Johann Otho

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Johann Otho or Johannes Hoste or Oeste (* around 1520 in Bruges ; † June 6, 1581 in Duisburg ) was a Flemish humanist, pedagogue , cartographer and scholar.


Johann Otho was born in Bruges around 1520. He obtained his master's degree - presumably in Leuven .


Around 1545 he founded a school in the Talleboomstraat (today: Ursulinenstraat) on the "Zandberg" in Ghent , where he initially worked as " Ludimoderatorus ". Johann Otho's students whom he taught in Latin, Greek and Hebrew were among others

  • Michael van der Hagen († 1617) from Antwerp; also van der Haeghen, Verhagius et al. Ä., Flemish poet, and his brother
  • Jakob van der Hagen,
  • Frans van Kethulle, Lord von Ryhove, leader of the Calvinists in Ghent, ally of William of Orange ,
  • Lieven Tayart, 1579 deputy from Ghent to the Union of Utrecht ,
  • Lucas Meyart († after 1586), banned from the Spanish Netherlands in 1568 by Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alba , enrolled in Cambridge , lawyer, 1579 deputy from Ghent to the Union of Utrecht, brother-in-law of Johann Otho's daughter Johanna,
  • Paulus Knibbe († 1592), from Tielt , also Knibbius, 1565 to 1566 teacher at the Collegium Sapientiae in Heidelberg, Dr. jur., Flemish lawyer and diplomat (Council of State) in the service of the States General (from 1578) and Denmark (from around 1589), died in London,
  • Lukas Frytiers (1542–1566) from Bruges, also Lucas Fruterius, Lucius Frugi Pontanus, philologist and poet in Brussels, friends with Janus Dousa (1545–1604),
  • Frans Harduin († 1609) from Gent; also Harduwinus, neo-Latin poet, proofreader at Christoffel Plantijn's print shop in Antwerp,
  • Levin Battus (1545–1591), from Ghent; Lecturer in Mathematics in Rostock, Dr. med. in Venice, since 1584 professor of medicine in Rostock , alchemist, astronomer,
  • Adrian Damman, Lord of Bysterveldt († after 1604) from Gent; also Hadrianus Dammannus et al. ä, philologist, professor in Leiden , brought to the University of Edinburgh as professor by George Buchanan (1506–1582) around 1589 , since 1594 agent (ambassador) of the States General at the Scottish court of King James I (1566–1625),
  • Cornelis Taymont († around 1602),
  • Heinrich Smetius (1537–1614) from Aalst ; since 1585 professor of medicine in Heidelberg , poet and philologist,
  • Levin Sander, also Levinus Sanderus, in Bologna in 1561 together with Smetius as Dr. med. doctorate, doctor in Gouda; Father of Antonius Sanderus (1586–1664),
  • Bonaventura Vulcanius (1538–1614) from Bruges, scholar, translator and humanist,
  • Hendrik van den Corput (1536–1601), also Corputius,
  • Jan Olieslaeger (1541-1622) from Gent; also Johannes Olivarius, after 1566 in Duisburg, 1575 professor of Greek and Eloquentz in Douai , also studied law, Lic. jur.,
  • Nikolaus van Utenhove († 1595), Lord of Markegem, son of the humanist and multiple Ghent mayor Karl von Utenhove the Elder . Ä. (around 1500–1580), moved to Kleve in 1561, from 1577 to 1584 one of the “18 persistent councilors” in Ghent, died in Cologne, and his brothers
  • Karl von Utenhove (1563–1600), humanistic scholar (philologist) and poet,
  • Jakob van Utenhove († 1609), studied in Montpellier, Dr. med.,
  • Antonius van Utenhove († after 1596) and
  • Johann van Utenhove (* around 1545; † before 1595), studied in Zurich, Basel, Paris and Cologne, exchanged letters with Heinrich Bullinger , served as councilor in Ghent after 1577, in 1580 in the Council of Flanders, expelled from Ghent in 1583.

In 1610/11, Smetius and Vulcanius exchanged detailed memories of their school days with Otho and of their Ghent classmates in letters. Vulcanius studied in 1554 with the Utenhove brothers with Otho Kallimachus -hymns, of which he got himself an edition in 1584. Karl von Utenhove the Elder In 1556 J. wrote a three-page “ Melydrion ” ( little poem) about his school days and paid tribute to his teacher Johann Otho in various epigrams . Jan Olieschlager described him as the "most eloquent sub-school master " .

