled. Today the Evangelical Parish Hall for Cologne's old town is located on the site.
  16. ^ From Venlo , arrested in 1599 and expelled from Cologne.
  17. From Antwerp, son of the merchant Peter van Overbeke († 1602 in Cologne) and Catharina Plaquet († 1607), brother of the patron Matthias van Overbeke (1568-1638); Johannes (Hans) Overbecius from Antwerp died in Frankfurt am Main in 1619; see. Carl Mönkeberg: Jobst from Overbek . In: Journal of the Association for Hamburg History 4 (1858), pp. 314–327, esp. Pp. 315f.
  18. From Amersfoort, 1561 in Cologne, 1576 briefly professor of medicine in Marburg, later professor and dean in Cologne in 1601, personal physician in Cologne and Herzoglich-Jülich.
  19. From Gent, philologist, poet, doctor in Constantinople, 1578 professorship in medicine in Cologne, 1587 rector of the university; see. Penkert Sibylle: For the systematic examination of emblematic family records. Using the example of the Cologne professor of medicine Arnoldus Manlius, phil. et med. dr. (d. 1607) . In: Albrecht Schöne (Ed.): City - School - University - Book Industry and German Literature in the 17th Century , Munich: Beck 1976, pp. 424–432; Stud book with entries between 1570 and 1610 from Delft, Cologne, Constantinople, Philippolis, Prague and Vienna in the Heidelberg University Library (Hs. 487).
  20. ^ Reformed pastor in Thonon-les-Bains.
  21. ^ Professor of the Hebrew language in Lausanne.
  22. From Kusel, Dr. jur., prince educator in Pfalz-Zweibrücken, crowned poet.
  23. ^ Pastor in Regensburg, crowned poet.
  24. ^ Pastor, crowned poet.
  25. ↑ Legal counsel and librarian in Nuremberg, Dr. jur., crowned poet in 1589 by Paulus Melissus Schede.
  26. Swiss pastor.
  27. ^ Teacher (Ludimoderator), from 1616 pastor in Payerne.
  28. ^ Pastor and professor of Hebrew in Geneva.
  29. ^ About him: Augustinus Janssen: Willem van Vlodrop, pandheer van Grevenbicht, en het ontluikende protestantisme . In: HJLZ 30 (2009), pp. 67-75; Grave slab from the old St. Laurentius Church in Odenkirchen now in the archway of the castle tower.
  30. The "Odiliengarten" in Odenkirchen was named after her.
  31. son of Wessel VI. van Boetzelaer († 1575) and Françoise van Praet van Moerkercken (* around 1509 ^ † 1562), brother of Katharina van Boetzelaer († after 1567), whom Karl von Utenhove visited in Aalter in 1566; so
  32. He married Magdalena von Reiffenberg II around 1591.
  33. ⚭ I. Anna von Geldern (* after 1502; † before 1538).
  34. daughter of Carsilius V. von Palant († 1606/08) and Odilia von Flodrop.
  35. ^ Adrian de Jonghe (1511 / 12-1575) from Hoorn , doctor and philologist.
  36. Not included in Gothorum Sueonumque historia, ex probatis antiquorum monumentis collecta, et in xxiiij. libros redacta , Basel: Michael Isengrin 1558.
  37. ^ From Düren (1527–1573), studied in Paris, humanist, rector of the academic high school in Düsseldorf.
  38. Not included in the 1st edition 1564.
  39. Also Cornelis Schoon or de Schoone (1540-1611) from Gouda.
  40. Arnold Arlenius Peraxylus (Arnoud van Eynhouts, Eindhoven , Arnould de Lens) (around 1510-1574 / 82), Dutch humanist in Florence and Mondovi ; Michael Isingrin (around 1500–1557), printer in Basel.
  41. Julius Alexandrinus von Neustein (1506–1590) and Johann Crato von Krafftheim (1519–1585) were imperial physicians in Vienna.
  42. From Brescia, doctor, professor in Padua, fought against astrology, † 1553.
  43. From Bistritz , * around 1510, humanist, 1533 pastor in Heidendorf in Transylvania , 1549 doctor in Bistritz, † 1553 as city physician in Sibiu .
  44. Anthony Bonfinius (1427-1502), Italian historian.
  45. ^ Jean Dorat (1508–1588).