Johann Otho published various books on school lessons. He tried to guide his students to meaningful instead of literal translations:

" Haud dubium est mihi id.
Ic bent zeker. Ic en twifeler rivet.
De ce suis ie tout asseuré. Il ny at poynt de doubte.

- Terentii flores , 1550 (scan 62)

Otho also brought his daughter Johanna Otho (around 1549 – after 1621), who later worked in literature, to a comprehensive humanistic education.

In 1551 he created the first geometric city map of Ghent from a bird's eye view.

Johann Otho edited some of Plutarch's works, translated them from Greek into Latin and provided them with comments. In 1555 he dedicated his edition of De puerorum institutione (= on raising children ) to Ghent Hoch-Bailli Adolf von Burgund- Wakken (1525–1568), Lord of Kapelle , and the Ghent councilor Karl de Grutere († 1559), Lord of Exaerde , and Adriaen Triest d. Ä. (around 1490–1561). In 1556 he dedicated De Complurium amicitia liber (= book of friendship with several ) to Ludovicus Blaserius (Ludwig or Lodewijk de Blasere), Lord of Idewalle , a Ghent patrician and water count , De esu carnium commentarii duo (= two treatises on eating meat ) in the same year Jacques Draerius (Jacobus de Draeyere) († 1562), the abbot of Boudelo Monastery , and De superstitione commentarius (= treatise on superstition ) François de Helfaut (Duffoult; Franciscus from Hellefont; Frans van Helfaut) († 1564) from the family of the Seigneurs d ' Averhoult , the abbot of St. Peters Abbey on the Blandinberg and later (1562 to 1564) Bishop of Ghent .


In 1557 Johann Otho had to flee Flanders as a persecuted Protestant . He moved with his family into exile on the Lower Rhine in Duisburg in the Duchy of Kleve under Duke Wilhelm V (1516–1592). In the neighboring Friemersheim Castle Karl von Utenhove the Elder was. Ä. fled. A request from the Dean of Ronse - the Flemish Inquisitor Pieter Titelmans (1501–1572) - to return to Ghent, he did not obey.

In 1558, Otho published a collection of sentences in which he used biblical sayings from Moses , Solomon , Daniel , Jesus Sirach , Jesus , Simon Peter and Paul of Tarsus , quotes from the seven wise men Cleobulus , Solon , Chilon of Sparta , Pittakos , Thales , Bias of Priene and Periander as well as sayings of wisdom from Aristippus , Diogenes , Socrates , Krates , Zeno , Themistocles , Pericles and Iphicrates . He dedicated the book in Duisburg to Jacobus Goesius (van der Goes), a young man ( adulescens ). The Wesel printer Pieter Overd'hage de Zuttere (* 1520; † 1604) put the ancient saying “ sat quercus ” or “ἅλις δρυός, hális dryós ” = “ enough of the oak ” as the motto at the beginning and the end of the book ; Meant: enough of the (old believing) tree “between a crucifix in the cornfield ( veritas = truth ) and the tree of temptation ( umbra = darkness ), which represent the new and the old faith. Peter de Zuttere had taken over the printing works in Wesel from Jodocus Lambrecht (* around 1481; † around 1556/57), who had been a printer for Johann Otho in Ghent, and also modified his printer's mark.

Mag. Johann Otho maintained a private school in Duisburg, where Gerhard Mercator (1512–1594) had his children taught. In 1559, under the rector Heinrich Castritius Geldorp (1522–1585), the Duisburg grammar school was founded, where Otho taught until his death in 1581. The school was attended by around 120 students, including boarding school students from Bremen, Emden and Düsseldorf. Among his colleagues were Johannes Molanus (1510–1583), who became rector in Bremen in 1563, Liz. iur. utr. Cornelius Rhetius (1562 to 1566 in Duisburg) and Mag. Georg Cassander (1512–1566).