  46. Poem to Johannes Oporinus (1507–1568) and Wilhelm Xylander (1532–1576).
  47. Also Andrea Josciscus Silesius from Grünberg , studied in 1562 in Wittenberg and 1566 in Heidelberg, enrolled in Basel in 1567/88, then professor of morality at the Academic Gymnasium in Strasbourg, † 1569.
  48. From Danzig or Switzerland, 1548 studies in Wittenberg, Poeta laureatus in the Königsberg poet circle, imperial council of war, † 1553; Fluminum Germaniae descriptio , Koenigsberg 1550.
  49. ^ Digital copies from the copy appropriated by the author Karl von Utenhove.
  50. From Venlo ("Herbipolita Venlonianus") (1526–1583), humanist, numismatist and printer, † in Bruges.
  51. Christoph von Wylich and Lottum , Lord of Hueth and Grünstein (around 1525 / 30–1590).
  52. Ludwig Perez (* around 1555), son of Marcos Perez (1527–1572), originally from Lucca , expelled from the Spanish Netherlands ( Antwerp ) as Protestants, 1567 Basel citizenship, later textile trade and banker in Nuremberg ; see. Lothar Bauer: The Italian merchants and their position in Protestant Nuremberg at the end of the 16th century . In: Jahrbuch für Fränkische Landesforschung 22 (1962), pp. 1–18, esp. P. 12.
  53. From the yard .
  54. Also Anthony Dunckius from Venlo ( "Venlonio Belgae") , doctor.

Individual evidence

  1. WJC van Hasselt 1862, p. 288 note 2, names 1608 as the year of death and keeps the indication “1600” in David van Hoogstraten / Jan Lodewyk Schuer / Louis Moreri: Groot algemeen historically, geographically, genealogically en oordeelkundig woordenboek , Amsterdam et al. 1733 , sv, which secondary literature usually refers to, for a typographical error; see. but Matthias Quad: Teutscher Nation Herligkeitt. Wilhelm Lutzenkirchen, Cologne 1609, p. 424; M. Adam 1615, p. 445 (data in written words) and a.
  2. a b c d e f g Cf. LW Forster: Charles Utenhove , 1977, esp.p. 77 note 1, 84f note 7, 87-89 and 98.
  3. See Johan Decavele: Het culturele en intellectuele network. Middeleeuwen en 16de eeuw . In: Het stedelijk netwerk in België in historical perspectief (1350-1850) (Historische uitgaven 86), Brussels: Gemeentekrediet 1992, pp. 365–384, esp. Pp. 380f.
  4. ^ According to others, 1557; see. but Ulrich Gäbler / Kurt Jakob Rüetschi: The three letters Jan Utenhove des Jüngern to Bullinger (1564) , note 13 (online ressourse, accessed on February 19, 2011).
  5. Cf. Antonia Deloina ex Graeco CV Camilla Morella Interprete . In: Xenia , p. 67.
  6. Xenia , p. 108; is also attributed to Étienne Jodelle (1532–1573) or Théodore de Bèze (1519–1605).
  7. ^ Philip Ford: An Early French Renaissance Salon: The Morel Household . In: Renaissance and Reformation 28 (2004), pp. 9-20 (online resource, accessed June 29, 2011).
  8. ^ See letter of December 12, 1560 from Paris to Hieronymus Wolf in Augsburg; Austrian National Library Vienna (Cod. Lat. 9736, sheet 1).
  9. a b See Hans Gerstinger: The letters of Johannes Sambucus (Zsamboky) 1554–1584 . (Austrian Academy of Sciences. Philosophical-Historical Class. Meeting reports 255). Böhlau, Vienna / Graz / Cologne 1968, p. 52f.
  10. Remaines, Concerning Britaine , London: John Legatt 1614, p 173 ( Google Books ).
  11. Cf. Elizabeth: January 1564, 1-15 . In: Calendar of State Papers Foreign, Elizabeth 7 (1870), pp. 1–17 ( British History Online )
  12. See Richmond Laurin Hawkins: A Letter from One Maiden of the Renaissance to Another . In: Modern Language Notes 22 (1907), pp. 243-245, especially p. 244.
  13. See under "Sources" and Ιω. Κουρτήριος: Εἰς Καρόλου τὸν Οὐθὲν-ὁ-βίος Καλλιμάχον ; J. Dorat: Εἰς Καλλιμάχον Καρόλου τὸν Οὐθὲν-ὁ-βίος ; Jan Utenhove the Elder J .: Epigramma in Callimachum Romanum C. Vtenhouij fratris sui ; Martin Hauwelius: In Callimachum Latinis versibus redditum à Carolo Vtenhouio Caroli filio . In: Xenia , 1568, pp. 118f ( digitized version ), 119 ( digitized version), 121f ( digitized version ) and 122f ( digitized version from the Bavarian State Library in Munich).
  14. entry of "Carl Utenhof" in the pedigree of Guilelmus Fridericus Lucius (Library of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg, Hs 91,766.); see. Xenia 1568, pp. 24 and 115.
  15. Cf. Hieronymus Wollf's Memoirs of His Life. Described by himself . In: Ludwig Gotthard Kosegarten: Rhapsodieen , Vol. III, Leipzig: Heinrich Gräff 1801. pp. 137–286, esp. Pp. 229f ( Google Books ).
  16. See the dating of his poem to Hubert Goltzius in: Caecar Avguvstvs sive Historiae Imperatorvm Caesarvmque Romanorvm ex antiqvis nvmismatibvs restitvtae liber secvndns , Bruges 1574 ( digitized in the Google book search).
  17. ^ Letter of July 26, 1567 from Friemersheim ("e Urimurso") ; see. Elizabeth: July 1567, 21-31 . In: Calendar of State Papers Foreign, Elizabeth 8 (1871), p. 301 ( British History Online ).
  18. Cf. Leonard Ennen : History of the City of Cologne. Mostly from the sources of the Cologne City Archive, Vol. IV, Cologne / Neuss: L. Schwann 1875, pp. 848f.
  19. Georgii Bvchanani Scoti Poetae eximij Francisanus et fratres, quibus accessere varia eiusdem & aliorum poemata…, Eiusdem Psalmos… , Basel: Thomas Guarinus, 1568 ( digital copy of the Bavarian State Library in Munich).
  20. ^ Letter of January 13, 1568 to Dr. jur. utr. Christoph Mundt († 1572), the English ambassador to Germany in Strasbourg; see. Elizabeth: January 1569, 1-15 . In: Calendar of State Papers Foreign, Elizabeth 9 (1874), pp. 1-13 ( British History Online ).
  21. Reginaldus Gonsalvius Monatus (pseudonym): Sanctae Inqvisitionis Hispanicae artes aliqvot , Heidelberg: Michael Shirat 1567 (probably predated) u. a .; German: The Holy Hispanic Inquisition several ... ränck and Practicken , Heidelberg: Johann Meyer 1569 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich).
  22. ^ Letters to Theodor Zwinger; Basel University Library.
  23. “tota fere vita vagus… postremo uxore ducta…” ; Gerhard von Stökken: Carolus Utenhovius . In the other : Thuanus Enucleatus , Vol. II, Helmstedt: Henning Müller 1656, p. 50 ( Google Books ), after Jacques Auguste de Thou (1553-1617).
  24. a b J. A. van Dorsten: Poets, Patrons, and Professors . 1962.
  25. Reiner Solenander: Consiliorvm medicinalivm ... Sectiones quinque , Frankfurt am Main: Andreas Wechel 1596, p. 293 ( Google Books ).
  26. Cf. Bernardus de Jonghe: [Ghendtsche geschiedenissen] of chronyke van de beroerten en ketterye binnen, en ontrent de stadt van Ghendt sedert 't jaer 1566, dead het jaer 1585 , Vol. II, Gent: Petrus de Goesin Erben o. J . [1752], passim, esp. P. 333 ( Google Books ); David A. Shank: A Dutch "Anabaptist" Among the "Powers" . In: The Mennonite Quarterly Review 80 (2006), pp. 415-433.
  27. son of Mecheler Council Adrian Uutenhove and brother of Yperner Grand-Bailli Nicolas Uutenhove; see. Ernst Friedländer (Ed.): Letters from Aggaeus de Albada to Rembertus Ackema and others, from the years 1579–1584 . Kuipers, Leeuwarden 1874, no. 38, pp. 65–68, especially p. 68 note 2.
  28. ^ "... they made M. Charles Utinovio chief burgomaster, cousin of the other who was formerly there in company with M. de Foys, now French ambassador to the Pope" , cf. Elizabeth: March 1583-4, 21-25 . in: Calendar of State Papers Foreign, Elizabeth 18 (1914), pp. 422-432 ( British History Online ); See February 1583-4, 21-29 , pp. 358-376.