"Imago Flandriae" (1604), copperplate engraving by Matthias Quad von Kinckelbach after Johann Otho

Otho discovered a prophecy from the 15th century " Imago Flandriae sive Vaticinium " by Lubertus Hautscilt (1347–1417), abbishop of the Augustinian monastery of St. Bartholomew in Eeckhout near Bruges, and gave it (around 1558?) As a prediction of the events in 1568 in Flanders. In 1567 Karl von Utenhove the Elder made J. made the English Secretary of State William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley (1521–1598) aware of this prediction and expected it to be fulfilled in the coming year 1568. The pamphlet " Imago Flandriae " by Matthias Quad von Kinckelbach (1557–1613), one Friend of Utenhoves, took up Othos interpretation on the occasion of the siege of Oostende in 1604 .

In 1562, Otho published an Introductio in historiam Romanam (= introduction to Roman history ) and dedicated it to Wilhelm Ketteler (around 1512–1582), the former prince-bishop of Münster (r. 1553–1557) and Jülich-Klevischer councilor. The introduction was addressed to the "youth" Theodor Ketteler. In 1564 the Cologne councilor and Count Palatine Johannes Helmann (around 1529–1579) tried to get a place for his son in Otho's school class through Pedro Ximémez (around 1524; † 1595).

Johann Otho's former student Karl von Utenhove the Elder. J. visited Johann Otho and his family in Duisburg in 1565/66 and dedicated the poem “ Ianus Ottho. Scholae Duyburgensis Gymnasiarcha ”. In the poem he pointed the name Ottho after the Hebrew אתת - 'oṯoṯ (pl .; characters ) in Gen 1.14 EU as a sign to the first elements ( prima elementa ) in which Otthos "elementary" education in Latin, Greek and Already hinted at in Hebrew.

In 1577 after the pacification of Ghent , Johann Otho and his daughter Johanna came to Ghent for a short visit.

Otho was close friends with Gerhard Mercator in Duisburg and owned the two corner houses on "Engen Gasse" (also "Gasse zum Panoven (Pfannofen)" and "Gasse zur Roßmühle", today "Kasinostraße") on Beekstraße, which he later rented . He had already bought the house on the left in 1557 to set up the school there.


Johann Otho's wife is mentioned variously, such as in 1557 in a letter from Cornelius Gualtherus (1512–1578) and Georg Cassander to Jan van Utenhove (1516 / 20–1565) in London or in 1559 in a letter from Johannes van der Meulen (Molinaeus) ( * around 1525; † 1575) from Löwen to Cassander in Duisburg. In 1564 Pedro Ximémez sent her greetings from Cologne to Georg Cassander in Duisburg.

Johann's daughter Johanna Otho (* around 1549, † after 1621) was a neo-Latin poet.

Johann Otho's son Daniel Ottho (Hoste, Oste) (* around 1545/55, † probably after 1607) was born in Ghent. In 1566 Johanna Otho mentioned a brother who was currently in Paris . Around 1580 Daniel Ottho came from Duisburg as a Latin teacher at the Ghent University “ten Jacopynen” in the former Dominican or Jacobin monastery (today the “Het Pand” cultural center). His students in Ghent included Daniel Colonius the Elder (van Keulen; Cuelen) (1566–1635), Jan (Joannes) Sygismundus, Wilhelm Baudaert (1565–1640), Joos Laekius (van der Laeck, Lake), Livinus (Liévin) Deynoot, Josias Wibo (Wybout), Louys van den Berghe (Berghius; Montanus) and Philips Gallis (Galle). In April 1584, shortly before the end of the “ Ghent Republic ” , he returned to Germany with his wife and children.

Justus Otho (* around 1580) from Duisburg - very likely a grandson of Johann Othos - enrolled in Heidelberg in 1569. In 1589 "Daniel Ottho, Gandauus Flander" registered in Heidelberg . In 1602 a "Daniel Otto" enrolled there as his old "teacher" in the " Album amicorum " of Wolfgang Marcus Gualtherus (around 1579–1642) from Weinheim ; From 1603 to 1607 a "Daniel Otho" is documented as pastor of Heddesheim near Weinheim.


  • (not preserved) Partes orationis latinae vernaculo sermone digestae . Jodocus Lambert, Gent 1546
  • Breuis descriptio eor. qvae a SPQ Gand. Philippo Austri. Caro. V. Caesar. Princip. Flandriar. Filio, et haeredi et fvtvro Principi Flandriar. exhibita for Gandaui . Cornelius Manilus, Gent 1549 ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library in Munich), ( Google-Books )
  • Terentii flores vernaculo Flandrorum & Gallorum idiomate, ad communem puerorum usum traducti . Jodocus Lambert, Gent 1550 ( digital copy from the Bavarian State Library, Munich)
  • Έκτύπωμα sive Topographia ac Chorographia urbis Gandensis (34 × 24.5 cm), 1551 (Collection Pierre Jacques Goetghebuer, Ghent University Library)
    • Further editions 1567, 1575, 1581.
  • De Pverorvm institutione Plutarchi Chaeronei Liber , quem omnes scholarum gubernatores patresque familias studiose peruoluat & obseruent dignus, è Graeco tralatus, Ioanne Othone interprete. Cornelius Manilus, Gent 1555 ( Google Books )
  • (attributed to) Communium adagiorum, è chiliadibus Erasmi selectorum, aliquot centuriae in puerorum usum cum vernacula interpretatione . Cornelius Manilus, Ghent 1556
  • Plvtarchi Chaeronei De Complvrivm amicitia liber , Ioanne Othone interprete, non infrugiferis per eunde [m] Annotationibus illustratus. Anacharsidis Schytae . Vnius praestantis viri, quàm multorum leuium amicitia potior. Henri van den Keere, Ghent 1556 ( Google Books )
  • Plvtarchi Chaeronei De Esv Carnivm commentarij duo , è Graeco in Latinum conuersi, Per Ioannem Othonem. Henri van den Keere, Ghent 1556
  • Plvtarchi Chaeronei de superstitione Commentarivs Latine è Graece from Ioanne Othone interpraetus. Henri van den Keere, Ghent 1556 ( Google Books )
  • Septem Sapientvm ecclesiae illvstriores aliquot sententiae & apophthegmata. Septem quoque Graecae sapientum praecepta et scite dicta a Joanne Othone… collecta. Adrianus Bethsinnius, Duisburg [pseudonym = Pieter Overd'hage de Zuttere , Wesel] 1558
    • (Reprint) in: Σωσιάδης: Τῶν ἑπτὰ σοφῶν καὶ τῶν σὺν αὐτοῖς καταριθμουμενῶν ἀποφθέγματα , συμβολαὶ καὶ ὑποθήκαι ( Sosiades : Tôn hepta Sophon Kai tôn syn autois katarithmoumenôn Apophthegmata, symboulaì Kai hypothêkai ) / Septem sapientium et eorum qui iis connumerantur, Apophthegmata consilia et praecepta . Sosidae septem sapientum praeceta. Per Joannem Othonem Brugensem latio Donata. Christoph Platin, Antwerp 1570 ( Google Books )
    • (Reprint) in: Pierre Lagnier (Ed.): M. Tul. Ciceronis Sententiae Insigniores, Apophthegmata, Parabolae, seu Similia , at [que] eiusdem aliquot piae Sententiae. Omnia collecta à Petro Lagnerio Compendiensi. Walter Fabricius, Johannes Gymnich, Cologne 1571 (and other editions)
    • (Reprint; with dedication to Heinrich Sudermann and Hermann Sudermann (* around 1491; † 1571), "Duysburgi Clivorum Calendis Decemb. 1568 (= 1 December 1568)") Septem Sapientum et eorum qui iis connumerantur, apophthegmata, consilia & praecepta . In: M. Tullii Ciceronis selectae orationes ad exemplar probatissimorum codicum expressae, cum Christophori Cellarii argumentis, rhetorico artificio, verborum, rerum ac rituum interpretationibus. Additus est index adnotationum. Curavit et auxit, sed et sapientum graecorum apophtegmata per Joannem Othonem, ... latio donata subjunxit Arn. Henr. Westerhovius . J. Wetstein, G. Smith, Amsterdam 1735, appendix with new pagination
  • (not preserved) (Ed.) Candido Spectatori. Prognosticon de statu reipubl [icae] in regio comitatu Flandriae or Lamberti Hantschilti [= Luberti Hautschilti], Abbatis, S. Bartholomaei Eeckhoutani Vaticinium, toti Flandriae fatali, anno M [D] LVIII inchoatum , o. O. o. J. [um 1558?]
    • (Reprint of the drawing “ Imago Flandriae ”) in: Nicolas Bazel: Prognosticon nouum, anni huius calamitosissimi 1578 . Cvm descriptione Cometae visi 14 Noembris anni elapsi , author Nicolao Bazelio. Henricus Henricius, Antwerp 1578 = Prognostication nouuelle, de cest an calamiteux 1578 . Also description of the Comete from the 14th of the Nouembre en l'an paßé . Par M. Nicolas Bazel, Medecin & Chirurgien de Bergues S. Winoch, en Flandres. Auec vne Prophésie fort vieille, nagueres trouuée a l'Abbaye vanden Eeckhoutte a Bruges. Henry Heyndricx, Antwerp 1578
    • (Reprint of the drawing “ Imago Flandriae ”) In: Matthias Quad von Kinckelbach: (pamphlet) Imago Flandriae (copper engraving 28.2 × 36.3 cm). Johannes Jannson, Arnhem 1604
  • Introductio in historiam Romanam pueris iam res gestas cognoscere incipientibus conscripta , per Ioannem Othonem Brugensem. Johannes Oridryus, Albert Buyss, Düsseldorf 1562.
    • 2nd Edition. Introdvctio in historiam Romanam , per Johannem Othonem Brvgensem. Post primam editionem innumeris locis ex fide marmorum, numismatum, & veterum historiarum restituta. Addidimus sex. Rufi Breuiarium rerum gestarum Pop. Ro. Innumeris locis ad fidem antiquiss. exemplarium restitutum. Hubert Goltzius, Bruges 1565 ( Google Books )
  • (not preserved) Sententiae insigniores et Apophthegmata illustriora e S. Scripturae . Christoffel Plantijn , Cologne [= Antwerp?] 1571
  • Grammatica Linguae Latinae , Cologne undated