  29. Cf. Friedrich von Bezold (Ed.): Letters from Count Palatine Johann Casimir with related documents , Vol. II 1582–1586 . M. Rieger, Munich 1884, pp. 155f (No. 207).
  30. Edmund Vanderstraeten: Aldenardiana (1) . In: De Eendracht 18 (1863), p. 23f, esp.p. 22 ( Google Books ).
  31. The epigram in "Le Théâtre du monde" by Pierre Boaistuau is "Dusselopoli Montium Anno 1588 Calen. Ian “ dated; see. also the poem on Jakob Monau (published 1595).
  32. Cf. Franciscus Modius: Q. Cvrtii Rufi Historiarvm Magni Alexandri Macedonis libri octo. Nouè editi & recogniti, Cologne: Maternus Cholinus 1579, p. 3.
  33. ^ Letter from Melissus to Francis Walsingham (1532–1590) from Friemersheim on February 19, 1585.
  34. See Rudolf Thommen : History of the University of Basel 1532-1632 . Carl Detloff, Basel 1889, p. 364f ( digitized in the Internet Archive).
  35. ^ Cf. Leonard Ennen: The antiquity studies in Cologne . In: Monthly for Rhenish-Westphalian historical research and antiquity 3 (1877), pp. 384–413, esp. Pp. 400 and 410f.
  36. Cf. Aanmerkingen van Guilhelmus Fabricivs Hildanvs . Arnout Leers, Rotterdam 1656, p. 146 ( Goggle-Books ).
  37. Cf. Eduard Wiepen: News about the living conditions of the geographer Matthias Quad von Kinckelbach . In: Contributions to the history of the Lower Rhine 20 (1906), pp. 62–122, esp. P. 111 ( digitized in the Internet Archive).
  38. See Peter Arnold Heuser: Jean Matal. Humanistic lawyer and European peace thinker (around 1517-1597) , Cologne: Böhlau 2003, p. 235.
  39. ^ A b Matthias Quad: Teutscher Nation Herligkeitt. Wilhelm Lutzenkirchen, Cologne 1609, p. 424.
  40. Clm 10741, sheet 242 (= Cod. Vat. Palat. 1905; not listed there); see. Anton Ruland: Contribution to the knowledge of the manuscripts of Janus Gruterus . In: Serapeum 1854, pp. 100–123, esp. P. 117: “Dictante Karolo Janus Utenhovio scribebat Querbequius” .
  41. See Utenhove's letter of September 18, 1599. In: Guilhelmus Fabricius Hildanus: Observationum et Curationum Chirurgicarum Centuria Quarta (Vol. IV). Accessit Eivsdem Avthoris Epistolarvm ad amicos, eorundemque ad ipsum, Oppenheim: Johann Theodor de Bry 1619, p. 276 ( Google Books ): “… quippe qui Flodropiam & filiolam adoptivam Annam ab orci faucibus, Carolíque familiam Uten gravhovi integram, hacatus eruere aestate es, Deo juvante ” (= “ you spared no effort this summer to get Vlodrop and the adopted daughter Anna and an undamaged family of Karl Utenhove - with God's help - out of the mouths of Orcus ” ).
  42. ^ Letter from Utenhove of September 18, 1599 to Wilhelm Fabry. In: Penkert Sibylle: For the systematic investigation of emblematic family records. Using the example of the Cologne professor of medicine Arnoldus Manlius, phil. et med. dr. (d. 1607) . In: Albrecht Schöne (Ed.): City - School - University - Books and German Literature in the 17th Century , Munich: Beck 1976, pp. 424–432.
  43. Nonni Panopolitae Dionysiaca . Nunc primum in lucem ed [ita], ex Bibliotheca Ioannis Sambvci Pannonij. Cum lectionibus, & coniecturis Gerarti Falkenbvrgii Nouiomagi, Antwerp: Christoffel Plantijn 1569.
  44. See Gerhard von Stökken: Carolus Utenhovius . In the other : Thuanus Enucleatus , Vol. II, Helmstedt: Henning Müller 1656.
  45. Guilielmi Fabricii Hildani Chirurgi: De Combustionibus … Cui acceßit Bustum , In quo accensi sunt odores suavissimi memoriae Nobilissimi viri D. Caroli Utenhovii, CF Ludwig König, Basel 1607, esp. Pp. 76-107 ( Google Books ).
  46. Description of the holdings in Paul Oskar Kristeller (Ed.): Iter Italicum , Vol. III., Leiden: Brill 1983, p. 270 ( Google Books ).
  47. ^ G. Fabricius 1607.
  48. ^ Collection of personal papers and autographs; see. esp. Nilüfer Krüger (ed.): Supellex epistolica Uffenbachii et Wolfiorum. Catalog of the Uffenbach-Wolf collection of letters (catalog of the manuscripts of the State and University Library Hamburg 8), 2 volumes, Hamburg: Hauswedell, 1978.
  49. ^ Catalog of manuscripts and bequests .
  50. ^ Bavarian State Library, Munich; Collectio Camerariana Vol. 13 = Clm 10363, 84.114; Vol. 19 = Clm 10369, 160-183; Vol. 33 = Clm 10383, 255-274; Clm 10741 = copy of Cod. Vat. Palat. 1905; Clm 10789 = copy of Cod. Vat. Palat. 1821; Clm 10790 = copy of Cod. Vat. Palat. 1906; Clm 28289.
  51. Cod. Vat. Palat. 1821, 1905 and 1906
  52. ^ Friederich Konrad Gadebusch: Livonian Library in alphabetical order , Vol. II. Hartknoch, Riga 1777, p. 62.
  53. Born in Odenkirchen; Testament of September 30, 1604 in the Historical Archives of the City of Cologne (Best. 110F, U / 265).
  54. See Landesarchiv NRW, Rhineland Duisburg department (Reichskammergericht, 737, Az. B 2000/5980 and others).
  55. See Ernst von Oidtman: The Lords of Vlodorp, Hereditary Vögte zu Roermond . In: Zeitschrift des Aachener Geschichtsverein 8 (1886), pp. 125–147, especially pp. 138f [z. T. somewhat imprecise].
  56. ^ Landesarchiv NRW, Rhineland Duisburg department (Reichskammergericht, 1791, Az. F 452/1692).
  57. Cf. Xenia , 1568, p. 110f: Utenhove had a poem delivered by the Augsburg Reichstag “par Batenbourg” .
  58. ^ Marriage contract in the North Rhine-Westphalia State Archives, Rhineland Duisburg department (Reich Chamber of Commerce, 4290).
  59. Cf. Armin Tille / Johannes Krudewig: Overview of the content of the smaller archives of the Rhine Province (Annals of the Historical Association for the Lower Rhine, Volume 2), Vol. II., Cologne: J. &. W. Boisserée 1904, p. 31.
  60. You ⚭ II. Colonel N. von Brempt.
  61. See Regionaal Historisch Centrum Limburg (Rijkskamerrechte te Wetzlar, Az. B 5977 and B 5994-5996) and a.
  62. See Regionaal Historisch Centrum Limburg (Rijkskamerrechte te Wetzlar, No. 68, Az. F 1696).
  63. Cf. Landesarchiv NRW Rhineland Duisburg department (Paffendorf, documents no. 1536).
  64. Cf. Landesarchiv NRW Rhineland Duisburg department (Reichskammergericht, 737, Az. B 2000/5980); Main State Archives Darmstadt (B 11 documents of the County of Stolberg-Königstein, No. 95 and 107).
  65. Many family members are e.g. B. mentioned in a marriage speech in 1590; see. Landeshauptarchiv Münster (Association for History and Archeology of Westphalia, Department Münster (Dep.) - Documents, No. 1183).
  66. See poem from May 12, 1590. In: Legionum Epistolarum Utenhovii , 1598, sheet 75 left f.
  67. See Jane Stevenson: Women Latin poets , Oxford: University Press 2005, pp. 236.240.244–247.524f.565 (there Anna and Johanna are mistaken for two different people by Palant).
  68. ^ Wilhelm Fabricius: De Combustionibus ... In quo accensi sunt odores suavissimi memoriae Nobilissimi viri D. Caroli Utenhovii, C [aroli] F [ilii], Basel: Ludwig König (Rex) 1607, p. 106.
  69. Cf. M. Adam 1615, p. 445
  70. Cf. Landesarchiv NRW, Rhineland Duisburg department (Reichskammergericht, 115, Az. A 565/1319); 1790, Az. F 451/1691.