  • Paul Bergmans: Otho (Jean) . In: Biographie Nationale de Belgique , Vol. XVI. Bryland, Brussels 1901, Col. 365-370 ( digitized from Internet Archive)
  • Johan Decavele: The first Protestants in the Lage Landen . Davidsfonds, Leuven 2004 (excerpt from p. 74: RTF ; 608 kB)
  • Richmond Laurin Hawkins: A Letter from One Maiden of the Renaissance to Another . In: Modern Language Notes 22 (1907), pp. 243–245 ( digitized at
  • Victor van der Haeghen: Contribution à l'histoire du grand plan de Gand, dressé en 1551 by Jean Otto . In: Handelingen der Maatschappij van Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde te Gent 6 (1903), pp. 163–185.
  • Nicolaas Christiaan Kist: Johanna Otho and Karel Utenhove. Eene bijdrage tot de herrormings-geschiedenis van Gend . In: Kerkhistorisch Archief 2 (1859), pp. 419–426, esp. Pp. 420f ( Google Books )
  • Franciscus Sweertius : Ioannes Otho . In: Athenae Belgica sive nomenclator Infer. Germaniae scriptorum . Gulielmus a Tongris (Willem van Tongeren), Antwerp 1628, p. 458 ( Google Books )
  • Jane Stevenson: Women Latin poets . University Press, Oxford 2005, pp. 238–242, esp. P. 238f ( Google Books )


  1. = teachers of the lower grades.
  2. Later editions such as Augustin Blomme: Imago Flandriae, Sive Vaticinium . Lucas vanden Kerchove, Bruges 1671, use an engraving by Pieter de Brune after an illustration by Jacob van Oost the Elder. J. (1637-1713); see. F d. VH (= Ferdinand van der Haeghen): Planches historiques . In: Messager des sciences historiques ou archives des arts et de la bibliographie Belgique 37 (1863), pp. 502–505, esp. 504.
  3. ^ Probably Dietrich von Ketteler (around 1549–1599) zu Assen, Lage and Schüttdorf, son of Goswin II. Ketteler († around 1552) and Countess Cornelia von Rennenberg († 1573), a nephew of Wilhelm Ketteler 2nd degree, studied in Paris and Orléans; see. Studbook of Dietrich (Theodor) Kettler (Ketteler) , 1565–1567; Auction Hauswedell and Nolte, Rare Books and Autographs, Hamburg 2015, lot no.776.
  4. 1605 vice-rector, 1606 rector at the Latin school in Kampen , 1617 civil rights, expelled around 1619 because of his Remonstrant sentiments, 1622 in Friedrichstadt , 1628 city secretary there, postmaster, 1635 author of the Friedrichstadt city rights.
  5. Not identical to the lawyer Daniel Otho (* around 1590; † after 1620) from Öhringen, enrolled in Heidelberg in 1606, Dr. jur. utr., 1616 in Jena, pupil of Dominicus Arumaeus , 1617 in Basel, Hohenlohischer Rat, several public law publications.
  6. Hendrik vanden Keere bought Jodocus Lambrecht's house and printer in Ghent in 1553.
  7. Also Petrus Baselius; from Nieuwkerke, city doctor of Sint-Winoksbergen .
  8. From Venlo ("Herbipolita Venlonianus") (1526–1583), humanist, numismatist and printer, † in Bruges.