  71. See WJC van Hasselt 1862; Frans de Potter: Généalogie de la famille De Gruutere , Gent: C. Annoot-Braeckman 1868, pp. 19 and 30f ( Google Books ; there citation of archival sources in the Ghent City Archives).
  72. See Geschlacht Utenhove . In: De Navorscher 21 (1871), pp. 58-60, especially p. 60 ( Google Books ).
  73. See J. Stevenson 2005, pp. 240 and 244f.
  74. "Dictante Karolo Anna from Vtenhouia Vtenhouio scribebat" in Cornelius Schoneus 1595; see. Hans van de Venne: Cornelius Schoneus 1541-1611. A Bibliography of His Printed Works II. In: Humanistica Lovaniensia 33 (1984), pp. 206-314, esp. P. 210; see. also "Karolus Vtenhovius, Kar [oli] F [ilius] Neochthonij Dominus, dictabat" in: Anton Dunck 1600.
  75. See Ιω. Αὐράτου (Jean Dorat): Εἰς Καλλιμάχον Καρόλου τὸν Οὐθὲν-ὁ-βίος . In: Xenia , 1568, p. 119 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich).
  76. See Paul Oskar Kristeller (Ed.): Iter Italicum , Vol. III, Leiden: Brill 1983, p. 326f ( Google Books ); Vol. IV, Leiden: Brill 1983, p. 60 ( Google Books ).
  77. ^ Studbook of Johann Radermacher the Elder Ä. (1560-1620); see. Karel Utenhove in: “Digitale bibliotheek voor de nederlandse letteren” (accessed on February 17, 2011).
  78. From Wesel ("Wesaliensis"), from 1571 to 1602 Rentmeister des Bergischen, 1593 to 1607 to Count Simon VI. office of Beyenburg pledged to Lippe , from 1584 also judge in Barmen ; see. State Archives Detmold (inventory L 51 external property, No. 1 files of the Lippische Pfandschaft zu Beyenburg).
  79. ^ Also Adolph Sundermann, from 1590 reformed pastor in Radevormwald , arrested in 1628 at the instigation of the Jesuit father Arnold von Grotfeld and Duke Wolfgang Wilhelm von Pfalz-Neuburg , died in prison in Kaiserswerth .
  80. The “Chasteau de Vrimursheim ” is mentioned in a satirical “epitaph” , cf. ibid. (unpaginated); possibly Karl von Utenhove d. Ä. the author.
  81. See above. Utenhove's translation was probably based on the simultaneous edition Καλλιμάχου Κυρηναίου ὕμνοι . In: Οἱ της ἡρωικής ποιήσεως πρωτεύοντες ποιηταί, καὶ ἄλλοι τινές. Poetae Graeci principes heroici carminis, & alii nonnulli , o. O. [Geneva]: Henricus Stephanus 1566, pp. 153-181 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich).
  82. Copy FNP IX 18 No. 1 of the Basel University Library; see. Frank Hieronymus: Greek spirit from Basler Pressen , Basel 2003 ( digitized version ( memento of the original from November 27, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove it Note. From the University Library of Basel). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.ub.unibas.ch
  83. See Margarethe Zimmermann: European Networks and Cultural Transfer in the Family Salon of Jean de Morel and Antoinette de Loynes . In: Dorothea Nolde / Claudia Opitz (eds.): Grenzüberquerende Familienbeektiven , Cologne / Weimar / Vienna: Böhlau Verlag 2008, pp. 157–175, esp. P. 167.
  84. See ibid., Pp. 154f: N. Revsneri Sursum Corda. Emblema XXXIX. Ad Carolum Utenhouium Patr. Gaudauensem ( digitized from the University of Mannheim).
  85. Although Utenhove's publications are occasionally listed in older literature, the book only seems to have been preserved in the manuscript “Epistolarum Utenhovii hecatontas” of the French National Library, cf. above under "Sources". Even those at Heinrich Eschbach: Dr. med. Johannes Wier, the personal physician of Duke Wilhelm III. from Cleve-Jülich-Berg. A contribution to the history of the witch trials . In: Contributions to the history of the Lower Rhine 1 (1886), pp. 59–174, esp. P. 69 note 32, cited the alleged publication Utenhove: “ Astragalus sive Xeniorum liber . Allusiones ad illustrium aliquot hominum nomina, Cologne 1597 ”, is a combination of this information with the “ Xenia ” of 1568.