Individual evidence

  1. Cf. the Epistula dedicatoria to Plutarchi Chaeronei De complurium amicitia liber : " Louvani [us] quae Germanicarum est omnium florentissima Academia " (= " Lion, which is the most flourishing academy of all German [academies] ").
  2. So in: Brevis descriptio eorum qvae a SPQ Gand. Philippo Austr. Caroli V. Caesar. Princip. Flandr. Filio et haeredi et futuro Principi Flandriarum exhibita fuere. Cornelius Manilus, Ghent 1549 ( digitized versionhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3D~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A10152652_00024~SZ%3D~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D ).
  3. Cf. Aart Adrianus van Schelven: Taymont (Cornelis) . In: Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek Vol. III. AW Sijthoff, Leiden 1914, Col. 1233f.
  4. Letters of December 1, 1610 and September 14, 1611 from Smetius in Heidelberg to Vulcanius and letter of March 18, 1611 from Vulcanius in Leiden to Smetius; see. Philip Christiaan Molhuysen: Brieven van Bon. Vulcanius en Henr. Smetius . In: Oud-Holland 26 (1908), pp. 21–34, especially pp. 31–34 ( digitized , digitized and digitized at Internet Archive).
  5. Herman de Vries de Heekelingen : Correspondance de Vulcanius pendant son sejour à Cologne, Geneve et Basel (1573-1577) . La Haye, The Hague 1923, p. 197.
  6. Callimachi Cyrenaei Hymni, Epigrammata, et fragmenta qvae exstant… Bonaventvra Vvlcanio brvgensi interprete . Christoffel Plantijn , Antwerp 1584.
  7. Ad scholae Othonianae Iuuentutem μελὐδριον . In: Michael Neander: Aristologia Pindarica Graecolatina . Ludwig Lucius, Basel 1556, unpaginated (3 pages) ( digitized version from the Basel University Library).
  8. Έπίγραμμα… πρὸς Ιωαννην Οθωνα (= epigram for ... Johann Otho ). In: Paul Dolscius: Δαβίδου προφήτου καὶ βασιλέως μέλος / Psalterium prophetae et regis Davidis . Johannes Oporinus, Basel 1555 ( digitized version of the Basel University Library); Εἰς Αδριανοῦ Ίουνίου… βιβλία ἓξ πρὸς Ιωαννην Οθωνα Έπίγραμμα (= epigram for Johannes Otho about the six books of ... Adrian Junius ). In: Hadrian Junius: Hadriani Ivnii Hornani medici Animadversoru [m] libri sex . Michael Isengrin, Basel 1556 ( digitized version of the Basel University Library).
  9. "Hypodidascalus (ὑποδιδάσκαλος) disertissimus"; see. F. Sweertius 1628, p. 468.
  10. Cf. Petrus Josephus Maria van Alphen: Nederlandse Terentius-vertalingen in de 16e en 17e eeuw . (diss. phil. Nijmegen). Henri Bergmans, Tilburg 1954, esp. Pp. 19–21 ( PDF ; 8.23 ​​MB, Radboud University Nijmegen).
  11. From Terence: Andria , 3rd act, 3rd scene; literally, for example = " I have no doubt that ".
  12. ^ Author of Itinerarium professionis à se susceptae in Terram Sanctam, Aegyptum, Syriam, aliasque Asiaticas & Europaeas regiones ; see. Antonius Sanderus : Flandria illustrata vol. I (1541), edition Karl and Johann de Vos, Brussels 1735, pp. 21 and 369 ( Google Books ).
  13. Περὶ σαρκοφαγίας, Λόγος Α´ and Λόγος Β´.
  14. Cf. letter of April 4, 1557 from Cornelius Gualtherus and Georg Cassander from Cologne to Jan van Utenhove. In: Jan Hendrick Hessels: Epistvlae et tractatvs cvm Reformationis tvm Ecclesiae Londino-Batavae historiam illvstrantes (1544-1622), Vol. II (Ecclesiae Londino-Batavae archivvm 3). Typis Acodemiae, Cambridge 1897, no. 19, pp. 56–58, especially p. 58 with note 8 ( digitized in the Internet Archive).
  15. See letter dated June 2, 1558 from Arnold Piscator (de Visscher) from Loppersum to Jan van Utenhove († 1566) in: Jan Hendrick Hessels: Epistvlae et tractatvs cvm Reformationis tvm Ecclesiae Londino-Batavae historiam illvstrantes (1544-1622), Vol. II (Ecclesiae Londino-Batavae archivvm 3). Typis Acodemiae, Cambridge 1897, No. 19, p. 79f, especially p. 80 ( digitized in the Internet Archive).
  16. On the symbolism of the printer's mark by Peter de Zuttere Mechthild Bierbach: The "Coniugaisons flamen-françoyses" by Peter de Zuttere (Hyperphragme) and the treatment of tense and mode using the example of passé simple and conditionnel . In: Wolfgang Dahmen u. a. (Ed.): "Grammar of Use" and "Scholar Grammar" . Narr, Tübingen 2001, pp. 43–73, especially p. 52f with ill. ( Google Books ).
  17. From Gent, moved to Wesel around 1553/54; see. Jacob Franck:  Lambrecht, Jodocus . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 17, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1883, p. 565 f .; Peter Jürgen Mennenöh: Duisburg in the history of the Lower Rhine book printing and book trade up to the end of the old university (1818) (Duisburg research 13th supplement) (diss. Phil. Bonn 1969). W. Braun, Duisburg 1970, ISBN 3-87096-024-8 , pp. 17, 39 and 265.
  18. a b cf. Jacob Frans Johan Heremans, Ferdinand van der Haeghen (ed.): Inleiding . In: Joos Lambrecht: Nederlandsche spellijnghe, uutghesteld by vraghe ende antwoorde . C. Annoot-Braeckman, Gent 1882, p. V – xiv with illus. P. Xf. ( Digitized version of the Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren).
  19. See Walter Ghim: Vita celeberrimi clarissimiq [ue] viri Gerardi Mercatoris Rupelmundani , à Domino Gualtero Ghymmio, Patricio Teutoburgensi, ac eiusdem oppidi antiquißimi Praetore dignißimo, conscripta. In: Gerardi Mercatoris Atlas sive Cosmographicae Meditationes de Fabrica Mundi et fabricati figura . Busius, Düsseldorf 1595 ( digitized version of the University and State Library Düsseldorf).
  20. See Bernhard Bunte : About Johannes Molanus . In: Yearbook of the Society for Fine Art and Patriotic Antiquities in Emden 9/2 (1891), pp. 12–46, especially p. 20 ( PDF ; 26.4 MB).
  21. See Jacobus Marchant: Flandria commentariorum Lib. IIII descripta . Plantin, Anrwerpen 1596, p. 128 ( Google Books ).
  22. ^ Letter from Karl von Utenhoves to William Cecil of July 26, 1567 from Friemersheim; see. Elizabeth: July 1567, 21-31 . In: Calendar of State Papers Foreign, Elizabeth 8 (1871), pp. 291-306 ( digitized from British History Online).
  23. Cf. Pieter Burman (Ed.): Sylloges epistolarum a viris illustribus scriptarum , Vol. II. Samuel Luchtman, Leiden 1727, p. 277 ( digitized version of the Mannheim University Library ).
  24. ^ Letter from Johanna Otho to Camille de Morel (* 1547; † after 1611) of September 30, 1566 (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München; Collectio Camerariana vol. 33 = Clm 10384, sheets 279f); English translation by Jane Stevenson: Women and classical education in the early modern period . In: Yun Lee Too, Niall Livingstone (Eds.): Pedagogy and Power. Rhetorics of Classical Learning . (Ideas in Context 50). University Press, Cambridge 1998 (reprint 2007), pp. 83-109, especially p. 91f ISBN 0-521-59435-9 ( Google Books ).
  25. ^ Karl von Utenhove: Xenia . s. n. [Thomas Guarinus], Basel 1568, p. 95f ( digitized version of the Bavarian State Library, Munich), cf. P. 88.
  26. a b Cf. Vicente Colom Gottwald: Der Ruhrorter Hafen. Technology and innovation 1800-1870 (Duisburger Forschungen 39). W. Braun, Duisburg 1991, p. 38; Joseph Milz: Duisburg topography in the 16th century . Mercator-Verlag, Duisburg 2005, p. 171.
  27. Cf. P. Burman (Ed.): Sylloges , 1727, p. 246 ( digitized version of the Mannheim University Library).
  28. See P. Burman (Ed.): Sylloges , 1727, p. 268 ( Google Books ).
  29. cf. Victor Van Der Haeghen: Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der Hervormde Kerk to Gent, gedurende de jaren 1578-1584, (Bloeitijd der Gentsche Reformatie) . In: Bijdragen en Mededelingen van het Historisch Genootschap 12 (1889), pp. 182-280, especially pp. 184, 201, 205, 209f, 213, 218, 223, 225, 233, 235 and 238; Hendrik Gerrit Kleyn: Bijvoegsel . In: ibid , pp. 281-283, especially p. 281.
  30. 1589 refugee in London, 1595 principal of the Latin school in Hoorn .
  31. Cf. V. Van Der Haeghen: Bijdragen , 1889, pp. 185f, 218, 239f and ö.
  32. See Jurjen Nanninga Uitterdijk: Het Album amicorum van Marcus Gualterus, 1593–1649 . In: Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van Overijssel 3 (1876) pp. 1–32 and 89–109, especially p. 10.
  33. a b See Paul Bergmans: Otho (Jean) . In: Biographie Nationale , Vol. XVI. Bryland, Brussels 1901, Col. 365-370 ( digitized in the Internet Archive).
  34. See F. Sweertius 1628, p. 458; Ferdinand van der Haeghen / Thomas James I. Arnold / R. van den Berghe: Bibliography of œuvres d'Érasme (Bibliotheca Erasmiana 1). C. Vyt, Gent 1897, p. 573.
  35. Matching printer brand; Peter Jürgen Mennenöh: Duisburg in the history of the Lower Rhine book printing and book trade up to the end of the old Duisburg University (1818) . W. Braun, Duisburg 1970, pp. 21f, 48; Peter Amelung: Book printing from the 16th to 19th centuries. Literature report 1970-1974 , part II. In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 50 (1975), pp. 210-237, especially p. 221.
  36. First published by Guillaume de Morel (1505-1564), Paris 1558.
  37. ^ Title derived from the leaflet by M. Quad, 1604; see. Martinus Nijhoff: Bibliotheca belgica. Bibliography générale des Pays-Bas . La Haye, Gent 1890, p. 141.
  38. ^ After F. Sweertius 1628, p. 458; there: "M LVIII inccoatum" with a gap in the print, thus translated: "1 [...] 58 beginning" . Abraham Jacob Van der Aa: Biographical Woordenboek der Nederlanden Vol. XIV. JJ van Brederode, Haarlem 1867, p. 239, adds probably imprecisely to M [DX] LVIII = 1548 and understands the information as the year of publication.
  39. ^ Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg, Graphic Collection, inventory no. HB 312, capsule no. 1313.
  40. Cf. Nicolaas Christiaan Kist: Johanna Otho en Karel Utenhove. Eene bijdrage tot de herrormings-geschiedenis van Gend . In: Kerkhistorisch Archief 2 (1859), pp. 419-426, esp. P. 420 ( Google Books ).
  41. ^ Jan Franz Foppens: Bibliotheca belgica , vol. I, Pieter Foppens, Brussels 1739, p. 707 ( digitized in the Google book search).